
Newest Monkey Addition


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
Been off radar, as the little dude decided he wanted to head out a little early so his old man could make opening weekend at Snow Summit. Due date was May 31st, showed up last Sunday. We barely made it to the hospital. My wife is some sort of champion breeder. Contractions weren't really that close together, but she said she wanted to head in since they felt strong. Rolled into the hospital a little after 2pm, get checked in. The nurse hands my wife a gown and she changes, lays down on the exam table and her water breaks. I look out in the hall and grab the first available nurse. She checks the wife and feels baby noggin, so we get rushed into the delivery room. Baby shows up 2 pushes later at 2:20. Wife is a little agitated that now both kids were delivered with no epidural. All in all, another healthy baby boy and that does it for us. Time to schedule the big snip.



Nov 19, 2013

Do yourself a favor and go to a urologist for the big snip. Its ALOT better than a family dr. I know, since I have had it done TWICE!


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
Does it come in root beer?
If it did, we'd probably be getting a divorce.

Congratulations!!!! My 2nd was a 20 minute delivery (though she was also a week late). By lunch time I was ready to go home, but had the mandatory hospital stay to "rest". Enjoy!!!
Yea, we were basically stuck there for 24hrs. We were ready to go home as soon as we could, but they had tests and everything else going. The new little guy managed to avoid jaundice too bad. The first one had to be treated at the hospital and with a UV blanket at home for like 2 weeks.