Ok lets make some stuff clear here before we go any further.
I dare anyone even remotely religious to awnser these questions.
If jesus asked for forgiveness and died for Adams sin, shouldnt we be free from original sin, making us without sin in the first place and throwing the whole concept of christianity upside down?
Also, since many of the biblical stories are malicious and cruel, appearently christians are supposed to filter out morality based on their own judgement in stead of basing it on scripture, doesnt this mean that we dont need the bible/religion to be moral?
Doesnt this make religion obsolete according to its own reason?
I dare anyone even remotely religious to awnser these questions.
If jesus asked for forgiveness and died for Adams sin, shouldnt we be free from original sin, making us without sin in the first place and throwing the whole concept of christianity upside down?
Also, since many of the biblical stories are malicious and cruel, appearently christians are supposed to filter out morality based on their own judgement in stead of basing it on scripture, doesnt this mean that we dont need the bible/religion to be moral?
Doesnt this make religion obsolete according to its own reason?