
New job (I hope)


High Priest or maybe Jedi Master
May 2, 2006
Ventura, CA
I started at my present job a little over three months ago. At first all was good, but lately my boos has been driving me nuts :mumble: . She constantly accuses me of putting things off, but most of the time things aren't done because the perwork is on her desk awaiting signatures or I am waiting for direction from her. The job is nothing like it was supposed to be (property management with some bookkeeping). Today was so bad I almost quit and went back to driving a cab, at least until I found something else :redhot:

Anyway, I just received a call from the city Housing Authority to schedule an interview for next Tuesday. More money, better benefits and I won't be stuck in the office all day (no surfing the monkey :nopity: ).

I hope I get it


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Hope the interview goes well Rob.
Remember, burning bridges is the only way to keep moving forward ;)