
Newborn Boy Tossed Out Car Window in FL


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
NORTH LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) - A newborn was tossed out a car window onto the grass beside a busy street Thursday afternoon, and the car sped off, authorities said.

Investigators were seeking the parents of the boy, whose umbilical cord was still attached when he was found by a woman passer-by. Doctors believe the infant was less than an hour old at the time.

Sheriff's spokesman Jim Leljedal said the woman brought the infant to the sheriff's office. The baby was taken to Broward General Medical Center, which upgraded his condition from critical to serious Thursday night.

It was unclear what injuries the eight-pound, two-ounce child suffered.

The woman who rescued the baby - who was inside a small plastic bag - said she saw a man and woman arguing inside the vehicle.

The baby was thrown from the passenger side, landing three or four feet away in the grass.

No information was released on the baby's identity.

North Lauderdale is about 13 miles northwest of Fort Lauderdale.

© Copyright The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

How pitiful is it that so many loving people would give their left leg for a baby to raise as their own- healthy or otherwise- while other people dispose of their gift like it was a cigarette butt or a wrapper from a mint. :(

What a cruel, unjust world it is that we call home.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Just more proof that some people should not become parents. You would think that natural selection would weed out such tendencies from the gene pool but moder society has put a stop to that.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Denver, CO
It makes me sick to see the things people do to innocent helpless babies and children.

If they catch the two who did this, they should both be fixed so they can't reproduce ever again.


Dec 6, 2004
SkaredShtles said:
Sometimes I'd like to strangle people.......... :angry:

Defenitly man...if you cant afford to have a baby or dont have time to take care of one, then what is the point in bringing it into the world to live a life of hell. They do have ways of protecting yourself from becoming pregnet and you still get the same feeling...some people need to take a walk in the grocery store. Thats just wrong.


Turbo Monkey
splat said:
Well , there is no doubt the woman is ill, but at least she only made up a fake story but still took the child to a safe place. and did not just abandon it , leaving it to die.
I think in CO you can take a child to a hospital, fire station, or police station and admit you can't take care of him/her and the state will take the child no question asked. I'm not sure about age limit tho.


Jun 18, 2004
Rochester, NY
In December, a Missouri woman was strangled and her baby was cut from her womb. The baby was later found alive, and a Kansas woman was charged with kidnapping resulting in death.
I hate people, and I really hate Kansas.
How can there even be a trial for somthing like this?
This woman deserves death, plain and simple.