
New DH Bike.


They saw my bloomers
Feb 17, 2004
the DC
Holy sh*t - Zach got a DH bike!!!!!! I'd take that over a clapped-out Giant any day....nice ride dude! :thumb:


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
who cares if he says what he paid for it....he said e.p. not wholesale, besides you always have something dumb or negative to say about everyone...why dont you just get out and ride, and keep you opinions to yourself!

Msisle Dad

Jul 1, 2003
Catonsville, MD
Originally posted by drt_jumper
who cares if he says what he paid for it....he said e.p. not wholesale, besides you always have something dumb or negative to say about everyone...why dont you just get out and ride, and keep you opinions to yourself!
im gonna have to agree, and i work at a shop



Dec 3, 2003
Annandale, VA
Originally posted by drt_jumper
who cares if he says what he paid for it....he said e.p. not wholesale, besides you always have something dumb or negative to say about everyone...why dont you just get out and ride, and keep you opinions to yourself!
Originally posted by Msisle Dad
im gonna have to agree, and i work at a shop

You guys have gotta be kidding me. It's giving out ep prices that angers the companies that just hooked you up. If you're caught doing that then some companies (anal ones) will revoke those privileges. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. It's best just to keep ur mouth shut about these things. Afterall, these companies don't give out ep prices to the public so why should you?

(not such a big deal for me, but just understand that it isnt' a good idea to give out ep prices.


May 20, 2003
Manassas Va
it doesnt matter if someone gives out ep prices....for one reason...anyone who doesnt work at shop cant get them, it doesnt matter...hell i am half tempted to start putting ep prices from giant, spec. ed., and others just for fun on here! This is ridiculous, it doesnt hurt anyone to know ep prices, if it were wholesale prices from Bti or Qbp or something like that then it would be diff. because the average joe would know how much or how little the markup is! Everyone needs to quit b!tching and moaning about what people do and go ride! Also downy how many people that we all ride with have you told how much you paid for stuff? It is the same thing...no big deal!


Nov 4, 2003
Columbia, MD
Its pretty pathetic how my thread turned into a argueing match. If people who bike have any smarts, then they will relize, and most do, that how things are marked up. Welcome to the economy of the USA. People aren't stupid. Oh, and by the way that wasn't the exact EP price, but in fact, a rough estimate. I would appreciate it, in the future, that if anything anyone has to say or comment negatively on would be PMed instead of posted. That way it doesn't turn a thread about someone being happy about a new bike into this! I have never seen so much unnecessary drama on a forum in my life. thanks.


Dec 3, 2003
Annandale, VA
Originally posted by sguhrofst8
Its pretty pathetic how my thread turned into a argueing match. If people who bike have any smarts, then they will relize, and most do, that how things are marked up. Welcome to the economy of the USA. People aren't stupid. Oh, and by the way that wasn't the exact EP price, but in fact, a rough estimate. I would appreciate it, in the future, that if anything anyone has to say or comment negatively on would be PMed instead of posted. That way it doesn't turn a thread about someone being happy about a new bike into this! I have never seen so much unnecessary drama on a forum in my life. thanks.
Sorry about that. You're right, but this is worse at nsmb I think. Whatever ...

Sweet bike though. I'd like to try that out sometime. How do you like it so far after riding the shed?

Animal Mother

Nov 26, 2003
Northern VA
Originally posted by sguhrofst8
Its pretty pathetic how my thread turned into a argueing match. If people who bike have any smarts, then they will relize, and most do, that how things are marked up. Welcome to the economy of the USA. People aren't stupid. Oh, and by the way that wasn't the exact EP price, but in fact, a rough estimate. I would appreciate it, in the future, that if anything anyone has to say or comment negatively on would be PMed instead of posted. That way it doesn't turn a thread about someone being happy about a new bike into this! I have never seen so much unnecessary drama on a forum in my life. thanks.
Sick em Killer!

Sweet Bike!!!!!!!
So glad to see you made the decision before Diablo! Let's ride soon, gotta see the beast in action....


btw/ where in the h#ll did you come up with that avatar... think i'm gonna have nightmares now ;)