what does back on track mean and whats the purpose exactly?
It seems to me its operating exactly as intended
The markets originally see it as a conduit for things such as or akin to serial numbers or activation codes with the data but using the non centralized format either in crypto or blockchain delivery rather than the fiat USD
GameStop is currently developing it as monetized and downloadable game formats so they have trade in value and less piracy, the cell providers are developing them as prepay options for phone plans. It has a ways to go but it is currently turning into a bukake fest for the early adopters. The current trend is just selling the img with zero data or product behind it.
Consider the current trend like selling the CD case and album art but no actual CD with intended data or product software. Its like buying the box or wrapper and not having an intended product inside it.
What I find odd about the Nike lawsuit is that StockX made an NFT of an actual Nike that they own. You bought the shoes, so you can't make an NFT of the shoes you bought?
Nike is just mad they got beat to the punch.
Nike is mad over the trademark and copyright issues in the digital domain and not having a piece of the monetization.