
need some armor...


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
i took a pretty nasty spill on my commute home last week. some farkface cut me off and i went airborne into the curb. to make a long story short, crash resulted in a bit of road rash on my shoulder and a mashed helmet. I was thinking of getting some armor to protect me from the massholes around here, but dont really want a full jacket or suit. I just basically need some shoulder pads but cant find anything without torso stuff too. due to my soccer GK training, im pretty good at taking a fall, and 90% of the time will land on my shoulders and thats it. Tis good for the rest of my body, but not so much for the shoulders, so i want something that just protects them. Are they out there, or shoudl I just get a torso guard like

661 straight jacket


661 race jacket

for under wear


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
I'd go with the race, looks lighter and easier to move around in.

Will you just be riding on the road with it? That'll look funny ;)


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
xbluethunderx said:
I'd go with the race, looks lighter and easier to move around in.

Will you just be riding on the road with it? That'll look funny ;)
hells yeah. i would have given anything to have *something* as i was flying through the air at 15mph
i would love to just stick to the woods but
1) gas is $$
b. this is more fun than driving

however, if i crash into a tree, its not the tree's fault, so riding dirt only does have its pluses


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
They had that straight jacket on sale at Sierra Trading Post a couple weeks ago for like $25.00!!! might be worth checking out.


Mar 5, 2004
Melrose MA
cripes, thats like stealing. im going to hit up the LBS sometime this weekend for a new helmet. I guess Ill just check out what they have up there.


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
McGRP01 said:
They had that straight jacket on sale at Sierra Trading Post a couple weeks ago for like $25.00!!! might be worth checking out.
Just checked....gone. (Bummer, I wanted one too.)

dh girlie

luken8r said:
i took a pretty nasty spill on my commute home last week. some farkface cut me off and i went airborne into the curb. to make a long story short, crash resulted in a bit of road rash on my shoulder and a mashed helmet. I was thinking of getting some armor to protect me from the massholes around here, but dont really want a full jacket or suit. I just basically need some shoulder pads but cant find anything without torso stuff too. due to my soccer GK training, im pretty good at taking a fall, and 90% of the time will land on my shoulders and thats it. Tis good for the rest of my body, but not so much for the shoulders, so i want something that just protects them. Are they out there, or shoudl I just get a torso guard like

661 straight jacket


661 race jacket

for under wear
Those are perfect for dodgeball as well...


Nov 5, 2001
United States
luken8r said:
i took a pretty nasty spill on my commute home last week. some farkface cut me off and i went airborne into the curb. to make a long story short, crash resulted in a bit of road rash on my shoulder and a mashed helmet. I was thinking of getting some armor to protect me from the massholes around here, but dont really want a full jacket or suit. I just basically need some shoulder pads but cant find anything without torso stuff too. due to my soccer GK training, im pretty good at taking a fall, and 90% of the time will land on my shoulders and thats it. Tis good for the rest of my body, but not so much for the shoulders, so i want something that just protects them. Are they out there, or shoudl I just get a torso guard like

661 straight jacket


661 race jacket

for under wear

Seriously dont get either. They offer no protection at all, if you were to slide along the ground they would protect you from scrapes, but any kind of impact they wont help you at all. Trust me, I ordered one and as soon as I felt it and put it on I knew it was total junk. You really have to get something with hard foam or plastic to protech from impacts.