
need some dog help


May 23, 2006
the ghetto of winston-salem, nc
my GF 11 month old boxer pup is driving us crazy!!!!!1 she has destroyed 3 plastic kennel pans in the last 2 weeks. she has atleast 4-5 toys in there with her during the day ranging from knuckel bones to sweaky toys. she gets plenty of walking before her time in the kennel when we go to work and is out from the time we get home till we go to bed playing with my dog. so im hoping we are wearing her out to get rid of some energy. what would you guys/gals suggest to keep her from eating the kennel pan?:clue:


Oct 15, 2001
Boston, MA
I have a French Mastiff who just turned one and liked to chew...we got him a metal crate to keep him in during the day. I think he got mad from not being able to do anything with it and stopped trying. The metal crates are definately more expensive but sounds like after 3 plastic ones, it makes sense


May 23, 2006
the ghetto of winston-salem, nc
I have a French Mastiff who just turned one and liked to chew...we got him a metal crate to keep him in during the day. I think he got mad from not being able to do anything with it and stopped trying. The metal crates are definately more expensive but sounds like after 3 plastic ones, it makes sense
we have a metal crate its the plastic pan thats used for the bottom that she keeps eating


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Man, Boxers are notoriously spastic. He "should" grow out of it a little bit, but ya, lots of exercise is the key. Got to wear them out good. I dont like Kennels too much either, but I know it cool with some people, so I dunno, maybe a bigger kennel? A pen outside?


May 23, 2006
the ghetto of winston-salem, nc
Man, Boxers are notoriously spastic. He "should" grow out of it a little bit, but ya, lots of exercise is the key. Got to wear them out good. I dont like Kennels too much either, but I know it cool with some people, so I dunno, maybe a bigger kennel? A pen outside?
i love kennel training, it keeps the puppy out of trouble and away from stuff she shouldnt chew on (power cords, couch, ect.)

cant do a pen outside im an apt. dweller


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
yea... remove the pan. Anything she can get her teeth on she will eat, so make it just the crate and a toy or two. My dogs aren't that bad, but I don't like leaving toys in the crate with them - they eat them, get pieces broken off, choke, whatever...


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Just get a metal pan instead of a plastic one. The crate that I had for my dog Missy, came with a metal pan on the bottom to go over the crate bars.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
The Boxers personality is a unique and very enjoyable for most owners but new owners should be weary that the Boxer is not for everyone. They are high-energy dogs and require lots of attention. This is not a breed that is going to lay at the foot of the bed and sleep most of a day away. If the Boxer is not properly exercised and challenged, they can become destructive, as they will find ways to entertain themselves (read chewing your shoes!). The Boxer should be walked or jogged at least two times a day and also provided with mental stimulation. An excellent source of mental stimulation is obedience training. Obedience training is a must for any Boxer owner due to their strength and size. If not properly trained the Boxer can be a handful to take on a walk as they will pull every which direction if not given proper direction. Obedience training is a win-win situation for the Boxer and owner. The Boxer gets to be mentally stimulated, which they desire and it allows the owner to set boundaries for the dog. Placed in the proper home where they can be exercised and mentally challenged, the Boxer makes most owners an excellent pet.
these suggestions are good but it's not helping the dog at all

good luck.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
My dog is like this too.

After his sickness my wife thought it a good idea to let him roam in the house. After 3 days of that and him jumping over the fence we used to keep him in the kitchen he's in his crate today.

My mother in law comes by at 12pm to let him out for about 1/2hr.
1. He could be stressed out in the crate. You can try "alone training" when you are around (like over the weekend). Gate him into the kitchen or a room where he can't do much damage and leave him for small periods of time - slowly increasing the time.

2. He could be BORED. There are lots of interactive dog toys out there. Try getting a kong with the cookies that are difficult to get out. He might spend hours just trying to get the cookie out. Once figures it out though, you'll have to continue to make it more difficult.

3. Exercise! Walking is ok - make him run. Get him excited and get him to run until he wants to just lay down.

Good luck!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
That kong toy is ok but my dog only plays with it for about 2min, he bites the end off tries to like the rest for about 30seconds then he's done with it.

1. He could be stressed out in the crate. You can try "alone training" when you are around (like over the weekend). Gate him into the kitchen or a room where he can't do much damage and leave him for small periods of time - slowly increasing the time.

2. He could be BORED. There are lots of interactive dog toys out there. Try getting a kong with the cookies that are difficult to get out. He might spend hours just trying to get the cookie out. Once figures it out though, you'll have to continue to make it more difficult.

