
new years resolutions


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Mine is to lose 15-20 lbs in the next 3 months. I start tomorrow. I need to lose this winter fat.

edit. Im 194 as of Dec 31, 2005.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Kanter said:
Mine is to lose 15-20 lbs in the next 3 months. I start tomorrow. I need to lose this winter fat.
I just need to loose the fat period! LOL But I hear ya, my goal is to loose that or more for the next 6 months. My girlfriend would like to loose some weight too so hopefully we'll be able to be partners in this. I know it can be hard if you are doing it by yourself.

I'm going to try and ride more. Lifting weights and getting a somewhat average cardio base back up. Right now I'm so out of shape that I should see a good difference in the next 2 months or so if I stick to a weight/running deal. I have all the tools, just need to use them!

Riding is high on the list though. No point in having DH/4x/XC bikes and just letting them sit and collect dust.


Nov 14, 2002
Bay Area
Ok, like you two guys I need to get into better shape too! I want to loose 25 lbs by June, increase my general fitness and concentrate on building some upper body strength. It's to easy to just go ride all the time which is what I do whenever I get the chance. On those days when I can't ride which is more often than not then I need to do some other workout. I saw a yoga for cyclist program that might be interesting. I've never done anything like that before.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Ill be checking in here once a week to report my progress. Do the same. It helps to make a chart. 175 here I come.


Nov 14, 2002
Bay Area
Oh, I see, we have started the new Fatboyz Forum on Ridemonkey!

First report from my fat ass.
January 2, 2006 ---- 248lbs
Goal is to loose 25lbs by June 1, 2006 with the ultimate goal of getting down to my ideal weight of 195lbs by September 1, 2006


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Ahh I'll get into this I guess. 5'11, 243lbs as of this morning. That'd be January 2nd, 2006. I'll do the same, post back weekly and see where I'm going. Hopefully further than I've gone in the last 6 months to a year :)


Nov 14, 2002
Bay Area
Hey Spunger!

You're killing me with all that enthusiasm. There is nothing like solid commitment.

You know, I had a buddy that was around our size and he did something very simple and lost quite a bit of weight over about six months. He would not eat anything after 6pm. Period! If he missed dinner then he would not eat till he had breakfast. So, he did not miss many dinners and always finished by 6pm. Sounds too easy but I saw it work. I am a snacker and always want a little something around 10pm or so.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Lonewolfe I hear ya, I thought after 6 or 8 p.m you shouldn't eat anything. I too am a sucker for snacking on something late night. I stay up until about 3 a.m in the morning (just from habit) and always snack on something.

I've already cut out buying soda even though I only would drink 1 can per day. I just drink it if we eat out someplace. I am going to start seeing if I can eat more fruit/veggies with dinner. And cooking dinner at home helps too! I agree though, you gotta eat small meals all during the day if possible. Breakfest is the hardest for me to eat for some reason unless it's something simple like a Bagel (which ain't that good for you to begin with). I will try though. Being so heavy is starting to take a toll on everything. I just feel so out of shape to a point sometimes it gets depressing.

I don't drink beer or anything either so that one I already got nailed down. Sweets aren't that common besides the every now and then 2-3 reese's mini-cups or something like that. I already drink loads of Crystal Light (weight watchers 0 points) but would like to get more OJ and Milk into my diet. It's more than Dieting and exercising but a lifestyle change that you can stick to. Will I give up Coke, beef, cheese etc... NO but I'll try to cut back on it alot.

I'm gonna try the not eating late. I think that's a excellent idea to be done eating all food between 6 and 8 p.m. I thought about eating the larger meal for lunch and eat a smaller meal for dinner. You never need the beefy meal at the end of the day but more so in the middle or atleast it makes sense. I dunno though I'm do dietican, just an average 24 year old who would love to shed 20-30lbs. Thank god though for being a male as it's easier to do than a female.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Well, I am with you guys here. I eat late. I usually work 12 hour shifts. I eat when I get home around 10pm. Now, I take food to work and eat at 630pm and no more the rest of the night. I am trying to eat every 2-3 hours, too. I take fruit, veges, Slim Fast bars, begals, etc. I am no longer drinking any pop except a Red Bull now and then. No more chips or cookies either. I have learned though, that you cant eat good all the time. I pick one meal a week that I can eat whatever I want.

I use to weigh 218 before I met a mountain bike 5 years ago. The first year I mountain biked I lost 50 lbs in just a few months. I got down to 168 for the entire summer and rocked the local DH races. Now that I have gained about 25 back in the last couple years, its time to get serious. I WILL get down to around 170. I did find that to stay under 170 I have to starve myself. I think 170-175 is my ideal weight.

I heard the other day that almost 80% of people in the US are over weight. Montana has the lowest percent at about 60%. I am not going to be one of them. I work in the medical field and see that a lot of health problems are caused from people being over weight. I want to stay healthy and ride my bike until Im old. Im only 32yo but I want to ride till I die.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Kanter said:
I have learned though, that you cant eat good all the time. I pick one meal a week that I can eat whatever I want.
I hear you on the food! Last night I think was our "fatty night" was we call it. Ehh......I pick 1-2 meals to eat whatever on. But whatever works for you right?

I'm younger, just turned 24 last month. When I got out of high school I never weighed myself but I guesstimate I was in the 185-195 range, being 5'11 in height. After school ended I was working a computer job mainly sitting and gained roughly 50lbs. I was eating out lunch and dinner probably every night of the week as well at places that wern't too good for you (jack in the box, KFC, fatty mexican places, Taco Bell, Mcdonalds etc...) you get the picture. So once I saw myself weigh 250 I knew it was time to do something. Within the month I got down to 235-240 and have pretty much stayed in that range. I'd love to get down to 215-220. I know it isn't that much weight loss but I think it'd make a huge difference in the thing that counts the most to me. How I feel and how I look.

I just got another set of 100lbs of weights (so now I have 200lbs) and I have a bench and dumbells and what not. I also have a punching bag and a treadmill. I'm hoping that over the next 3-4 months that I can get into a groove. I got a partner willing to do the same so it shouldn't be as hard as for some with no help.

But I'll do the same on here, keep a weekly log, and won't lie or cheat on it. If I don't exercise in the week I'll post. LOL I'm on here everyday anyways, not like it's hard to post in the Fitness fourm :rolleyes:


Apr 19, 2004
I have been running every nite for the last 3 1/2 months. Eat a sandwich and some Laye's Baked chips for lunch. Eat a decent dinner and in the AM I have either Oatmeal or egg beaters.

I have gone from 320lbs to 240 and have 20 pounds left to hit my goal! I'm 6'8" tall so 220 is thin for me!

Once you commit to it, You'll be fine with the diet and exercise. It should take a month to start noticing a change, But weight comes off in stages when you don't have much to lose.

When you want to drop mass like I did, you have to feal like your going to die for the first month of exercise, and that was the hardest part.... "was running fat!"

Another thing you can do to lose more weight faster is stop drinking pop. I have lost 80 pounds in less than 4 months and will have lost 100lbs within the next month or two.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Well 6 days for me and my pants feel better already. Ive eaten good and exercised everyday except for one. I even went to my parents house for a few days and did real well.

194 as of Dec 31, 2005
189 as of Jan 5, 2006

The first 5-10 are usually real easy.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
Goal over all is to lose about 30-40 pounds. As with the others, I will post progress, eating and work out habbits.

Starting weight: 246 as of Jan. 4th 2006

Current weight: 244 as of Jan. 6th 2006



beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
O.K.....I'm in as well. We should see if we can make this thread a sticky. :)

I'd like to get down to 165 lbs. by April.

Current weight as of 1/7/06: 179 lbs.


Apr 19, 2004
McGRP01 said:
O.K.....I'm in as well. We should see if we can make this thread a sticky. :)

I'd like to get down to 165 lbs. by April.

Current weight as of 1/7/06: 179 lbs.
You should be able to lose that in a month or so. It wont take very long at all with exercise!:)


Dec 23, 2004
Silverdale, Wa
well last year was to get up to 180
i did it now just to maintain it

this year is to not drink all year no more booze
I'm liking cranberry and red bull when we go out


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
194 as of Dec 31, 2005
189 as of Jan 5, 2006
185 as of Jan 9, 2006

Ive lost 9lbs in 10 days!!!! I have been eating good and exercising almost every day.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Hmm...I haven't done so well but haven't done much either. This morning I weigh.........243. So I lost 2lbs but that's nothing. But I'll be fair in this. No sense in lying. I haven't eaten great or exercised at all. LOL I got lazy this past week.

