
Newberry Crater Rim Trail


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Sunday Derek and I rode out by the Newberry Caldera and Paulina Peak. It's about 20 miles from Bend and is a great ride. We started by adding on the Peter Skene Ogden singletrack which is about 6 miles and 1600' of climbing on a pretty sandy surface along Paulina Creek. The views are great as you pass several water falls along the trail.

Paulina Falls - I was dripping with sweat by this point and wanted to dive right in.

This trail dumps you out at the Paulina Lodge and lake. I ducked inside for a bottle of ice cold Gatorade and then we set off on the climb to Paulina Peak.

Looking at my map, it looks like the Peak is somewhere around 8000' and dang the views are great! Newberry is a shield volcano 20 miles in diameter and has a large caldera somewhere between 4 and 5 miles around. Inside the caldera are the two lakes, Paulina and East.

The singletracke after the Peak traverses the entire Caldera and is really varied. It is a rip roaring blast, some rolling climbs, switchbacks, loamy surface, cindercone sections, dark dirt, light dirt, foresty, wicked fast descents, water bars....everything.

Derek with Paulina Lake in the background. I snuck ahead to get this shot, pulled off to the side, setup, and shot. I thought he knew I was there, but for the next few miles I had to chase after him because he thought I was still in front and was going hard.

I got the 575 to double a couple of these water bar sections and almost flew off the side of the mountain. That bike is so dang fast feeling. Here's Derek again.

This was right before our little lunch break. The ride totally wears you out because halfway around the caldera you do another giant climb.

As the day wore on, the thunderstorm clouds moved in and I felt sure we were going to get caught out. The descent is dizzingly fast back to the lodge and then we jammed back to the car safely.

All done, it was a 35.1 mile ride with 5200' climbing, tons of sweat, and plenty of bugs stuck to my teeth. Totally worth it if you're ever in Central Oregon


Turbo Monkey
Sep 1, 2004
That is a sweet ride! Did it about six or so years back; I'd love to hit it with the bikes I have now.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Heidi said:
All done, it was a 35.1 mile ride with 5200' climbing, tons of sweat, and plenty of bugs stuck to my teeth. Totally worth it if you're ever in Central Oregon
Now that's an epic.:)

Looks awesome!

On my descent off the volcano i sucked a bug right to the point of no return in my throat. If i would have tried to hack it out i likely would have choked and gagged, so i washed it down quick with a pull from the camelbak.:looney: