


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
Hey people I dont want to sound like a complete idiot but here I go anyway. I havent ridden for about 4 years due to three seperate injuries and their resulting surgeries. but Im fatter than ever and know that riding may be the only exercise that I can/will commit to and i think im finally able to ride again without serious pain. Where can I find some decent rides around the Newark/fremont area. Im not looking for anything reall technical I need some time to work back up to that and Im not looking for anything super secret cuz i know how well those threads go over in a cycling community. I have only lived in the area for about 2 years and just never rode out here. I grew up in chico and have ridden Northrim and a ton of fire roads/single track.

So what do ya think help a fat man out!!



Sep 26, 2004
Santa Cruz Mountains
how much you weigh? lol
sorry but i dont know any trails up there but the real reason im posting is i was wondering what kind of you had, they must have been really bad.


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
one shoulder op to clean out 5 years of scaretissue one op to repair 5 fractures of the ulna bone at the wrist and one op to remove hardware from first surgery. the wrist were the worst by far cant put pressure on them for more than 30 to 40 min riding so i gave up the pain wasnt worth it. Now that im about 40lbs over my wife is getting on my ass to lose it. Im going for a ride tomorrow for sure first time in about 2 years hopefully my bike still works.


Sep 29, 2004
SC mtns
Hey man,

good on you for starting back up. Look at it as a process.

No specific trail suggestions, but some ideas here. Look for the slow rollers and cruises, so you can build up some endurance. Plus, doing long slow rides cranks up your metabolism even after you stop riding, so you continue to use calories

If you get any pain from your surgeries, have a bike shop look at your fit.

Think about diet; don't do anything radical that you can't stick with. Just try to gradually incorporate lean protein, fruits, veggies, whole wheat pasta.

And break it up. If you don't feel like cycling one day, go for a walk or two that day, just to get the heart pumping. Swim a bit.

And have fun.
Have fun out there

goin' medium

Jul 31, 2003
Newark, CA
I live in Newark, and I am sorry to say there isn't much to ride. You can ride Coyote hills park. It's off 84, south on Thorton. First right to the parking lot. You can cruise around the hills, or go over them. decent after work ride, but it gets really windy. For a mellow ride you can also ride along the Alameda creek. It's got a dirt road along most of it's length, boring but local. When you tire of those and want better ride you have to drive.


Check out Redwood park to Juakin Miller. You can do some pretty long rides.

Further North

China Camp has some cool doubletrack that isn't very technical.


There are a bunch of places on the penisula off Skyline Blvd (35), but be warned, you start on the ridge, and have to climb back to your car. Saratoga Gap, Skeggs (Corte de Madera), Purisima.

Further West

I like the mellow climb up the ocean side of Montara Mountain. My wife and I do it on our tandem bicycle. Not hard, great views, and you can coast back to the car when you run out of steam.


Once you have a good base (13 miles with lots of climbing) check out Soquel Demonstration Forest. Something for everyone. Santa Cruz is full of good riding, but I recomend riding with a local. Many trails are poorly marked.

Good luck finding something you like. Glad to hear your getting back on the bike.



May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
yeah i rode yesterday absolutely pathetic. Rode what felt like 4 or 5 miles out took me like 20-25 min turned around and made it back in 15. Friggin head wind on the way out. Only about 5 miles round trip. Tomorrow I will leg it out even further.

Wrist felt pretty good today so Im trying to build up to make it out to the wildlife reserve with enough in the tank to at least do a little climbing before turning around and coming home.

I figured eventually I would have to drive to get to the ride I want but need to get into better shape first. I really dont mind climbing so long as I climb before I descend. Where I grew up was similar to HWY 9 type roads so hills were part of the deal.

thanks for the suggestions i will try to get out to Coyote I think I might have to dirive out there though I live out by Stevenson and Cherry (automall).

Im such a puss I used to ride 10-15 miles to get to the friggin dirt now Im bitching about 3 miles.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Hey, a friend of mine had knee surgery last year and he started riding on the Iron Horse Trail with his 50 lb Yeti DH bike. It was pretty silly, but it was his only bike.

I wouldn't knock myself out to start. Just easy bike paths for a couple of hours until your muscles get used to it.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
And I would definitely have your bike checked for fit. Alot of the older mtn bikes were set up for XC, with 12-14cm stems, flat bars, and a way bent over position. Most XC bikes today come with 9-11cm stems, riser bars, and a more upright position.

The more upright position for better descending, but it might be more comfortable for your arm problems. You could even go very dramatic with a 115 degree stem for an extremely upright position.


May 21, 2005
Merded, ca
I have an 01 rockhopper and I was looking for an adjustable stem/riser and at the time the pain got so bad I abandoned the idea and had the second surgery. Do you recommed a shop in the Newark or San Jose area?