We're gonna try again this comming week and see what happens.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Kanter said:
You have to make a life change. Just do or dont do, there is no try.
Heh, well I know you either do or don't but to get into that groove, you really have to try, especially when it is a life change. But I have a buddy in this (my girlfriend) who has a bigger goal then myself, but I'd do anything the help her out. It's hard though dictating what's for dinner or to snack on because not everything can be fufu health nut (or I'd go nuts).

If I ate like some of the people do on TV (rabbit food basicly) I'd loose weight like no other but I just won't do that to myself. What's the point of living if you can't enjoy somethings, sometimes?

I gave up Coke at home, that's a life change :) It's hard to drink crystal light/ice tea/milk all the time. But that was a start to ween my body off of caffine. We have some junk food but nothing like before. As of this morning I was 240.5 so things are going down, just no Kanter 10lbs in a week :)


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Spunger said:
What's the point of living if you can't enjoy somethings, sometimes?

There you said it; "somethings, sometimes."

Its all about exercise and portions. Just hang in there.

I have been getting up in the morning and riding my stationary bike for 30-50 minutes almost every day. It was super hard the first couple days. Now, I go to bed a little earlier and its a little easier.


Dec 23, 2004
Silverdale, Wa
i just did a quick ride through the city

around 8-9 miles in 45min its hard to keep a good speed in this city
almost got squished twice
and got lost in some neighborhood with no lights:help:

I'm really liking single speed :)


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
well i didn't make any specific goals, but i do want to do spin class twice a week (tues/thurs) and run once on the weekend. i also want to cut out the crap food and eat a little less each meal. i'm almost 40 so the metabolism's on the downward trend, and i gotta keep my body active and keep a reasonable balance of work, family and personal time.

edited to say that i've haven't missed a spin class this year yet, even turning down Bruins' tickets once.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
My resolution is to keep my sanity until all of the resolutioners at the gym finally quit so things can get back to normal there. :p

That, and I want to bench 200. I'm at 185 now.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I Are Baboon said:
My resolution is to keep my sanity until all of the resolutioners at the gym finally quit so things can get back to normal there. :p
is it really that noticable... all the new members?

My resolutions is to be a better husband, to ride more, and to wheel more, though I'm not sure the last 2 can happen if the first one does.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
jacksonpt said:
is it really that noticable... all the new members?
It's very noticeable. The gym goes from being someone quiet after work to being downright busy. It's annoying having to share the equipment with so many more people when I know they're just going to quit in a month. If they prove me wrong and stick with it, more power to them. But they won't.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
I Are Baboon said:
The gym goes from being someone quiet after work to being downright busy. It's annoying having to share the equipment with so many more people when I know they're just going to quit in a month.
I had been a member to the local gym, didn't really go all that much and wasted my money. I instead had a weight bench from high school, 115lbs of weights, and bars to make dumbells out of the weights and started. I now got another 100lbs for Christmas which is more than enough.

I offically started today working out. I gave up soda at home, most junk food, and I am gonna try to eat breakfest, lunch, and dinner at normal times and not dinner at 10 p.m. I'm started with bench press/incline etc...and found out that my threshold isn't much (so I know I am way out of shape) when I have a hard time benching 100lbs. That was on my 3rd set too. But I'm gonna work into doing atleast 30 minutes a day on the treadmill, lift weights, hopefully ride more, and eat better and see where I get. I started off today at 241. And I am gonna stick to it too. There's a local race that's at the end of April and I thought if I hit my goal (or see such an improvment that I'd be happy) that's my goal, to enter my first MTB race.

