
Need Ideas for Trail Features


Jan 4, 2013
Hey guys! I finally have a place better than Nevada to build some trails, somewhere with some elevation loss to it, so I can build a decent length trail. I found a sick spot with a little bit of stuff built, and have been asking around, and found the guys that built it, and learned the the area is just kinda free terrain, so anyone can build there. With the snow melting i figure it's going to be a good time to start building.

Heres the trail that is already there:

I want to start after the drop that comes right after that first step up. The step up is like the start/gathering point at this spot. I want this trail to be unique though. I want it to flow, and be fun to ride. I don't care if the jumps or features aren't huge. I want people to finish with a big smile on their faces.

The hill goes down a lot farther too, so me and a friend plan on using even more mountain than the trail that's already there. We want to use a boner-log style feature, and a satellite dish (similar to the things under the 60 footer at joyride). I'd also like it to be beginner accessible (Have fun go-arounds on the big stuff for noobs) so when we build a gap, we'll build a smaller table on the side.

I'm asking ya'll what you think is fun. I wan't a lot of mellow smooth stuff, that experts can just flow on, and beginners find fun. Then in the middle toss in a few nice gaps (with table options), and then finish off with some big stuff. I'm going to try to keep this a secret from most of the locals, until it's done (except a few friends who will help build.)

I guess what I'm asking you is... What do you think will make this trail memorable, and do you think this is a good/doable idea? I look at trails like full nelsen, and its just fast, flowy, and fun. nothing too big, and go arounds if there is. The trail is world famous too. I want to achieve something like that.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
If it's out in the open and not necessarily legal, I'd skip the bowls and wood features. Keep it dirt.

That looks like a fun (albiet short) trail.


Jan 4, 2013
What's a shark fin?

So I've been thinking about it more, and I think wood features might not be the best, although we will probably still build a boner-log feature. I thought I could go get started this weekend, but another snow storm hit us, so It will be a while.

I have a good line idea started, with a hip to step down to step up, and I've figured out how to make them beginner doable as well, while keeping the step down decent sized, and the step up nice and big.


Jan 4, 2013
oh sweet Julius. Had one of those at my spot back in Reno that got plowed. Already planned on making a few of those. A few small rhythm ones with small gaps, and a big one or two down the trail. I love those things, but in Reno we just call them berm jumps... I like shark fun better.

Heres the one that got plowed. Favorite jump there. You could hit it so many different ways, and style it so many different ways. 10-step down gap

Berm Step-down 0002 smallified.jpg