
new personal best


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
23.2 miles in 1:13 minutes = *drum roll please* 19.07 average mph.

Did some short but steep climbs early on, then a big basically flat section, then some rollers to finish out. If it weren't for all the stopping at intersections, I think I could have gotten close to the 20mph mark, which is my ultimate goal.

Ian F

Turbo Monkey
Sep 8, 2001
Philadelphia area
Nice! :thumb:

How often do you do group training rides? They can easily average 25 mph for a 30 mile "A+" ride. The "A-" group I rode with years ago would usually average around 22 mph.

I think my personal (solo) best is around 20 mph on a dead-flat ride in Southern NJ. It was more or less solo as I pulled the whole ride. That was my last ride with that group as it was supposed to be a "C+" (about 16 mph average).

I haven't ridden pace-line with a road group in quite awhile, though... 5 years or so... Sometimes it good for gauging fitness level against others.

I've been trying to work back up to that level... :( Best I've done recently is 17 mph for my 23 mile route over rolling hills, many lights and one good size (2 miles long and steep as hell in the beginning) climb.


OMG! <3 Tom Brady!
May 2, 2005
Out of my mind, back in a moment.
Sheeit. Today I dropped about 1 MPH from my previous plateau. Although, I really havent ridden in a week due to the oppressive and dangerous heat up here.

Topped out today at 17.3 average, off from my 18.4 that I was at 2 weeks ago.


Jul 5, 2001
Victoria BC
We punched out 80 km last night in 2 hours and change with a fast group that included some Cat I-II's. It had a couple of tough climbs on the route, but nothing epic. It was fugly, just hanging on, then yoyo-ing off and on, totally gutted by the end, a lactic mess. Average speed on the computer was 37 kph, which is 23 mph. Slow for the Tour guys, but pretty fast for an old has-been wanna-be like me.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Today I did 41.3 miles in 2 hours 10 minutes, for an average speed of 19.06. I didn't feel nearly as strong as I did yesterday, but I'm very pleased with the ride. 41.3 miles is my longest solo ride to date.

I would have been a couple tenths higher (average speed) except there is a traffic light about 2 miles from the end of the ride. I got stopped for about 90 seconds, then had to get the motor running for the last long, gradual climb. That 90 second stop just killed me.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
nice job jackson.....and put me down for another vote for a the group road ride thing

too bad you werent closer, or you(we) could do one of the centuries coming up around me


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
jacksonpt said:
23.2 miles in 1:13 minutes = *drum roll please* 19.07 average mph.

Did some short but steep climbs early on, then a big basically flat section, then some rollers to finish out. If it weren't for all the stopping at intersections, I think I could have gotten close to the 20mph mark, which is my ultimate goal.

I tried to beat ya tonight (man did I pick the right route or what?)

22.927 in 1:12:19 for a 19.02

damn close, but ya got me BITCH!