I'll work my way up, but I can't just go do an hour a day running in the shape I'm in. It takes a little time to get up to that point, same goes with weights because I don't want to over-do-it at the start but at the same time I don't want to hurt myself to where I can't do anything. Being hurt does me no good.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
I Are Baboon said:
It's very noticeable. The gym goes from being someone quiet after work to being downright busy. It's annoying having to share the equipment with so many more people when I know they're just going to quit in a month. If they prove me wrong and stick with it, more power to them. But they won't.
I always think it's so funny. you complain about this every year. :p


Mar 14, 2005
my resolutions are:

train for and compete in a mini triatholon.
another century
ride more.. a lot more
and kiss my wife more


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
one thing I see missing from this discussion is more on lifestyle choices and getting educated to make the RIGHT choices. You don't have to eat rabbit food, you just need to choose good quality fuel for your body in the right amounts. Portion size especially here in the good ol USA is a real killer...
I'm reading Chris Carmichael's book Food for Fitness: Eat Right to Train Right and it's really excellent. What does a portion size look like? What is quality fuel for your body? What about carbohydrate and protien needs? While some of the information is total overkill for a weekend warrior, it's very adaptable.



Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
194 as of Dec 31, 2005
189 as of Jan 5, 2006
185 as of Jan 9, 2006

182 as of Jan 14, 2006

Now, it starts getting a little harder. The first 10 are easy. I have really changed what I eat and the amount. I was sick for a few days so no exercise. I start back tomorrow. Im shooting for another 10 lbs.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
I have really changed what I eat and the amount

That is what I had a hard time with, its not that I ate unhealthy food, just ate too much. But in order for me to get more fit, I needed to make some changes in my diet, namely less ice cream...........:eek: :eek:


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Tonight is my one night a week to eat bad. mmmmm Mexican food, mmmmm cheese. Still have to watch portions though.

I always feel bad about myself afterwards when I have done so good all week. If I didn't have one dinner a week, where I could eat what I want, I would go crazy. I love food.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 7, 2005
lacey washington
I always feel bad about myself afterwards when I have done so good all week.
There is no reason why you should feel bad about enjoying certain foods. That being said, I bought ice cream on sunday night, and its now wednesday, the fact that there is still ice cream left is amazing.

Starting weight Jan 4th, 246
Current weight Jan 18th, 238


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
194 as of Dec 31, 2005
189 as of Jan 5, 2006
185 as of Jan 9, 2006
182 as of Jan 14, 2006
182 as of Jan 18, 2006

I was sick for the last week and I havent lost any more for about 4-5 days. I am at the point where I have to exercise more or eat even less. I can really tell that I have lost 12 lbs. My pants are loose and I feel a lot better.

How is everyone else doing?


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Good to see all the positive attitudes here guys.

Spunger, if you are looking for a good breakfast try Irish Oatmeal with a bit of Vanilla Rice Dream over the top. Mix in some brown sugar and some fresh berries or bananas and you have one of the best breafasts ever. Add eggs on the side (light on the yolks) if you feel the need for some protein from lifting weights. A cup of veggies and Ranch Dressing a while before lunch, light lunch (bring your own so you aren't tempted by the stuff at restaurants), and then a few small snacks in the afternoon. Make sure to have a light and healthy meal after your workout and a good dinner in the evening, load up a salad with lots of veggies and top with olive oil and basalmic vinegar for some extra flavor and crunch. Add in a bit of ice cream or some sort of treat once a week or you go crazy and gorge yourself.

My goals. Hit 200 on the bench again (I'm at 190 and weigh 140). Graduate this spring with both my degrees, plan and complete a cross country bike ride, and win a Norba XC title in my class. Oh....and have a job lined up for after graduation. [spam] Anyone have the need for a soon to be fresh graduate with top notch writing and editing skills, and degrees in English and Environmental Studies?[/spam]

Good luck to you all!

The Ito


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
Well.........since everyone started this I've been able to eat atleast 2-3 scrambled eggs and a bagel for breakfest, sandwhich (roast beef) for lunch and decent dinners (meaning eating at home, which is hard living 5ft from a bunch of take out places) so I feel better getting normal food into my system. That's a big step in itself.

As far as exercising goes I've been doing weights now for the last week. Chest and arms mainly. I haven't noticed too much difference in what I could lift as I could never do my own weight (I could probably do 180lbs one time) but that's as close to 240 as I'd get. We're working on that now though.

I'll see what I weigh tomorrow. I have too much food in me right now :)