
Nearly Half in U.S. Want Curb on Muslim-Americans' Rights


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
let's see a red state vs blue state breakdown.

edit - no stats, but the AP story in paper states "Republicans and people who describe themselves as highly religious were more apt to support curtailling Muslim's civil liberties than Democrats of people who are less religious".



unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
valve bouncer said:
I prefer to read it this way "Most Americans Support Equal Rights For Muslims"........
You know I went for a ride after I made the post and I realized that is what the article does say. Eventhough the percentages are close. It still sickens me.

I wonder if you had asked the 44% if they thought curtailing civil liberties for everyone would be okay.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
DRB said:
You know I went for a ride after I made the post and I realized that is what the article does say. Eventhough the percentages are close. It still sickens me.

I wonder if you had asked the 44% if they thought curtailing civil liberties for everyone would be okay.
DRB mate, don't get me wrong, the fact that 44% of people in the survey said that is a worry but it doesn't necessarily mean that they want it to happen. A recent survey here in Japan suggested that more than 50% of people here think that the human rights of foreigners in Japan should not be protected. A scary thought perhaps but not something that keeps me, as a foreigner in Japan, awake at night because I realised it was really just a gut response to an abstract question. In reality it's not going to happen because as people start to understand the consequences of what might happen a lot of them will realise that that isn't really what they want at all. Same with the survey you posted.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Hrm - I hardly think 715 individuals count as a good representation of the US. Besides - where was the poll taken? What if it was in deepest of the Red states (or blue states - see my point?) What if there's a local church that's very anti muslim in that area?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Damn True said:
over 100 of you clicked on the link to Foxnews.com and were exposed to the advertisements therin.

Suckers. :nopity:
you are assuming those who post here read linked articles. this assumption is false. :D also, you fail to account for those who block ads...


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Jr_Bullit said:
Hrm - I hardly think 715 individuals count as a good representation of the US. Besides - where was the poll taken? What if it was in deepest of the Red states (or blue states - see my point?) What if there's a local church that's very anti muslim in that area?
That's what polls do...

Keeping in mind it was on Foxnews, which really doesn't make it news in any way, shape or form though.


Jul 27, 2003
Tacoma, Wa
haha, yeah. gotta love fox - night before the election FNC showed a "poll" showing that bush was up 93% to 7% (or something rediculous like that) over kerry. A little closer inspection showed the poll was from Bill O'Reilly's personal website....

It really is difficult to make any kind of judgement of the american people based on a simple poll - especially when the details of where it was taken and how are not known. If its true though.... thats really disturbing


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
zod said:
welcome to the world of statistics....
Amen. :angry:

Statistics are used to try and prove a point. Most times it is the interpritation of the statistical data where the problem arises.

I have always said (with some varying degree of exact repitition) that with enough data and time to scew it I could prove to you all....at least statistically that I:

1- am black
2- am a female
3- am 44yo
4- have 1.5 kids
5- am a flagrant liberal ;)

- though if you knew me you would know I am not much of any of those things, but some where some data could be used to side with my plea to convince you that I am.