This is not my usual stab at sarcasm and humor, but a real concern about having a real two party system.
Watching the coverage of the election, I actually focused more on the Republicans. Mostly I didn't care about the Democratic message of day since they already had my vote, but I was hoping to see a trainwreck, which between Palin, Ashley Todd,
, there was plenty of laughs and outrage.
I think the serious politics watchers know that Republican party is in serious trouble with no solutions in sight. The reason why I even thought about how they can improve themselves is this segment from the Rachel Maddow Show., which top conservatives are meeting to discuss the future. I saw four pasty-faced white men trying to decide how they will regain power in America.
Whether they find a strategy which works or not, ultimately I believe Obama won, not because he ran a great campaign, but his platforms and his person is what Americans wanted.
My suggestions to the Republican party:
1. Find people who I can respect. White people who did not serve in the military, who made bank without helping another soul, who had everything given them on a silver platter, and whose interaction with minorities consists of taking their order at the country club, is not someone who I respect.
John Murtha is a perfect example of a conservative who I like quite a bit.
2. Get out and meet the people. It is hard to lead the people when Cheney has more interaction with populace. And I don't mean just the base of your party, but the other 60% that elected Obama.
3. Drop the derisive tactics. I heard one line about Karl Rove, about how his derisive tactics work great to win elections but fails when it comes to governing.
I understand to become President, you need to beat up on the other guy. But I will always believe that the Iraqi War served two purposes: one was oil, but the other was ensure reelection for Bush.
I can easily see Rove dream up this maneuver in 2003 when he saw Bush's numbers dropping.
Imagine after all the sniping done by McCain and particularly Palin, who unlike McCain, has nothing to offer the country, they had actually won? How were going to heal the divide between the liberals and the conversatives, the blue states and the red? By winking and saying "You Betcha?"
4. Try to pick issues that general populace are interested in. Two of the planks of the Republican party is stopping abortion and limiting gun control. Majority of Americans are against both things. If you want to make your party about these kinds of issues, you can keep expecting to lose.
I am becoming more moderate as I get older. I actually shocked my friends with some of my voting selections this year. But I am not going to vote for idiots and scumbags because they will lower my taxes or defend my freedoms.
Watching the coverage of the election, I actually focused more on the Republicans. Mostly I didn't care about the Democratic message of day since they already had my vote, but I was hoping to see a trainwreck, which between Palin, Ashley Todd,
I think the serious politics watchers know that Republican party is in serious trouble with no solutions in sight. The reason why I even thought about how they can improve themselves is this segment from the Rachel Maddow Show., which top conservatives are meeting to discuss the future. I saw four pasty-faced white men trying to decide how they will regain power in America.
Whether they find a strategy which works or not, ultimately I believe Obama won, not because he ran a great campaign, but his platforms and his person is what Americans wanted.
My suggestions to the Republican party:
1. Find people who I can respect. White people who did not serve in the military, who made bank without helping another soul, who had everything given them on a silver platter, and whose interaction with minorities consists of taking their order at the country club, is not someone who I respect.
John Murtha is a perfect example of a conservative who I like quite a bit.
2. Get out and meet the people. It is hard to lead the people when Cheney has more interaction with populace. And I don't mean just the base of your party, but the other 60% that elected Obama.
3. Drop the derisive tactics. I heard one line about Karl Rove, about how his derisive tactics work great to win elections but fails when it comes to governing.
I understand to become President, you need to beat up on the other guy. But I will always believe that the Iraqi War served two purposes: one was oil, but the other was ensure reelection for Bush.
I can easily see Rove dream up this maneuver in 2003 when he saw Bush's numbers dropping.
Imagine after all the sniping done by McCain and particularly Palin, who unlike McCain, has nothing to offer the country, they had actually won? How were going to heal the divide between the liberals and the conversatives, the blue states and the red? By winking and saying "You Betcha?"
4. Try to pick issues that general populace are interested in. Two of the planks of the Republican party is stopping abortion and limiting gun control. Majority of Americans are against both things. If you want to make your party about these kinds of issues, you can keep expecting to lose.
I am becoming more moderate as I get older. I actually shocked my friends with some of my voting selections this year. But I am not going to vote for idiots and scumbags because they will lower my taxes or defend my freedoms.