
My RM name is crappy

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
I don't know what I was thinking when I decided that KonaJosh was to be my RM screen name. How entirely boring and unoriginal. I don't even ride a Kona anymore. Since I don't really have any sort of identity, I figured no one would be confused, let alone care, if I changed it. The big question is: how do I change it? I was thinking of changing it to Enginerd, or maybe Ride Junk, because my bikes are usually a little beat down. Maybe I'll even reassert myself to the lounge community with a Name Poll....


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
KonaJosh said:
I don't know what I was thinking when I decided that KonaJosh was to be my RM screen name. How entirely boring and unoriginal. I don't even ride a Kona anymore. Since I don't really have any sort of identity, I figured no one would be confused, let alone care, if I changed it. The big question is: how do I change it? I was thinking of changing it to Enginerd, or maybe Ride Junk, because my bikes are usually a little beat down. Maybe I'll even reassert myself to the lounge community with a Name Poll....

I agree.

Your name makes you sound like a loser. :monkey:


Turbo Monkey
Dec 18, 2004
spokane, WA
how can you be smelly on all the other forums and not this one, does this one make you smell good? maybe compaired to all the pigs you smell good

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
Wow. I'll just go back where I came from and never show my "face" here again. I guess I should've caught the title. "Crappy" wouldn't be such a terrible custom title, at least I'd have one. Thanx for all your responses.

*Edit: Ride Junk is in response to the old "Friends don't let friends ride junk" slogan my lbs borrows. How nice that it was warped into a slightly homo-erotic connotation.

Enginerd A2

Feb 20, 2002
Ann Arbor, MI
It started as a question asking how to change my screen name. That was the original point. And now it has spiraled out of control. I guess that's what I get for trying to make conversation out of a simple question with you guys.


the Inbred said:
why doesn't someone make a "screen-name change request" thread
Cuz RM said he was tired of changing names 2 months ago. Changing handles is sooooooo last year. :think:

dh girlie

KonaJosh said:
Wow. I'll just go back where I came from and never show my "face" here again. I guess I should've caught the title. "Crappy" wouldn't be such a terrible custom title, at least I'd have one. Thanx for all your responses.

*Edit: Ride Junk is in response to the old "Friends don't let friends ride junk" slogan my lbs borrows. How nice that it was warped into a slightly homo-erotic connotation.

Don't worry about it dude...RM is a place where you check your maturity at the door...hehehe!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
KonaJosh said:
It started as a question asking how to change my screen name. That was the original point. And now it has spiraled out of control. I guess that's what I get for trying to make conversation out of a simple question with you guys.
Just PM me if you want your username changed, holmes.