
New way to get route distances--RouteRuler.com


Jul 4, 2005
I am a runner in San Francisco, CA who was frustrated by trying to determine exact route distances. I found driving them to be tedious, time consuming, and less than accurate, especially when I wanted to run on trails, through parks, and down one-way streets where cars cannot go.

So, I got together with another runner-friend of mine and created a FREE online application called Route Ruler, which allows athletes to draw their own routes on downloaded maps and gives them exact distances. As far as we know this is the only free service of its kind, and it eliminates the need for buying costly GPS gadgets.

We are still fine-tuning some of the features and look of the site, but we do have a website up at www.RouteRuler.com , and want you to take a look at it. We feel it could turn out to be a great training tool for Cyclicts as well. We have been live for 2 months now and have 1200 members and average 6900 hits a day.

We wanted to see if you would give it a try and send us any comments you might have. We will be constantly improving the look and usability of Route Ruler through the coming months.

I hope you like it, and I look forward to any comments you may send.

Alex Sumberg


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Cool, seems similar to this program


If you are in the Bay Area and ride road this is an awesome(and free, no strings attatched tool). If you are creative you can easily add your own maps to it and make it work for your local area. I've been using it for the past 4 months and it is very cool.

The Ito