
Night of the Comet


May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
So I'm late to the forums, so here is my crazy evening.

I get out of work at a reasonable to hour to catch up with Stosh and Bluebug for a post-work ride. Everything was honky dorry up to that point and then the weirdness set in.

Act 1, "Look Mom, No Brakes!" - We are getting ready to leave for the ride when BlueBug says she's got serious drag on her rear brake. I take a look and her brakepad has separated in two pieces and is shot. She's out of commission before we even started riding. What kind of luck is that? (note: she did bring me beer, so she earned serious karma points).

Act 2, "There's a Stranger Amongst Us" - So I've driven all the way out to Stewart and decide I'm still going to ride. Mind you my riding crew I've never met before. So I finally meet Stosh, his wife and pa in law. One of these things is not like the other. BTW guys, your wrong. Stosh isn't the loser you all proclaim him to be, boo on you! So we have a good ride along the Stewart trails, absolutely fabulous night. We got to a local pub for beers and a burger to wrap up the night. Learned a lot about Stosh's family and his Martha Stewart uncle (right down to enjoying a man's company), should be a fun time on the 9th.

Act 3, "You Smell Something?" - So I finally get home a little after 9 and it's dark out. The lil lady let's Max out to come greet me (haven't seen him since the am) and he is so excited to see me he tears by me and into the hedges. Cripes he must have to go to the bathroom. He flies back by me and around the side of the house. What a nutjob. I check to see what he's doing and it appears he's playing with one of his toys (light was dim). I get closer and that's no toy, that's a skunk! After finally getting him to drop the critter (who was mortally wounded), we get him to the back deck. Holy shat what's that stench!?! It's freaking everywhere. We spend the next hour bathing the little bahstad, burying a carcass in the backyard (easier said than done when holding a flashlight), and trying to get the scent out of the house.

Finale - "Sleeping Beauty" - The bathroom is right next to the bedroom, so our bedroom reaks. So we opt to sleep in the spare bedroom upstairs; the hot hot upstairs (insulation sucks up there). Oh, and the air conditioner? Right above the stinky crime scene. So we get a few hours of sleep in an 88 degree room.

Epilogue - "The next day" - I get to work today and one of my coworkers asks me if I smell a skunk. Holy christ. The stench is still on my work bag! After a few other folks comment (we work in cubes), I opt to save my coworkers from my odor and work the rest of the afternoon from home.

Yeah, it was the night of the comet.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Did I skim that too fast or was there no comet involved? Been watching too much Full House?


May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
Yes, I did not see a comet, but there must have been one somewhere.

Narlus, Max is the pooch. God would never allow me to have kids, it would be too cruel to this world.

Metalhead, I fessed up b/c the first coworker to come by and ask was kind of early and I was the only one around. I could have blamed the chair, but that hasn't worked out well in the past.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dogwonder said:
So I'm late to the forums, so here is my crazy evening.

I get out of work at a reasonable to hour to catch up with Stosh and Bluebug for a post-work ride. Everything was honky dorry up to that point and then the weirdness set in.

Act 1, "Look Mom, No Brakes!" - We are getting ready to leave for the ride when BlueBug says she's got serious drag on her rear brake. I take a look and her brakepad has separated in two pieces and is shot. She's out of commission before we even started riding. What kind of luck is that? (note: she did bring me beer, so she earned serious karma points).

Act 2, "There's a Stranger Amongst Us" - So I've driven all the way out to Stewart and decide I'm still going to ride. Mind you my riding crew I've never met before. So I finally meet Stosh, his wife and pa in law. One of these things is not like the other. BTW guys, your wrong. Stosh isn't the loser you all proclaim him to be, boo on you! So we have a good ride along the Stewart trails, absolutely fabulous night. We got to a local pub for beers and a burger to wrap up the night. Learned a lot about Stosh's family and his Martha Stewart uncle (right down to enjoying a man's company), should be a fun time on the 9th.

Act 3, "You Smell Something?" - So I finally get home a little after 9 and it's dark out. The lil lady let's Max out to come greet me (haven't seen him since the am) and he is so excited to see me he tears by me and into the hedges. Cripes he must have to go to the bathroom. He flies back by me and around the side of the house. What a nutjob. I check to see what he's doing and it appears he's playing with one of his toys (light was dim). I get closer and that's no toy, that's a skunk! After finally getting him to drop the critter (who was mortally wounded), we get him to the back deck. Holy shat what's that stench!?! It's freaking everywhere. We spend the next hour bathing the little bahstad, burying a carcass in the backyard (easier said than done when holding a flashlight), and trying to get the scent out of the house.

Finale - "Sleeping Beauty" - The bathroom is right next to the bedroom, so our bedroom reaks. So we opt to sleep in the spare bedroom upstairs; the hot hot upstairs (insulation sucks up there). Oh, and the air conditioner? Right above the stinky crime scene. So we get a few hours of sleep in an 88 degree room.

Epilogue - "The next day" - I get to work today and one of my coworkers asks me if I smell a skunk. Holy christ. The stench is still on my work bag! After a few other folks comment (we work in cubes), I opt to save my coworkers from my odor and work the rest of the afternoon from home.

Yeah, it was the night of the comet.
Skunks F'ing suck!

We had a great ride with you and I'm glad you enjoyed your food!!

skinny mike

Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2005
oh man i remember when my dog got skunked. it was around 11 on a schoolnight and my dad brought the dog inside and for 20 minutes was like a broken record, "honey, what do we do? honey, what do we do? honey, what do we do?" so needless to say the house stunk and i thought that opening up my window would help make my room air out faster. but my dog got skunked out in front of my house where my room faces. i get to school the next day and everyone is wondering what the hell smells like skunk, i realize that it is me and hightail it down to the nurse's office feigning a stomachache and other issues so i can go home. i spend the rest of the day febreezing just about every piece of clothing i own.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I thought this was goingto be about bad 80's movies.

Plot Outline: A comet wipes out most of life on Earth, leaving two Valley Girls to fight the evil types who survive


Jan 14, 2005
Floating down the Hudson
Ciaran said:
I thought this was goingto be about bad 80's movies.

Plot Outline: A comet wipes out most of life on Earth, leaving two Valley Girls to fight the evil types who survive
Let me guess....there's a nudie shower scene or at least a raunchy pillow fight?:clue:


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Jeremy R said:
Its his son.
He likes to run into the hedges where he bites and shakes a skunk to death, then he comes in and cleans up for storytime.
The kids call him Mad Max.
well he is king of all wild things


May 3, 2005
Walking the Earth
Jeremy R said:
Its his son.
He likes to run into the hedges where he bites and shakes a skunk to death, then he comes in and cleans up for storytime.
The kids call him Mad Max.
Funny thing is, if I were to ever have a kid, that's the way he would probably act. I'd also teach him to hump legs.