
New FBI Stats confirm More Guns = Less Crime


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus

However, on Monday the FBI released crime statistics that should cause the applauding anti-gunners to sit on their hands. The statistics indicate that between 2008 and 2009, as gun sales soared, the number of murders in our country decreased 7.2 percent. That amounts to about an 8.2 percent decrease in the per capita murder rate, after the increase in our nation's legal and illegal population is taken into account. And it translates into about a 10.5 percent decrease in the murder rate between 2004, when the ban expired, and the end of 2009. And finally, it means that in 2009 our nation's murder rate fell to a 45-year low.
FBI stats here: http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/prelimsem2009/table_1.html

And last week Daley told a Chicago Reader reporter, who expressed skepticism about the effectiveness of Chicago's handgun ban, "It's been very effective." Holding a bayonet-equipped rifle, Daley added, "If I put this up your butt, you find out how effective it is."
Daley is such an idiot. Handgun ban = bayonet-equipped rifle? if he's going to claim that a handgun ban is working, he should probably display a HANDGUN. douche.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I'm sorry I missed this thread on the first pass.

Frankly, I cannot be certain about gun sales and the effect it has on crime.

For example, were the gun sales going primarily to existing or new gun owners?

What are the current staffing trends in police departments, hiring or firing?

What are the crime rates for low-level drug dealing, the cause for the spike in murders in late 80's and early 90's?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
The crime problem is solved!

Hand out free guns in high crime areas.

Or maybe that just means that Obama lowered the crime rate.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
...by becoming the best gun salesman in history :D
What I find amusing is that Obama has done NOTHING to limit gun sales. Actually, since he allowed guns to be carried in National Parks, he has actually weakened gun control.

That and abortion are two loser issues for all politicians, and Obama is an operator.

But everyone demonized Obama, and guess what? He is more moderate than liberal. Just see how he opened offshore drilling a month ago...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2005
Bleedmore, Murderland
I can't find it right now but I have also seen statistics showing(over the same period of time) that the recession and unemployment has had a huge impact on lowering violent crime.

Yes gun sales were up, but those were legal gun sales...The majority of guns used for crimes are purchased illegally. Those people which purchase guns illegally are in most cases the same people hit hardest by recession/unemployment. The article went on to show how recession = less illegal firearm purchases = lower crime, all while at the same time legal firearm purchases were soaring.

Correlation not causation

Edit: Currently searching for the Article


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
"a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage"?


"a gun that looks like a chicken and a gun in every car"

guns for everyone! buy guns! buy several! put a gun on your gun so you can shoot while you shoot!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Really, if the NRA could prove more gun owners means less crime, that would be something.

But Joe Sixpack loading up at the the Gun-n-Rod shop because Sarah Palin and Alex Jones told him Obama is taking your guns away is not indicative of anything.


Feb 22, 2005
Manassas, VA
manimal I think you kicked the bees nest.... Im in on this though....

I think more legal ownership and concealed carry DOES have an impact on crime.

PS nice to see a LEO that is PRO-gun... so many cops in my area think only cops can be trusted with guns.


Sep 20, 2004
In My '09 WRX STI
Manimal: I'm late to this thread but I'll throw my opinion out there. As a patrol deputy who patrols one of the worst neighborhoods/area in my County, I feel that if California would stop making victims out of their citizens, we wouldn't have the crime we have now.

I have had several citizens who can legally own a gun ask if they should get one. I have only one answer and that is "YES!"

With the budget cuts my department as well as others in the CA have faced, the citizens are being put at an even greater risk and they can't defend themselves for fear of being prosecuted. It's sad and I hate it.

I wish my County was pro CCW but sadly, they are not and it sucks.