
New to LA and I wanna ride

Jul 7, 2008
Hi everybody.

I just moved here from Orlando. I actually used to live out here from '99 - '01 and now I'm back. I live in W-LA (right by Pico & Sepulveda) and I ride every day of my life. I thought I'd run into riders just by being out there every day but so far I haven't met anyone who actually loves riding the way I do and I'm getting kinda lonely.

I ride a Cannondale Chase. I've been riding my whole life on and off, when I was younger I competed nationally at BMX, I did alot of flatland and vert ramp back then too, and then I started racing motocross, which I still do and love. About 4 years ago I had knee surgery and as part of my rehab I picked up the Chase, my first pedal bike in a long long time, and fell back in love with riding. I've been riding it just about every day ever since. I would still have the same bike, in fact, but as soon as I moved back to LA some crackhead stole it from me in Venice.. so I bought another one.

I like to ride alot like I do on my dirtbike so I do alot of highspeed big air jumping and downhill stuff when I can, but I'm really down for anything.. I jsut want to ride with people who will push me, and I can push them, to be better.

Anyways, if anybody is in the area and rides alot or just wants to ride sometimes.. hit me up. I'm out of work in about 5 mins and I'll be out there again, looking for new ways to break my bike and myself. Join me!


learn about me...




PS. It's a longshot, but if anybody plays MX vs ATV untamed online for PS3 .. look me up on there too.. same name. I will destroy you!
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Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
dude, check out the XC ride... DH style thread. plenty of peeps local to you who ride ever weekend. ok, we try to ride every weekend, but some of us don't always make it :D