
New mileage record...


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Why? Why would someone do this?
Sounds like one hell of a cocaine bender.

In all seriousness, I learned a long time ago that miles on the bike != fun on the bike. I'm guessing I could have a shitload more fun without all that saddle time. Of course that doesn't mean I wouldn't be in favor of having the opportunity to ride that frequently...


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Ask @gonefirefightin about his coast to coast ride. While epic, he has said "it was awesome to do once. Once." I equate smiles, not miles to my level of enjoyment with any activity really.
Yeah - I did the Kokopelli Trail once a long time ago. Really fun riding the first day followed by a couple days of... nice views.

I've got friends that blather about doing White Rim - I'm sure it's pretty out there... but 3 days of jeep road and sand? No, thanks. I told them I'd ride the good stuff in Moab and then meet them for camp each evening. :D