
My Very Last Day in the Air Force


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
Today is my very last day in the Air Force, total.
No more BDUs.
No more formations.
No more weapons.
No more rank.
No more inactive reserve status.

My bf just got a raise (he now makes double what I make).

What an awesome day!

Tomorrow....my first day of 'freedom' we will be getting together with friends and eating at an Indian Restaurant and seeing Fatboy Slim at the 930 club.
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :D


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2004
Apt. 421
Congrats on your last day, but i'd like to know, how was your Air Force experience? I'd like to enter the force as a pilot, either fixed wing or chopper. I wonder if they have height restrictions...it may be hard to cram into an f-22 cockpit... :think:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Congrats on your last day, but i'd like to know, how was your Air Force experience? I'd like to enter the force as a pilot, either fixed wing or chopper. I wonder if they have height restrictions...it may be hard to cram into an f-22 cockpit... :think:
My brother is graduating from a NROTC program in May and has already been accepted to flight school. There are also a lot of Prior Enlisted Navy and USMC in his program. ROTC is the way to go. None of that 24/7 crap at the academy. He drinks every night and skis on the weekends. But also gets his work done, obviously. Interestingly, ROTC ensigns have a higher flight school completian rate than academy ensigns. The belief is that ROTC mids have had to make their own schedule for 4 or 5 years while academy officers have had their schedule given to them. ROTC officers have an easier time adjusting to independent life.


AAAAH! Monkeys stole my math!
Mar 4, 2004
Boston....outside of it....
Thanks everyone!

I am actually a contractor doing graphic design and 3D work for the army.

I am celebrating the severing of all contracts with the air force.

I just finished the inactive reserve part .I did four years of active duty, and just finished up the four years of inactive part....which means that they can't call me back at all. :D :D :D

Yes, my plan is to ride my bike more.... this is gonna sound really dumb, but after I got out, I was sooo happy about not having to be called up at any time for a random weigh in.......................so I am a chunky monkey, comparatively speaking in regards to my air force days.

My air force experience was a good one. Never got sent to the sand box, but did get sent to Wyoming, London, Paris, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Romania (Bucharest). I wasn't a pilot.... I's just tha enlisted folk.... doing cop type stuff (which I was not happy about getting, but decided that if I could learn how to be a cop, I could learn anything...considering that it's a total 180 from who I was).

I miss my friends more than anything. But that's all right, it seems that all of my Elite Guard unit from Germany is now living within 3 hours from DC... so we see each other often enough.

Here's some pictures that I found on the net of my unit (apologies for small pics):

Echo, Bikegeek, Morryjg... what did you guys do, and for what branch?


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
hell yes! enjoy many beers!

i just read an article about a guy getting out of the Army & how much $hit he had to go through...I hope your discharge was a lot easier than his.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
MudGrrl said:
My freedom plan consists of riding more, and not worrying about being called back in!

That's AWESOME! You're more than welcome to travel up this way (Sq-Earl & I are pretty good hosts ;) )...we have some great XC & Freeride locally and a few DH places within about 3 hours.