
my trip to Rome


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i spent the better half of yesterday culling and post-processing the huge pile of photos i took last month while in rome, so here's some of the better ones (apologies to some which may go wider than yr monitor...typically i get annoyed by that, but some just can't be truly represented w/ a 600 or 800 pixel width).

before the onslaught, just a few random things which spring to mind:

- albanian familes can be loud and smelly, esp when they are across the aisle in the plane w/ you.
- italy doesn't have better food than france, just a different style. fresh ingredients in a straightforward manner = the win
- rome is a crazy city, traffic-wise. scooters = the win
- it's easy to spot american tourists
- my kids are hugely well-behaved on airplanes

onto the pictures:

the colosseo, still impressive:

some arch outside the colosseo:

my niece nathalie, being mischievous on our train ride out to Ostia Antica:

the boys, chilling on the other side:

headless statue:

some wildflowers (was hoping for much more purple, but the flowers themselves were rather small):

otis on stage in the teatro:

some of the ruins (this place was pretty damn big):

ceilings of one of the churches in popolo sq, and of St Ignatius:

moonrise over rome, from our apartment:

random statue, given the B&W treatment:

view from villa borghese, looking down on popolo square:

statue head in the park:

inside the coffeeshop:

on my back on the floor of the rotunda, looking skyward (the superwide angle lens comes in handy):

st peter's, without the crowds:

looking heavenward, from the altar (could be my fave pic of the entire trip):

the pieta, behind ropes and glass (was amazed my 70-200 f/4 lens could get this good a shot, considering the situation...that lens is a killer):

outside st peter's; maybe H8R's band can play here:

kid's science museum:

still-life w/ accordian player (i tossed a coin or two his way):

trevi fountain, tourist central:

some monument an egomaniac built for himself:

angels on the bridge leading to castel sant'angelo, designed by bernini:

centurions, hard at work:

downtime in the colosseo (kids drew, we people watched):

damn true's ancestors were eaten by hungry lions here:

pillar detail; you just can't get this sort of craftsmanship in N8's spec houses these days:

kids dig toilet humor:

still-life w/ steps:

mechanical space in our apartment building:

arch, forgotten and assimilated into some park:

otis, trying out his new invisible flying carpet:

view from castel sant'angelo:

inside the pantheon, the oculus:

pantheon detail:

now that's good pasta:

impromptu soccer match in trastevere:

swan in pond, borghese:

miles on a bike rental (they didn't have helmets, so don't yell at me):

otis has seen enough ancient buildings:

st peter's:

that's probably enough, if you made it that far.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
but aren't they lovely red x's?

goddamn picasa doesn't make their web album sharing easy...i guess i can't really bitch about it being free, but i suppose i need to upload to my imageshack account.



Apr 2, 2006
Those are awesome pics. The one of the pond with the swan's head near the water was one of my favorites.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
wow tha tone with the two chicks drunk and kissing at the bar is awesome. my new desktop.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
ok wisesasses, everything should be working now. if not, stone me.

biggins, don't worry...i've got a few shots i took w/ you, douglas, and konabumm in mind... :devil: thread to be posted in a few days.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
I love Rome so much. The pictures turned out great. I have a lot of similar pictures from my trip 6 years ago. I had the worst time trying to get a decent pic of the inside of the pantheon, the oculus (at the time I was only equipped with a point and shoot because my camera was stolen at a hostel in amsterdam). You would never realize how big it is until you are standing under it.

The Toninator

Jul 6, 2001
High(ts) Htown
laura said:
I love Rome so much. The pictures turned out great. I have a lot of similar pictures from my trip 6 years ago. I had the worst time trying to get a decent pic of the inside of the pantheon, the oculus (at the time I was only equipped with a point and shoot because my camera was stolen at a hostel in amsterdam). You would never realize how big it is until you are standing under it.
i ended up being there during the jubliee 2000 celebration. Some of the good stuff was just inaccessable to us (picture 8,000,000 extra visitors in rome AT THE SAME TIME.)
rome was my favorite also.
my hotel was just around the corner from the pantheon, that was neat also.
scooters rule!

nice pictures.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
laura said:
I had the worst time trying to get a decent pic of the inside of the pantheon, the oculus (at the time I was only equipped with a point and shoot because my camera was stolen at a hostel in amsterdam). You would never realize how big it is until you are standing under it.
a point in shoot in the pantheon's a tough task...you need a pretty wide angle to get a lot in the frame, and the lighting is difficult. i didn't manage getting a nice image of the oculus (too many blowouts) so i went the B&W route, messed around w/ various contrast settings, and liked how it turned out.

thanks for all the feedback, everyone. i guess lugging my camera backpack all over rome for the week ended up being worth it.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I'm so jealous......

The only true place I would ever like to visit in my lifetime is Italy.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
That's awesome. I want to go.

Glad to see your boy sporting the Red Sox wear. :thumb: :D (obviously the pics were taken prior to the Sox losing three straight to TB)

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Cool shots, narlus. Thanks for sharing.

What lenses did you bring? 70-200 f/4... super wide angle, you mentioned? You were looking for advice on it once upon a time, did you end up getting that Tokina?


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
narlus said:
a point in shoot in the pantheon's a tough task...you need a pretty wide angle to get a lot in the frame, and the lighting is difficult. i didn't manage getting a nice image of the oculus (too many blowouts) so i went the B&W route, messed around w/ various contrast settings, and liked how it turned out.
Yeah, I didn't get much more than a really dark room with a lot of white light. I think I'll pretend your photo is mine. ;) How did the kiddies like Rome?


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
This thread is choking the life out of my brothers laptop.

nice pics.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
IAB, otis still has his Sox johnny damon shirt, and it's funny (and disturbing) to see grown adults giving crap to a 4 year old over shirt choice.

laura, the kids did great. we tried to limit the 'on-the-go' stuff and work in some fun things for them too, and it was a very good balance. the only tough part was adjusting their time schedules. we typically have them in bed by the time most roman restaurants start serving dinner.

BV, i brought my entire kit, except for my flash, and used every single lens. the predominant one i used was the tokina wide (12-24) you mentioned, very good lens and certainly worth the $150 i saved over the canon 10-22. the kit lens worked ok but i didn't have a hood, haze filter or polarizer and it shows sometimes. i think the next ideal lens purchase is the 24-70L, which would give me a full range from 12-200. but, that's over a thousand bucks. :( i may grab another low light prime for concert shots before that one (thinking either the sigma 30 f/1.4 or canon 28 f/1.8).

now i need another hard drive for all the stuff i've collected...gonna place an order w/ newegg today.