
Neighbor War!!!!


duch bag
Nov 19, 2004
Wooo Tulips!!!!
What is the funniest thing you have done to your neighbors?

last night I put a dead fish in the filter of the air conditioning unit in their window.
(supposed to be in the 70's 80's all week) This was to get back at them for dumping a pot of rice on the hood of my car, not really sure what that was supposed to do.....


Mar 14, 2005
I just have to ask.. what did you do that you deserved the pot of rice on your car???

I used to put a chocolate bar ..half melted and stick it Under their car door handle.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
You should have taken the dead fish, cut it up, and put the pieces under the carpet in the back of their car.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Back in the college days when living in a rental party house across the street from another rental party house we had an all on fued going for a few years. Egg wars were common and we used to steal beer from each other, well I used to steal beer from them. Worst thing I did was crap in their washing machine and wipe up with some clean sheets that were in the dryer. Although eventually returned, this was revenge from they stole my bike. One of my roomates convinced the suspected thief to return the bike by choking the kid and threatening to kill his family.


Nov 26, 2004
good ol' culpep
i took tooth picks one day and soked them in super glue then removed them from the super glue and inserted them into the key holes on their house, all of them, the shed behind their house, and also one in the car door... so glad they never found out who did it. :thumb:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
My classic is the locking gascap bought for a particular victim's car, modified by super-gluing the key into the lock and snapping off the handle, then substituted at 2:00am for the regular one on the car. This is a delayed-gratification stealth subversion, as it is usually not discovered by the recipient until they are at the filling station in need of gas.

Funny and slightly less mean is the pint of milk dumped in the car's hvac intake cowl.

I wouldn't suggest trying this one on anyone you like, but tying a locally-popular flag or banner with strong fishing line to a target's rear axle will get them noticed once they get moving and forward motion has a chance to unfurl it into the dirt just behind the car.

It's always fun to hide rainbow "pride" stickers on the cars of straight people you wish to prank late on a Sunday night.

Here's one that causes no real "damage", but will drive a person nuts- a handful of BB's dropped into a car's hvac vents -AND/OR- letting all the air out of their tires and refilling each with a can of Fix-a-Flat. The result is an rattly car with four tires that are each made horribly unbalanced by an unevenly-distributed internal lump of sticky goo.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
llkoolkeg said:
letting all the air out of their tires
I let all the air out of the tires of a very-deserving bitchy girl. While I was doing it, I noticed that the tires were fairly new Michelins.

Well, this girl was not exactly known for her brains. Instead of attempting to re-inflate the tires, she called a flat bed and had her car hauled away. When she came in the next day, she had four brand new Goodyears on it :eek: - between the tow ride and the four new tires, I wonder how much that moment of stupidity cost her?


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
binary visions said:
I let all the air out of the tires of a very-deserving bitchy girl. While I was doing it, I noticed that the tires were fairly new Michelins.

Well, this girl was not exactly known for her brains. Instead of attempting to re-inflate the tires, she called a flat bed and had her car hauled away. When she came in the next day, she had four brand new Goodyears on it :eek: - between the tow ride and the four new tires, I wonder how much that moment of stupidity cost her?
Nice to know that our nation's auto mechanics are doing all they can to improve their image concerning the swindling of female customers. :rolleyes:

I pulled a similar prank on this dude in college I caught trying to pick the lock of my footlocker after a night of drinking. Right before the Winter semester break, I got his spare car key from his roomie while he was taking an exam, popped the hood on his car and pulled his ignition wire out of the distributor receptacle, but not out of the protective rubber boot. As a result, he packed up his car to drive back to New Jersey that night for Christmas Break only to have his car turn over easily but not fire. By the time I left for my friend's party that evening, he still was making arrangements to have it tailored back to the dealership in Jersey. I found out the next semester that in his zeal to start the motor that night, he completely flooded it by stomping the accelerator during cranking...causing his fuel injectors to just DUMP gas into the motor. The dealership ended up charging him several thousand dollars for a new motor, towing fees and all that associated labor. :devil:


