

Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

#1 - 5, and only 5. No ties. Less than 5 is ok.
#2 - Tell us why you want to meet them
#3 - You cannot have already met them in the real world, or knew them before you/they joined RM


My 5:

-MikeD: He's been a ton of cool places, so I bet he has some really cool stories.

-Zach Dank: What can I say, he's probably the sickest jump builder out there. Always seems to have a level head down in the BMX/DJ forum (that's the only place he posts I think). Don't think anyone loves what he does more than this guy. Seems more like an old school surfer than a dirt jumper.

-Renegae Rick: I really just want to see what he's like offline.

-Eric Strt6: If only I can be that awesome when I get old. Plus his dogs look awesome, and he likes doing solo xc rides too.

-MMike: I think deep down, he's a nice normal guy.
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Total Heckler

Beer and Bike Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2005
Santa Cruz, CA
In no particular order.

Arkayne - hilarious on the internet, is he in person?
TN - to share a beer with a real hipster.
Stinkyboy - to share a drink with a real drunk.
Eric Strt6 - lets go for a ride!
Mr. Bishop - to meet the person who keeps this site up and going

I always enjoy putting faces to names of people I met originally online.
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The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
While I haven't met too many monkeys in person, I have gotten to know some on a personal level through PM's and what not. I don't know that I can pick a top 5, but there are many monkeys here that even though I have never met in person, I do consider friends.

I know when Rhino had his wreck, even though I didn't know him personally, I still felt he was a friend and I followed his recovery and pitched in for the bills when I could. My ex thought I was crazy because she would say "You don't even know these people" and my response was "do you really KNOW anyone?"

Is that weird?


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
there really isn't anyone i am dying to meet on here, to tell you the truth.
I would like to poke sanjuro with a stick just to make him angry though.

I would like to ride with numerous monkeys though. :D

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Man, I've met a lot of monkeys...a hundred would probably be a very low estimate. I count 15 that are logged on right now. I am sure they all feel honored and privileged to have met me. :monkey:

I'd be happy to meet, ride and hang with any monkey would could tolerate me for longer than five minutes.

Is it possible for me to unmeet splat?


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
there really isn't anyone i am dying to meet on here, to tell you the truth.
I would like to poke sanjuro with a stick just to make him angry though.

I would like to ride with numerous monkeys though. :D
I deliberately didn't give a reason to meet, so it could be anything... meet to ride, meet to have a beer, meet to have a bbq...

there are rules?
I am not playing anymore.
go back to your bathing basin! :D


Jon, are you really that bored at work? After I met you and I h8rice, that ended it all for me (ahhh, group hug!)
funny guy Jim.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I'd like to shoot a round of pool and have a few drinks with stinkyboy. Seems like an ornery guy who likes to have a good time, and we've gone around a few times on various issues... so yeah. Beers.

I want to meet JBP's mustache. JBP himself would be incidental to the meeting.

Other than that, there are a lot of monkeys I'd like to meet: picking 3 would just be arbitrary.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
1. Westy just to see if he has one lines in person like he has on the puter.

2. jonKranked I got some shimz to give him.

3. Stiksandstones sp? is he still here?

4. Any of the rest, hard to pick, JBP I guess.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
GFF - i like people with tons of life experience and good stories to go with it
mmike - i've always wanted to meet a hermaphrodite :rofl:
dirtmcgirk - i'm sure we could have some fun shooting stuff
jimmydean - seems like a level headed dude
VB - i dunno why


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
Kanter - So I can use him to see Montana in all it's glory and scratch up his fleet of Intenses

Salty4x - To see what it's like to be so bitter you can literally pisz vinegar on demand

IH8Rice - Who doesn't want to see a train wreck in progress?

Binary Vision - Dude is such a calm cool moderator, I can't imagine he'd be very excitable in person. But still neat to see the Shao Lin in their element.

MMike - For the same reason you stare at the workings of the septic treatment plant.


free wieners
Stevew, cuz we seem to have the same taste in cars, choppers and bewbz
Ih8rice, seems like a gearhead
CRoss, sounds like one of the crew I hang with
BV, just to see if he is really like his avatar
Manimal, just cuz we have some good stories to swap
thetruth, everybody needs a funny guy when drinking

Drank with stink, about to again next week.
rode and crashed with jimmydean, and drank, and crashed (plus my couch has never smelled the same)
rode and raced with total heckler (he cant drink)

and met and rode with a handful of others when I was on my cross country road trip.
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Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
Stinkyboy- Drinking contest
gonefirefightin- seems like a cool dude. He's been to the playboy mansion.
Loco-gringo- A fellow disgruntled shop guy
knuckleslammer- I want to piss on him from the roof of a Lincoln Navigator while listening to R-kelly
Stiksandstones- I want to smell his fingers
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Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Narlus - So I can take his camera gear from him :D
Binary Visions - To revel in his geekdom
Damo - So he can show me his awesome cooking skills
Manimal - Because it is always good to be friendly with cops
Angrymetalsmith - Because I appreciate anyone who can produce stuff with their hands.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
i've met a lot of cool people from RM, but here are some others i'd like to:

stevew - we could trade indie rock stories.
jimmydean - we could expound on the ins and outs of oregonian beer
JBP - just seems like an all-around good guy
damo - so he can cook for me while i ride @ morzine
TN - to eat some good food and swill some fine wine (i might have chosen SS but he'd likely opt for the cheap stuff :D )


I'm Mr. Negative! I Fail!
Aug 2, 2008
Im over here now
IH8Rice - Who doesn't want to see a train wreck in progress?
im passed that point in life....im in the rebuilding point prepping for my next meltdown.

gonefirefightin- he likes carz and the motorz that go in them ;)
stiksnstones-he's a O.G.
sandwich-a fellow smartass
BV-i dont believe he's real
Ih8rice-i heard hes a asshol


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
im passed that point in life....im in the rebuilding point prepping for my next meltdown.

gonefirefightin- he likes carz and the motorz that go in them ;)
stiksnstones-he's a O.G.
sandwich-a fellow smartass
BV-i dont believe he's real
Ih8rice-i heard hes a asshol

you have already met Sanwich. You're an asshole for not knowing that.