
My sons' first street/erbun session


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
It's 9:15pm, do you know where your 4 year old is? :D

my son and i were out riding tonight around the parking lot and i snagged some video of him. he finally figured out how to get his front wheel off the ground so he's been going crazy on the speed bump.

words cannot express how stoked i am! :thumb:

here are some vid captures

the little dude about to launch the speed bump

hitting the ramp

the unintentional nose manual

he crashed so friggin hard on a few of these and got right back up and did it again. he started to wimper on one of the crashes until he saw the blood....then he wanted to do it again.:D
one of the many over the bars crashes.

and finally, a random shot of him rolling the 4-pack at the local DS course. he can roll 3/4 of the whole course.....he just needs to grow a few more inches and i can get him a mini for bmx next season.:cool:

i hope these pics make you as stoked about riding as they do me. i guess all those superheroes/kranked/chain reaction vids he watched as an infant payed off :thumb: :D


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
golgiaparatus said:
Aww CRAP! little dude is going down hard in that one pic. Awesome that he got back up and did it again :thumb:

here's a better pic of his actual impact. i think he ate it like that 3 times before i decided to lower the ramp a bit. he hasn't gotten the timing down yet as to when to pull up on a long ramp.



Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
Skookum said:
Haha you must have good benefit package not to mind your kid kissing the pavement like that. :thumb:

ewww i could taste my lunch in the back of my throat.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
I think you need to lower his seat. :D

To cool.....though instead of lowering the ramp you could always tell him it is smoother when you go REAL FAST! :)

That last picture is sweet! Print that out and stick it on the fridge. :thumb:


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
RhinofromWA said:
To cool.....though instead of lowering the ramp you could always tell him it is smoother when you go REAL FAST! :)
ha...i wish he could go faster, he's got that tiny 20-something tooth chainring maxed out by the time he hits the ramp.

the montashu- my son is 4.

skookum - i'd say my health plan is average.....but he wouldn't listen to me even if i told him not to do it. it's all he talks about, "daddy, will you build me a new ramp today....". i think i found a full face that'll fit him so that'll be my next purchase :thumb:

i've got a DS race on sunday, i'm wondering if he can get in some kind of exhibition race against another 'lil dude in between qualification and actual racing. it would be rather amusing to say the least.


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
That is so cool that he's stoked on riding! Definitely get him some pads, though--you wouldn't want an injury to ruin his excitement (although it doesn't sound like that's very likely).


Aug 6, 2004
That's awesome. I just bought my now 2 year old nephew a 12" specialized hotrock for his 2nd birthday. He's yet to grasp the concept of pedaling though.

That faceplant pic looks pretty brutal. I long for the days where I cared not for what grievous injuries would befall me.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 21, 2004
manimal said:
i've got a DS race on sunday, i'm wondering if he can get in some kind of exhibition race against another 'lil dude in between qualification and actual racing. it would be rather amusing to say the least.
nice, it could be a funraiser for new pads and a mini, he could pass his helmet after
BTW doesnt mikedx have some kids...?
Silver surfer vaporiser
Last edited:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Megan calls me a babe.
RideND said:
Lefty come on man, he is only 4. I don't think he needs protection yet.
Well better safe than sorry. If he is progessing and will fall alot in the nearby future, it's better to give him some protection for his elbows and knees. The kind they use with skeelering. But his dad can be the judge of that. I don;t think his mom will be satisfied, when her kid is full with bruses and scratches all over his body.

That's just my2cents.


Nov 1, 2003
Mandan, ND
Lefty said:
Well better safe than sorry. If he is progessing and will fall alot in the nearby future, it's better to give him some protection for his elbows and knees. The kind they use with skeelering. But his dad can be the judge of that. I don;t his mom will be satisfied, when he kid is full with bruses and scratches all over his body.

That's just my2cents.
Yeah I know what you meant. In the States "protection" can mean something else.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Lefty said:
Well better safe than sorry. If he is progessing and will fall alot in the nearby future, it's better to give him some protection for his elbows and knees. The kind they use with skeelering. But his dad can be the judge of that. I don;t think his mom will be satisfied, when her kid is full with bruses and scratches all over his body.

That's just my2cents.
thanks for the concern. i have some leg armor for him but he won't wear it. i figure when his knees are beat up enough he'll put them on. i'm more concerned about his face than anything. as far as the wife goes....she's happy as long as he doesn't bleed on the couch :D


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
Maybe you could talk to some BMX parents who have really little kids who race (I can't remember which, but I know a full-face is mandatory for either ABA or NBL, or maybe even both governing bodies).


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
TheMontashu said:
One of my friends has a 4 year old nephew that dirt bikes. He has full body armor, so i'm sure you could get some dirt bike pads for him.

we found a full face that'll fit him but like i said before, he won't wear pads for some reason. the occasional scab seems to be a mark of honor to him. he shows everybody that he meets ;)