At least some of them; in the 60's, Clinton was living in Russia. Only communist sympathisers were allowed into Russia during that time of the cold war. Therefore, Clinton = Communist Supervisor = Reason he sold nuclear technology to Communist China.
I got that factoid from a documentary about the cold war from an interview with a former KGB person. By now, EVERYBODY should know... IF YOU SEE IT ON A DOCUMENTARY, IT MUST BE TRUE!!!!
At least some of them; in the 60's, Clinton was living in Russia. Only communist sympathisers were allowed into Russia during that time of the cold war. Therefore, Clinton = Communist Supervisor = Reason he sold nuclear technology to Communist China.
I got that factoid from a documentary about the cold war from an interview with a former KGB person. By now, EVERYBODY should know... IF YOU SEE IT ON A DOCUMENTARY, IT MUST BE TRUE!!!!
* Economy: Presided over longest expansion in history, now in its 118th month. More than 22 million new jobs created; unemployment down from 7.5% to 4.0%; poverty down from 15.1% to 11.8%; minimum wage up from $4.25 to $5.15 an hour; homeownership rate up to a record 67.2%. Dow Jones Industrial Average rose from just over 3,200 to about 10,600. Critics say private entrepreneurship and Republican push to balance the budget spawned the economic boom. Supporters say Clinton's deficit-reduction package in 1993 and pro-growth policies were key factors. Bottom line: Presidents get the credit in good times and the blame in bad times.
* Trade: Pushed to expand trade despite opposition from organized labor and liberal Democrats. With GOP help, won passage of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), a new global trade agreement and permanent normal trade relations with China. U.S. exports grew from $642 billion in 1993 to nearly $1 trillion in 2000. However, imports grew even faster, which caused the U.S. trade deficit to balloon from $76 billion in 1993 to a projected record $450 billion in 2000.
* Health care: Failed to fulfill his 1992 campaign promise to create universal health insurance. Instead, won smaller improvements: expanded coverage for low-income children, increased portability of insurance from job to job, minimum 48-hour hospital stays for new mothers, stronger nursing home regulations and faster review of new drugs. Expanded access to abortion and family planning services under Medicaid but failed to win a prescription-drug benefit under Medicare.
* Budget and taxes: Presided over a budget turnaround from a $290 billion deficit in 1992 to a $230 billion surplus in 2000. His deficit-reduction package in 1993 increased taxes on gasoline, business and high-income groups by $241 billion. Budget surpluses reduced the national debt by $360 billion over past three years to $3.4 trillion. Reduced federal employment by 377,000, mostly through cutbacks in defense.
* Education: Pushed to hire 100,000 new teachers and reduce class sizes. Won authority to hire 49,000; 29,000 are in place. Pressed for national standards and federal aid for school construction but did not win passage. Supported creation of charter schools, which grew from one in 1993 to 2,000 now. Nearly doubled Head Start funding to serve 880,000 low-income preschoolers. Supported Republican efforts to give states more flexibility in using federal funds in return for greater accountability in meeting academic standards. Won enactment of Hope Scholarships, which provide college tuition tax credits for low- and moderate-income families. Expanded work-study and Pell Grants to serve more students. Lowered interest rates and fees on student loans.
* Families and welfare: Expansion of earned income tax credit gave 15 million more families tax relief and helped lift 4.1 million people out of poverty. Pushed and signed into law the Family and Medical Leave Act, which allows workers to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to take care of seriously ill family members. Increased federal funding for child care. Increased minimum wage from $4.25 an hour to $5.15. Welfare reform legislation finally enacted after two Clinton vetoes. It helped decrease recipients from 14.1 million in 1993 to 6.3 million. A supplemental $3 billion provided job-training, health care, child care, housing vouchers transportation and other aid to help recipients make the transition to work.
* Foreign policy: Tried to broker a peace between Israelis and Palestinians through his final days in office. While declaring the U.S. military the strongest in the world, critics say he has presided over a decline in military readiness and morale. Created controversy by lifting a ban against gay men and lesbians serving in the military but later embraced a "don't ask, don't tell" policy. "Nation-building" efforts in Somalia resulted in 18 U.S. deaths and a quick pullout. Intervened with troops in civil strife in Haiti but pulled out in face of criticism. Backed down when Saddam Hussein denied access to United Nations weapons inspectors and waited nearly two years before coming to the aid of overwhelmed U.N. peacekeepers in Bosnia. Put together a NATO force to bomb Kosovo to halt ethnic cleansing, but his refusal to use ground troops resulted in more bloodshed against refugees before the fighting stopped. U.S. troops still in place in Bosnia and Kosovo. Softened criticism of China's human right abuses to expand trade. Led U.S. efforts to win a cease-fire and peace talks in Northern Ireland.
* Environment: Opposition in Congress forced him to compile most of his environmental record with things that did not require legislation, but he secured passage of the Safe Water Drinking Act, which tightened water-quality standards. Also got funds to protect national treasures and local green spaces, increase research and development of energy efficiency and clean-energy technologies and expand cleanup of urban toxic waste sites known as "brownfields." Created by executive order and regulation nine new national monuments, adopted tougher soot and smog standards and extended through 2012 the ban on oil drilling off most of the USA's coast. Raised the level of protection for 58 million acres of national forest last week. Environmentalists give him good marks but say he should have done more to combat global warming and protect endangered species. Administration backed an international global warming treaty but didn't fight for its adoption by the Senate.
* Crime and drugs: Crime rates dropped steadily since 1993 to 25-year lows in 1999 but leveled off in 2000 and rose slightly in some areas. Won funding for 100,000 new police officers and supported the creation of community policing programs in high-crime areas. Won passage in 1994 of Brady Law, which requires background checks for gun purchases. Administration statistics say it has stopped 179,000 illegal gun sales since enactment. After a slow start in combating drugs, launched an anti-smoking campaign during second term. Started a $195 million media campaign that helped curb drug abuse by youths, an area where drug use had been increasing. Stepped up efforts to stop drugs at their overseas sources, particularly in Colombia, but critics say he didn't do enough about hard drugs.
what the heck were you reading the people's daily for? their info is just about as up-to-date and realistically journalismish and objective as the pentagon's press release, or for that matter, fox.
well, see, cnn/time warner, no matter how bad they are, are still watched by world leaders, inclduing that north korean douche bag whatever his name is,. now who in the world reads people's daily? it's like the Soviet paper, the Truth, which was only good for usage as toilet paper.
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