I'm thinking about trading frames with a guy who lives in N Carolina (I'm in Seattle)... what would you guys do to ensure that everything goes smoothly? i.e. - frame shows up and is in condition described.
I've thought about maybe using local bike shops in our respective locations as sort of "go-betweens." Like he takes his bike to a local shop to be inspected and shipped, and I talk with one of the mechanics to verify everything, and the same happens on my side....
Any other ideas? I just have the feeling that there's little or no recourse for a trade... am I correct in assuming that?
Thanks - and sorry if this is posted in the wrong area.
I've thought about maybe using local bike shops in our respective locations as sort of "go-betweens." Like he takes his bike to a local shop to be inspected and shipped, and I talk with one of the mechanics to verify everything, and the same happens on my side....
Any other ideas? I just have the feeling that there's little or no recourse for a trade... am I correct in assuming that?
Thanks - and sorry if this is posted in the wrong area.