
NHL 2011-2012 Season Thread!!!!!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
If nothing else, he deserves a good a$$ whipping, but he wont drop 'em.
it's a shame carcillo is out....the one thing he is good for....whether raffi drops em or not....he's going to get punched.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Never thought I would say I missed Carbomb, but yeah. I dont know if Mayers was in the lineup last night, but he should have tore a strip off Raffi if he was...and Bollig gets boosted for jumping up. What a joke.


Aug 29, 2006
The league has lost control.

If Torres doesn't get a suspension like Matt Cooke did last year they are an absolute joke and Torres will never change. They send such mixed messages... Weber no suspension, Carkner only a 1 game for jumping Boyle. Then they seemed to try to make it up with the Penguins suspensions. I agree with Asham getting 4 games and Neal should have got 1 or 2 more games. Should be interesting what the league does with this. You have to remember that this is the same league that let Bertuzzi continue to play.

Any Canuck fans want to schedule a bridge jump tomorrow? Maybe we can get a group rate discount.


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Peeeee yeeeewww. Flyers, WTF?

And Backstrom gets a 1 game suspension and the thug hunchback Lucic is still on the ice? Having the Cup obviously has it's benefits.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Amazing how one guy can wreck a multi-decade reputation that fast...

(Without molesting kids.)

Also, last night I heard Pierre McGuire talk about a guy "Going to the net unmolested!" and the first thing that popped into my head was that Pierre McGuire would know the difference between molested and unmolested.
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Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
The You have to remember that this is the same league that let Bertuzzi continue to play.

The bertuzzi incident happened over 5 years ago, he served his suspension, has offered settlements to moore and his family, and hasn't been a hoodlum since then, and really wasn't much of a hoodlum before that.

Should he have been banned for life?


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Not wanting to get into the Bertuzzi thing here...but yeah, he should have been banned for life, imho. It really kick started alot of thuggery in the league if you think about it. The failure to banish him has lead to increased idiocy on the ice on a regular basis. This is a tough, fast game played by tough guys...if left to their own devices with little or no fear of sanction the game becomes more Lord of the Flies then sport. Get rid of the instigator rule...it has done more harm then good.
Bert is a prototypical power forward, strong and tough with a nasty streak...although old and a little slow now, there isnt one team in the league that would not love to have him.

Now, the Blackhawks had better get it together...4 OT games in one series? 3 losses? C'mon boys, its Phoenix fercryinoutloud!


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
I disagree on your thoughts about bertuzzi.....there has always been thuggery in the nhl, bert didn't start the trend.

Regardless of that he's came back into the league and for the most part played a nice clean game and left that behind him.

Agreed on him getting old and slow, I took my son down to the Joe for a game a few weeks back, man he barely even skates anymore....

I think my wings run deep into the playoff is going to end this series...I still have no complaints, I've been able to watch playoff hockey for 2/3's of my life, and cheer my team on to boot. I really think it's time for the redwings to re-load with some younger talent and allow datsyuk, zetterburg, and the others be our "old guys". Time for stuart, Lidstrom, and Bertuzzi to take some massive paycuts so we can reload on the young end.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I didnt mean that he started the thuggery, only kick started the most recent wave of it...go re-read if you want. For him to be banned indefinitely, yet only end up missing 13 games and a playoff for effectively ending a guys career (While employed by the Canucks, the whiniest organization in the league...) sent a message to marginal players like Torres and his ilk that they would recieve little more then a slap on the wrist for on ice douchery. I was and remain complimentary of Berts style, I love power forwards...keep little guys like me safe on the ice and give me someone to dish to!



Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
I guess we will agree to disagree and that is ok, I don't think his intent was to end the guys career, I think he was sticking up for his team mate who had recently been concussed by Moore. I read a lot about it before replying just to brush up, regardless I'm glad he is currently a Red Wing!

Beyond all that, I think this has been a pretty exciting star tto the playoffs....unfortunately my guys have their backs against the walls.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Well, I am sure he didnt think he was going to end Moores career...but he did, just like Eddie Shore ended Ace Baileys.

