
Need help with my Hayes Nines

I cant seem to get my front brakes working. I ride Hayes Nines (hydraulic). Somebody squeezed my lever when my tire was off. I did the whole compressing the cylinders back out with a box wrench, but I am getting nothing. Been riding with no front brakes for like 3weeks, and I have realized that trees like to jump out at you when you ride with no front brakes.

Anybody got any tips!

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<PURA VIDA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Apr 13, 2004
Denver, CO
You might have blown your pistons out, but it's hard to tell what's really wrong without seeing it.

Best bet would be to bring it into your local bike shop and have them take a look. Have you noticed any holes in the lines?



Jun 6, 2002
you have air in the line. the pads that are in the caliper now are probably full of fluid, so you'll have to buy new ones. as long as you took care when pushing the pistons back into the caliper all youll have to do is bleed the system. look on their web site or go to you local bike shop and purchase bleed kit with instructions, it is easy if you take your time.
p.s. before you buy new pads make sure there really is fluid on them!!! and inspect your rotors for fluid and wear.