
Need your help, Proxy? Anyone?


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
Alright here is the deal,

It seams that the tech dept. for the ISP our school uses is going nuts with blocking sites! They have blocked steep and cheap, and they have blocked my local MTB club site among bunches of others! Before they get to the monkey, do any of you Proxy in to get around blocks? If so could you let me know how… I will take every suggestion you have!

Thanks in advanced

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
There are a lot of free proxy sites, but typically the ISP will pick it up pretty quick and block the proxy.

Check this post for instructions on how to access the internet remotely through your home computer. I highly recommend the third post if your ISP is filtering traffic (setting up the traffic through port 443). It could easily arouse suspicion but they can't actually see what you're visiting and can only block the tunnel as long as your home IP address remains the same.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
There are a lot of free proxy sites, but typically the ISP will pick it up pretty quick and block the proxy.

Check this post for instructions on how to access the internet remotely through your home computer. I highly recommend the third post if your ISP is filtering traffic (setting up the traffic through port 443). It could easily arouse suspicion but they can't actually see what you're visiting and can only block the tunnel as long as your home IP address remains the same.
well it looks like they blocked all proxies too!

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
well it looks like they blocked all proxies too!
You didn't read closely :)

You're setting up a proxy to your home computer. There is no reason for them to have blocked your home IP address. They can't just block "all proxies" - well, they could, but they'd have to be using the type of filtering where they ban ALL websites and only allow certain ones, and that's extremely rare.


Norman Einstein
Jan 18, 2004
Let me say this first, do not proxy, do not circumvent the networks security. It is not your network, and they have very good reasons to block the sites they do. If you think that their reasons to block certain sites are wrong take it up with the administrators to get those sites unblocked. It will save you a large headache in the future.

That being said, if you feel you must, http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/Proxying_and_Filtering/Hosted_Proxy_Services/Free/CGI_Proxy/


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
You didn't read closely :)

You're setting up a proxy to your home computer. There is no reason for them to have blocked your home IP address. They can't just block "all proxies" - well, they could, but they'd have to be using the type of filtering where they ban ALL websites and only allow certain ones, and that's extremely rare.
no the problem was I went to look at the tutorial, and they actually blocked the tutorial page you had a link to! :disgust1:


I understand it isn't a good thing to do, but the admins are not on site, and they have no clue what I use the sites for. I often use google images to get stuff to work on projcts in class for examples etc. I went to get some images to work out a couple of ideas for winter formal dance tickets, and they blocked it. Not just for the kids, but the teachers too! This weekend they went crazy and blocked a whole bunch of stuff. Including the site where I buy my T-shirts for printing school club shirts! What a bumble F!


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
no the problem was I went to look at the tutorial, and they actually blocked the tutorial page you had a link to! :disgust1:


I understand it isn't a good thing to do, but the admins are not on site, and they have no clue what I use the sites for. I often use google images to get stuff to work on projcts in class for examples etc. I went to get some images to work out a couple of ideas for winter formal dance tickets, and they blocked it. Not just for the kids, but the teachers too! This weekend they went crazy and blocked a whole bunch of stuff. Including the site where I buy my T-shirts for printing school club shirts! What a bumble F!
This is why you should take it up with the admins. Present your case for unblocking the sites. It's kind of annoying when security admins go off the deep end - but remember they're probably not out to get you. :D

They probably have a subscription to a "block list" of some sort and simply implemented it over the weekend.