
New Bikey


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
Our team has been looking to for new bikes. Been looking to get a light hardtail for everyone and a deal was done with Fuji. To be honest a had never really heard of them before. They ended up sending us their European Team Issue frame. Aluminum front with carbon chain/seat stays. Only have a couple of rides on it so far (waiting for my knee to heal up..5 stitches:mumble: ) Will post of a review once i get some real time on it



leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
The few rides i ahave had on it i have liked. Accelerates great but the rides isn't that harsh thanks to the carbon stays. Weighs in at 22.7 as it is now. Waiting on m R7 to get here and that will drop a full pound off of it. Have a few other parts to change out to drop a litle more after that. Should come in alittle under 21.5 :rofl:


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
my wheels weigh more than that.

fuji was around back in 85 when i got my first schwinn high sierra.
truth be known, i bet they've built quite a few frames for big name companies.

at least it's the right color.:love:


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
dhbuilder said:
my wheels weigh more than that.

fuji was around back in 85 when i got my first schwinn high sierra.
truth be known, i bet they've built quite a few frames for big name companies.

at least it's the right color.:love:

I can tell you this much Joey, they (Fuji) are being real good to us :love:

BTW, i'm goin to try and swing by and see you all and check out the rock after Off Road Assault on Mt.Mitchell.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
good to hear they are doin ya'll right.
it's amazing that not too far north of here you have such a dynamic racing scene.
you know how pathetic it is around here.

i'm still blown away by the terrain in this part of the country, and the absolute lack enthusiasm of the local cycling communities to take full advantage of it.
i've seen so much lost to just nothing more than non-use.
and so many choice areas that we couldn't pay people to go check out with us.

did i tell you about being approached by the t.w.r.a. last year ?
they had a massive area of land in cambell co.(as much as 80,000 acres.)that they were willing to give to me to develop mt. bike trails.
they'd seen my work up at windrock and thought i'd be interested.

as my plate is beyond full up here, i started getting in touch with shops, and clubs and a local race organizer.
absolutely no interest whatsoever.
it was an embarassment to get back with them and say thanks but nobody around could be bothered.
so now a.t.v.'s and motorcycles will have even that much more land.

so way to go on getting your team decked out with bikes.
and kill em at mt. mitchell.
but bring along hiking shoes when you visit, cause that sweet little hardtail won't pass the new inspection process at the rock.:)


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
dhbuilder said:
kill em at mt. mitchell.
but bring along hiking shoes when you visit, cause that sweet little hardtail won't pass the new inspection process at the rock.:)

i'm just hoping mt.mitchell doesn't kill me :dead: . and no worries , i am bringing hiking boots. its been so long since i have made a trip down that mountain i would not doubt destroy myself even if i did still have a dh bike:clue: .
i would just like to see some of the new stuff that has been built since the last time i was down there. that mountain is an ever evolving deal and just gets better and better. i will give you call when i will be in town, beers are on me