
Never seen this thing advertised before... Amazing.


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
Before The Solution™, Design Options for Safe and Comfortable Bicycle Seats were either non-existent or half-attempts on improvements of the century old Horn Designs. In fact, the "best option" available were the Split-Horn Designs.
Manufacturers simply built the seat with sections of foam rather than the standard one-piece design. This "design" did little to truly provide a comfortable ride, and, the cyclist was still sitting on a seat that applied pressure to the areas of the Human Body that simply were not DESIGNED to accommodate that pressure.
The Manufacturers that came up with the "bright idea of the Split-Horn Design also decided to offer Gel-Strips. The "IDEA" was that the Gel-Strips combined with a Split-Horn would provide Shock-Resistance and make the ever present seat "HORN" softer! Yet...
Cyclists were still riding bicycles with abnormal pressures applied to parts of the body that simply were not built to withstand the pressure and road-shock that this HORN created. What was truly necessary was the elimination of the HORN completely
Over a period of years, the inventor of The Solution™ decided he had had enough of the Horn and Gel-Pads, and Bumper-Crops of Injury and a lack of comfort and began experimenting with different designs until he created The Solution™. The design was so unique, and worked so well, he was able to Patent the design. Since the Patented Solution™ became a reality, articles have appeared in magazines, doctors, professional cyclists and even Bicycle Police have come to depend on The Solutions Comfort and Protection!
With The Solution™ you won't feel the discomfort associated with typical narrow horn-styled bicycle saddles and, you will eliminate placing pressures on areas such as the Perineum, a area of the body not designed to accept that PRESSURE and SHOCK. In the center of the The Pubic Ramus is Perineum, an area of soft-tissue and an important nerve center; it is effected every time you ride a bike with a horn-type seat.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
rooftest said:
I'm disappointed that there aren't any better pics of that seat - what a rip off!
The TV ad was pretty funny. The seatpost looks to be the narrowest available to allow use of the "universal shim" (which I still get a kick out of. That's gotta be the worst idea ever), and it's curved backwards at the top. Can we say, bent at the sight of the first bump?

It's basically a couple of huge foam grips bolted onto a post. Clearly the inventor is some kind of genius ;)


Oct 17, 2002
Did y'all hear that Brooks is making bar tape to match their saddles? Yippie!!

Yes, buy the Brick, err, Brooks and your @ss will thank you.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
Think of the amazing saddle as an anti-theft device. With two foam rollers on top of a seat post nobody inn their right mind is going to steal it.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 18, 2004
lovebunny said:
at least that second seat looks like it was well thought out and made and has a professional looking site. the first one looks like they took the leg rollers off an exersize machine and welded em on a seatpost

thats probably what they did