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
llkoolkeg said:
It's always fun to hide rainbow "pride" stickers on the cars of straight people you wish to prank late on a Sunday night.
Someone did that at work...and the (male) victim only saw it after two weeks of coming on and off the military base with it. So he figured out who did it, and two months later, said perpetrator was looking at his custom cool-guy license plate frame, and realized it no longer said something about how cool he was, but that it somehow read, "I love to suck huge man-cock."
I used to live next to a bar \sand volley ball court.
Well, the drunk participants would always park all over my driveway street (and its posted no parking-private, etc.) to where i would have to park 3 blocks away and walk home.
My M.O. was to have few beers myself then set out under the cloak of darkness and use a valve stem core removal tool to quickly let out air of 2 or more tires depending on their infraction(location and how bad it screwed me) and then tighten the stem back up. This was to confuse the perp about what the problem was with the tire.

In all fairness i did nothing except leave notes on cars kindly asking to not park there again the 1st few weeks.

The funny part is that after you' ve drank and played volleyball for hours you are in no mood to change 2 flats and\or call a tow.
Letting out air ='s no permanent damage.

I would hide out behind my big plam tree and smugly amuse myself when they came out.

Juevenile yes but hey it worked. :nope:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
firetoole said:
I bought a house next to a rental party house (cheep rent + beer + 2 18 yo kids = sencless acts of rice)
Man, you are in for it. Since they rent, they have nothing to lose. You, on the other hand, own your house so you have everything to lose.

Good luck with that.

dh girlie

pixelninja said:
Man, you are in for it. Since they rent, they have nothing to lose. You, on the other hand, own your house so you have everything to lose.

Good luck with that.
:stupid: Crappy neighbors SUCK ASS...I had one stupid whore and her boyfriend and dog next to me...total white trash...then ANOTHER stupid whore and her stupid tool of a boyfriend and their poor dogs...it SUCKED for about 6 years...then some guy bought the house and his brother moved in...I was scurrrred they were gonna be bad neighbors being young, single dudes, but they really fixed up the place and they're really cool...thank god...not sure what I did to deserve the previous f%ckers.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
we lived in the same house for about 10 years. we had some HORRIBLE neighbors.

problem was, they were business's. resturant/nightclubs. they were not there when we moved in. and they were Ethiopian so they maybe didn't understand american culture? I don't know but they sucked. music so loud it would cause the windows in our house to rattle. call the cops, and the business owners would tell the cops to F.off. nice.
their patrons would piss in the street when they final got out from drinking. they would serve booze after hours (we called the liquor board many times, it did nothing).
they would come out DaRunk and git in their cars, usually smashing our cars trying to drive away. their punk kids would rip the fence down in front of our house and randomly beat people up that were walking down the street.

most of the patrons were cab drivers and they would park their cabs or other cars for WEEKS infront of our house.

we didn't do to much to these A-holes because it was always too many people to fight. and they knew when we weren't home.
but one thing I did was after I'd been drinking beer for a good bit, I'd stop peeing in the bathroom and start peeing in a giant cup.
then i'd take the cup outside and pour it into their open rear window of their cabs....


Mar 17, 2002
My neighbor has a tiny dog that constanty yips 24 hours a day. No kidding, all freaking day and night. And on top of that she coos and coddles the dog talking in her shrill ass voice things like "You're so cute widdle dog", and "Awwwwww!" all day.

Yelling at the dog and her at 3am to stop the barking and the insanity has proven worthless. I am now in the midst of plotting something dastardly.

That's right "dastardly", and I mean "dastardly" in the most "dastardly" of terms. Much like an evil railroad baron with a tophat and monocle, twirling his curly mustache going "heh, heh, heh", at the sight of a helpless lady tied to a railroad track.

I need this woman and her damned dog to suffer immeasurable pain and suffering. Bitter? Yeah. I only slept like 3 hours last night. Stupid dog, and stupid woman that doesn't sleep, yapping on her phone. I didn't know dogs could talk on the phone, but that didn't stop her from going:

"Speak, honey speak into the phone"


"Good girl! Now one more time!"


dh girlie

LOOnatic said:
Give barking\yapping dogs big chunks of peanut butter.
They love it and it makes them very thirsty and quiet.
I used to smear it on a fence for my neighbors dog as they would never shut the thing up. Never as what you are dealing with.
BAHAHAHAHA! that's exactly what I was going to say! It backfired on me once though...I threw a hunka pb over the fence once and the dog stopped yappin for a minute...but then he started again...so I had to sneak into her front courtyard and get the wad of pb cuz the damn dog wouldn't eat it!!!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Craw said:
My neighbor has a tiny dog that constanty yips 24 hours a day. No kidding, all freaking day and night. And on top of that she coos and coddles the dog talking in her shrill ass voice things like "You're so cute widdle dog", and "Awwwwww!" all day.

Yelling at the dog and her at 3am to stop the barking and the insanity has proven worthless. I am now in the midst of plotting something dastardly.

That's right "dastardly", and I mean "dastardly" in the most "dastardly" of terms. Much like an evil railroad baron with a tophat and monocle, twirling his curly mustache going "heh, heh, heh", at the sight of a helpless lady tied to a railroad track.

I need this woman and her damned dog to suffer immeasurable pain and suffering. Bitter? Yeah. I only slept like 3 hours last night. Stupid dog, and stupid woman that doesn't sleep, yapping on her phone. I didn't know dogs could talk on the phone, but that didn't stop her from going:

"Speak, honey speak into the phone"


"Good girl! Now one more time!"

Just call the cops, they should ticket her for a noise violation. My mother had a dog that barked all the time and she got a ticket or two for it. I ended up inheriting the dog and was worried about the barking. The dog barked like twice and I yelled shut up in the tone of voice that said "be quiet or I'll hang you from a noose made from your small intestines" and the dog has been great ever since.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Slip a shoebox full of crickets under their house. They won't sleep for months.

Write the word "ASSHOLES" on their front lawn in big letters with lots of salt, then turn the sprinkler on.

Shave their pets.

Let the air out of their tires, then fill the valves with epoxy.

Cover every window of their house with gay porn. Use a good permanent photo adhesive spray for extra laughs.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Glue their wiper blades to the windshield.

Or coat their wiper blades in vasoline. Lots of it especially on the underside.

drill big holes (or even better just cut it) in their exhaust pipe before the muffler. The closer to the manifold the better.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
H8R said:
Slip a shoebox full of crickets under their house. They won't sleep for months.

Write the word "ASSHOLES" on their front lawn in big letters with lots of salt, then turn the sprinkler on.

Shave their pets.

Let the air out of their tires, then fill the valves with epoxy.

Cover every window of their house with gay porn. Use a good permanent photo adhesive spray for extra laughs.
For the extra touch outline the letters of salt with plenty of fertilizer so the get an outlined raised letter effect. Reverse the process according to taste.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Craw said:
That's right "dastardly", and I mean "dastardly" in the most "dastardly" of terms. Much like an evil railroad baron with a tophat and monocle, twirling his curly mustache going "heh, heh, heh", at the sight of a helpless lady tied to a railroad track.

I need this woman and her damned dog to suffer immeasurable pain and suffering.
Strychnine doggy treats.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
One thing my roommate did was broke into the neighbors house and pissed on their phone, then called them.:)


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Westy said:
For the extra touch outline the letters of salt with plenty of fertilizer so the get an outlined raised letter effect. Reverse the process according to taste.
Very nice touch!


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
My neighbor's dogs would not stop barking and they would let them out at all hours god for sleeping.

I bought a Barkerator from ebay. and put it behind a plant on the deck.

Dogs stopped barking.

I have a friend who lives next to a big time drug dealer in west palm beach. He did the same thing except had a electrician hard wire it in a tree in his back yard.

The dealer rotts are now afraid of their own shadow.

Funny stuff


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
dh girlie said:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I was wondering about the Ethiopian night clubs too...I didin't know they liked to dance and tear it up so much...
they are really resturants. but after 10 or so they cranked the music.

they were scum bags. i hate them.

there were a few ithiopian resturants in my one block area. some of them were also drug dealers. we had one or more of Americas Most Wanted caught directly across the street from that house.