
Nice easy Leisure ride with my dad. To the ER we go!


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
So, my dad and I set out for a nice easy ride today on the flat C&O Canal. We were about 13 miles into it, when he hit a large tree root and went down. hard. I asked if he was OK, and he was hurt, but got back up and we turned around to ride back to the car.

Got to the first Lock, about 2 miles from the fall, and we decided i'd go get the car. I could tell he was really hurting. I basically sprinted the 10 miles I had left to the car, and my legs were definantly burning.

Got the car, took him to the hospital, and 4 hours later... we find out cracked rib. Not fun.

It was nice to spend time with him on the trail though, until he crashed. We also got to spend some quality time in the ER. Guess we won't be doing this again for another 6ish weeks.

You old people get hurt to easily :blah:


Oct 17, 2002
sorry your dad got hurt, but it's cool that you two are hanging out together like that.

I miss my dad.