3. Exercise! Walking is ok - make him run. Get him excited and get him to run until he wants to just lay down.

Good luck!
All i know from raising border collies,beagles and pit bulls is that you have to wear them out.
Letting them loose for a bit is not enough.
I use a dog harness and train the animal to run with me while i'm on a bike and short leash.
A little annoying until they learn but believe me, you can accomplish alot in a 15 minute bike ride.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
gotta find what works for each dog.

he bites the end off?

The end of the treat I put inside.
I just read it may be a good idea to limit the amount of toys he has so he can better distinguish which is his toy and our stuff.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
All i know from raising border collies,beagles and pit bulls is that you have to wear them out.
Letting them loose for a bit is not enough.
I use a dog harness and train the animal to run with me while i'm on a bike and short leash.
A little annoying until they learn but believe me, you can accomplish alot in a 15 minute bike ride.
How long of a leash do you use when riding your bike?
The end of the treat I put inside.
I just read it may be a good idea to limit the amount of toys he has so he can better distinguish which is his toy and our stuff.
oh. Kong makes these neat cookies that you can't get out unless you squeeze it.

to make it more difficult at our house, we put yogurt in it, the the cookie, then cover the end with peanut butter and freeze it overnight.

Other things to try - leave a radio on, leave him near a window where he can see what's going on outside.....hhmm, have to think of more.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Pretty short. That way i have good control and can steer the dog if need be .
After a while the dog will catch on and will fall into a groove without as much effort.
Ok cool, my dog is pretty good and keeps this invisible radius around me sans leash but on a bike in a big forrest I need to keep him leashed. Maybe I'll try to take him out at some point soon.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
oh. Kong makes these neat cookies that you can't get out unless you squeeze it.

to make it more difficult at our house, we put yogurt in it, the the cookie, then cover the end with peanut butter and freeze it overnight.

Other things to try - leave a radio on, leave him near a window where he can see what's going on outside.....hhmm, have to think of more.
Yeah I have the special cookies of in it. I will have to try the yogurt thing.


May 23, 2006
the ghetto of winston-salem, nc
see she has been crate trained now for 11 months and she just starated doing this, im wondering if she might be going into her 1st heat and her hormons are going wild. JUST SO YOU KNOW....we havent gotten her fixed yet cause she has doggy whoowhoo problems(large vulva hood?) and the vet suggested she does her first heat so her body chem changes and then we fix her

but we bougth a new Kong with diffrent sized holes and added penutbutter with treats in it......we will see if that does the trick
Ok cool, my dog is pretty good and keeps this invisible radius around me sans leash but on a bike in a big forrest I need to keep him leashed. Maybe I'll try to take him out at some point soon.
Yeah the best way is to introduce him to the new system with no other distractions (read people to laugh at you, if he takes you out) is to be in a remote place...no people, dogs, etc...

Actually i trained my friends 2 dogs for him and it was a little harder as they are older and set in their ways.
I started by going real slow and when they wanted to cross in front of me (the take down) i would buzz them gently with the front tire.
A few times of that and they figured out to stay to one side.
Good luck


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I feel so much better knowing that.

I'm waiting to get my dog neutered since he was sick we have to wait another month.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Yeah the best way is to introduce him to the new system with no other distractions (read people to laugh at you, if he takes you out) is to be in a remote place...no people, dogs, etc...

Actually i trained my friends 2 dogs for him and it was a little harder as they are older and set in their ways.
I started by going real slow and when they wanted to cross in front of me (the take down) i would buzz them gently with the front tire.
A few times of that and they figured out to stay to one side.
Good luck
My dog's first introduction to a bike was last night. Just like the lawn mower he wanted to bite the front tire in an attempt to herd the bike.
see she has been crate trained now for 11 months and she just starated doing this, im wondering if she might be going into her 1st heat and her hormons are going wild. JUST SO YOU KNOW....we havent gotten her fixed yet cause she has doggy whoowhoo problems(large vulva hood?) and the vet suggested she does her first heat so her body chem changes and then we fix her

but we bougth a new Kong with diffrent sized holes and added penutbutter with treats in it......we will see if that does the trick
EW. A dog in heat can be messy :( good luck with that, poor girlie.

some dogs calm down after their fixed, some don't. keep us posted.

we also have a kong ball that we put regular cookies in. Of course she's figured out that if you drop the ball on the floor, the cookie falls out. :busted: