
New Convert


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
I finally got my winter project--last winter's project, that is--finished up, and took the 26" rigid SS for a spin. It's an older Access aluminum frame I picked up dirt cheap, and a hodgepodge of other parts, all used except the tires and fork (one of those Mosso eBay specials). The weight feels like low 20's, and the fully rigid set-up is so snappy!

What a blast; I ought to have built one of these a long time ago. Today's pathetic ride has made me question my original plan to race SS XC next year, but I probably ought to be questioning the wisdom of in 33x16 setup in the Seattle area! Regardless, I am hooked :D


Aug 6, 2007
Longview, Washington
Tomorrow will be the maiden voyage actually, but yes the goal is to make it up all these PNW hills.
I wanted to run 32-20/21/22 but didn't have a any cogs other than 14/15/16. 22-15 fits my chainstay length exactly and translates to the range that I was after. I hope I won't be pushing.