And yeah, this has been a very interesting playoff. If only the Hawks were winning...oh yeah, Wings too...



Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
I really wanna see LA knock off Vancouver too, then if the wings can make a comeback it puts them in a lot better shape IMO.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 18, 2009
Fenton, MI
Our run has to come to an end sooner or later doesn't it?

Oh well, the preds play some solid defense and rinne stands on his fricken head.

We need to reload, we need a couple bertuzzi like youngsters and another Kronwall on the defensive end. Of course stumbling over a 19 year old Nik Lidstrom wouldn't be all bad either.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Lidstrom can never be replaced...go Kings!

Never thought I would say that, even after living there for 5 years and skating wiht some of their alumni...


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Torres is one of those guy who ALWAYS seems to find himself on the other side of the line. A habitual line stepper, to borrow a phrase from Charlie Murphy.

Funny how that happens.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Torres is a cheap shot bastage who needs his ass kicked. Get rid of Bettman and the instigator rule, and let the NHLers police themsleves and guys like him will go the way of the dodo bird.

I wish the NHLPA would take action against its rank and file...start fining those who perpetuate the (more than "normal") hazardous work environment...that is the only way the head shots will stop, imho.


Aug 29, 2006
Oh my was that painful to watch. Fvcking Flyers

Boston/Caps game was great to watch. That OT goal by Seguin was pretty sick.

Time to watch the Canucks implode tonight.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
AV was a punk as a player, and a wash out as a coach. Cant plan, direct, lead or motivate what is arguably one of the most skilled teams in the league. Gillis should be fired for signing Lu to the worst contract in sports (Worse then Huets, imho...) and lu moved to any one who is dumb enough to take what is left of the contract after Van sucks up a chunk of it. He cant take the pressure, has never won a big game (I dont count the Olympics...my Bantam goalie could have won with that All Star team in front of him...). Kesler is a whiner and a no show when the pressure mounts, and the Sedin sisters have millions of dollars worth of talent, yet fold like cheap tents when someone bumps or jostles them. Send them to work on one of the Sutters farms for awhile...that may toughen them up a bit.


Danced with A, attacked by C, fired by D.
Sep 27, 2005
Vancouver, BC
AV was a punk as a player, and a wash out as a coach. Cant plan, direct, lead or motivate what is arguably one of the most skilled teams in the league. Gillis should be fired for signing Lu to the worst contract in sports (Worse then Huets, imho...) and lu moved to any one who is dumb enough to take what is left of the contract after Van sucks up a chunk of it. He cant take the pressure, has never won a big game (I dont count the Olympics...my Bantam goalie could have won with that All Star team in front of him...). Kesler is a whiner and a no show when the pressure mounts, and the Sedin sisters have millions of dollars worth of talent, yet fold like cheap tents when someone bumps or jostles them. Send them to work on one of the Sutters farms for awhile...that may toughen them up a bit.
Tell us how you really feel...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Ahhh crap. Now accepting applications for team to root for temporarily. Go Sens?

Wouldathunk that Canadias hopes to return the Cup to Canada would reside in Ottawa? (I never put much credence in that mess anyway. When the Cup lives in Ontario, and the majority of NHLers are Canadian, Lord Stanleys chalice is Canadian anyway...)


Turbo Monkey
Sep 28, 2004
Torres gets 25 boys! Finally Shanny puts his pants on.

I just want to be the first today at 15:30 eastern to congratulate the Caps for knocking out the cup champs and the hunchback's hockey figure resurrection. That's a relief.

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Aug 29, 2006
I have to agree... should have been goalie interference. Thomas definitely could not make a play on that second shot. I was just waiting for Thomas to flip. I'm guessing they didn't show a replay in the arena after the goal.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
It was a crap call. I have never been a conspiracy on the ice guy, but c'mon...the officiating has been attrocious. The call made on Shaw (Ostensibly to protect goalies...) on Smith who is bigger then him, out of his net and if you ask me leaned into him and drops like he had been shot, and Timmay gets run down in his crease and no call AND a GWG? Thassum****thair...