
New Bikes are cool....


Turbo Monkey
Jul 1, 2004
Check it out!

I retired from BMX 20yrs ago, I've been racing mountain bikes for a good while. Decided it is time to give BMX another go.
On weekends I'm not racing Mountain Bikes, my son and I are going to race BMX. I'll throw up a pic of him and his new rig as well.

New 20" Crupi BMX Pro XL Frame.

It's going to be a sweet build! Here is a pic of the frame & Fork. Stem is only tempoarary until I get my new one.

Jake and his new bike. He's stoked!



Apr 19, 2004
That's plain awesome right there! My son's only 10 mos but I'm already planning out his bmx bike :)
Wait till you get 3 kids, all on BMX bikes, and have them all racing. It's quite fun, but getting everything around for the races kinda stinks since my wife never helps me. I have 1 hour to get my kids ready, fed, and out to the BMX track.

Mr Tiles

I'm a beer snob
Nov 10, 2003
L-town ya'll
saturdays are usually my day to take care of wild man. I usually take him to my parent's house to hang out since they live 10 mins away. Just having one is like moving a small army everytime we go somewhere. I know it's b/c he's so young. can't wait till he's out of the bottle stage I guess. It was cool yesterday. the weather was real nice in the evening and it was the first time he actually played outside. I put him in a walker and he rolled around the driveway chasing me on my bike for at least an hour...good times


Turbo Monkey
Nov 8, 2001
Rumson, NJ
Nice frame. Your son's bike looks dialed too.

It's cool to have the kids to ride with. I've been bringing my oldest to the trails for years. We just built a table/berm/roller line at our local spot so he could have something to really ride.

ctrailFreak said - it's gets hetic the more kids you have riding. Just getting them ready and stuff and as I found the past couple weeks - wrenching and buying parts for all the extra bikes.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Glad to see the bloodline for this family of BMX royalty will continue! Rad frame, and I love how your kid is pretty much riding the same Vans we all did back in the day...


Turbo Monkey
Jul 1, 2004
I am not one of the Patterson Bros. (Brent & Brian) If that's who your thinking of. They are also MUCH older than me. They are from Cali, I'm from Texas. I come from that same era of BMX. I started racing BMX in '76 retired in '85. I did know Brent, Brian and their family quite well. I raced BMX from Age 6 until I was 15. I Accomplished a lot & actually rode for Patterson Racing products for a short time because of good friend Buddy Jones. I was factory sponsored by several different companies, Texas-4 #1 rider 2 yrs in a row, 2 time Texas state Champion & won lots of big races, blah, blah, blah. We did however have a family of Patterson's racing in BMX. In the Texas Area mostly, but did chase points all over the nation BITD. Sorry to disappoint. I wish I could say I was related, but I’m not. Keeping the Nostalgia of BMX is important. Know what it's all about and where you come from. Jake has seen all my pictures and heard my stories. Classic Vans baby! :monkey:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 1, 2004
Finished Product! Decided to Pull a Jared Graves and sticker it up with Yeti Stickers to match my 303 and 4x Rigs. :busted:

While I was at it, I built up a 24" Cruiser as well.



Turbo Monkey
Jul 1, 2004
I just got 2nd today at the Pikes Peak (Colorado Springs) Indoor ABA State Champs in my cruiser class. :monkeydance:

This weekend was first time in 20yrs I have raced BMX. Friday got 3rd, Saturday got 3rd, and Today I got 2nd.

Decided to hold back on the 20" bike, need more practice. I've been riding Downhill/4x so long it just makes that bike feel so little.

Good weekend overall. I'm happy.

My son Got 3rd on Friday & 3rd on Saturday in his class (7 Novice), and 4th today against the 8yr olds because his class didn't make.

He now has the bug, we are headed to Dacono, Co next weekend for the season opener there.

I'll post up some pics I have from this weekend later.


Apr 11, 2006
I'm so glad to hear that. Somebody was trying to convince me that everything went to NBL. FVCK that. What is your standing in the state as of the last BMXer?


Turbo Monkey
Jul 1, 2004
I'm so glad to hear that. Somebody was trying to convince me that everything went to NBL. FVCK that. What is your standing in the state as of the last BMXer?
NBL is just about out of Colorado. 3 tracks that I heard were NBL are switching over to ABA, So after that I'm not sure if there are any left.

First time in 20yrs I have raced BMX, So I don't know my standing yet. we'll see and play it by ear. This weekend was kind of a Test for me. I wanted to see if I could still do it after all these years. I think I answered my own question. Now to get some practice on the 20". We'll see how that goes.


Apr 29, 2004
The OC
wait,'while you were at it', you built a 24, with a very similar, highend spec. damn

both of the bikes look sick for bmx racing though.