
No fat lady. No singing.


Jul 23, 2004
1. Karpiel's website will be up on Monday.
2. Business students should consider their own experience before giving business advice on how to survive a retail recession that took out an impressive percentage of America's small businesses, right along with the large ones (KMart, UAL). Do your homework and have some years in the fray under your belt before you open your mouth.
3.No one is getting cheated. No one has seized the property of Jan Karpiel or Karpiel Design Ltd. Everyone will get their bikes.
4. Karpiel has moved locations.
5. Jan Karpiel did have his finger severed in an accident. He can not work for another 3 months while his hand is being reconstructed ---that is why he is not answering his phone.
6.Town has no (I repeat NO) insider information. He is not associated with Karpiel at all. He is nothing but a mouth given the opportunity to feel important by peddling rumors and lies and he's going to be damn lucky if he's not slapped with a lawsuit in the next 90 days.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
BadMonkey said:
1. Karpiel's website will be up on Monday.
2. Business students should consider their own experience before giving business advice on how to survive a retail recession that took out an impressive percentage of America's small businesses, right along with the large ones (KMart, UAL). .
you've got to be the most dense human being on the planet to believe that Kmart has ANYTHING to do with Karpiel, except for the fact that both start with a "K".

Kmart wasn't the victim of a recession, it was the victim of superior competition (wally world). In nearly every city I have been to, the story is EXACTLY the same why Kmart is a dump. Working for a soda-company I also went to Kmart weekly to do stocking and to make deliveries. Kmart was managed like crap (in addition to the superior competition). I didn't need any business classes to see that.

Please get your facts right.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
BTW, does Jan do all of his own welding?

BTW2, if someone doesn't survive a recession, that was their own crappy management. They should have retrenched.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
ViolentVolante said:
NOPE, contracted out
Dude, I hate it when cutting my finger keeps my suppliers from making my frames...


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Bad Monkey is a guy by the name of Kent Ferris(I think)... Jan's newest fish on the end of his line. Jan will use him up and toss him aside just like the rest of us. Taking every word Karpiel says as gospal. Funny I was on the chair with him at N* when the cell phone call came in that Jan had just been locked out of his shop, but don't take my word I tend to make things up. I have NO inside information, I'm just a mouth!!! Yes Jan come off as a nice guy... when he needs your money, but when you have no more money to give his true colors come thru. Hey Bad Monkey when you see me next time don't expect me to be so nice to you after you called me a liar!!!!!!!!!!!! As Kidwoo said " if you poke a Badger don't drop your stick". As for your lawsuit... My lawyer can beat up your lawyer... Don't F with me!!!!!!!!


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
I really don't know what's going on here, but I do think it's a little odd that, as far as I can tell, BadMonkey registered just in time to defend Karpiel, but he won't admit who he really is. Regardless, I just hope that Karpiel either gets back on his feet (and gets his finger reattached), or goes under without taking any would-be customer's money.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
grimm said:
now this is a rather pointless thread isnt it?
It would have been less pointless if schmuck up at the top there decided to just post what was fact rather than trying to insult people and threaten someone with a ludicrous lawsuit.

As it is, yes, it's pretty pointless. It really does wonders for Jan's public image when he's got idiots like this and a couple of others in the other thread defending him. The best thing you can do for someone that's got a questionable reputation is NOT start flinging insults at people who don't like him.

Come on now - don't you guys think? If you don't like Dave Turner because he's screwed you or someone you know over, and keep hearing over and over again about the people he's screwed, is someone saying "Shut up, douchebag, he's a good guy" going to change your mind? Not only is it not going to change your mind, but it leaves a bad taste in the mouth of everyone who reads the comment who has not yet dealt with him.

:rolleyes: :stosh:


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
Tully said:
I really don't know what's going on here, but I do think it's a little odd that, as far as I can tell, BadMonkey registered just in time to defend Karpiel, but he won't admit who he really is. Regardless, I just hope that Karpiel either gets back on his feet (and gets his finger reattached), or goes under without taking any would-be customer's money.
Well said... It wasn't funny when a few months ago when I was at his shop and he was telling me that he was being evicted from his shop... The comment that started this whole thing was him saying " I'm going out of business, but I'm still taking deposits on bikes". Right at that moment I lost what little respect that I had for Jan. I waited a few months to see the outcome and he screwed a few friends that I sold bikes to. At that point I didn't want anymore people to make the same mistake so I went to the place where ALOT of his customers post. This was not a personal matter until certain people tried to discredit me. When I worked for Karpiel he would use me as an excuse for peoples bikes not being done. Hell even when I didn't work for him he did the same thing. Last winter he told a customer for two months that I had his frame at my house in Truckee and was taking my time polishing his frame. Well... the kid was staying at my house in Truckee and knew there was no frame. I happen to have great inside information... Jan Karpiels big mouth!!! He tells me and other people that are in his world this crap, then stabs us in the back, and expects us to keep our mouths shut. Badmonkey I would tell Jan to get on the next plane to Poland... Because when the credit card companies of the people he owes, the IRS, and the fair labor commission get ahold of him he will wish he didn't stick around so long.


Artisanal Tweet Curator
You guys should thumb wrestle. The winner gets to take on Jan's good hand.

And town. If you don't let this drop, you will continue to be a poked badger.......stick in hand or not. If I were santa claus or whoever your sponsor is, I would not be impressed seeing all this dirty laudry. Relax man. If this is really behind you then let it be behind you before it bites you in the arse.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
I have no idea what the hell is or was going on here, but all BadMonkey has done imo is to say "Karpiel sucks and is in total chaos."
Good job, BM.

How did Jan lose his finger?

Whats that line about not airing dirty laundry?


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
when's the website going back up? I can't wait to put a deposit on a new disco...



beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
"5. Jan Karpiel did have his finger severed in an accident. ---that is why he is not answering his phone."

Where are his other 7 fingers!?!? Not to mention the 2 thumbs!!!!!! :rolleyes:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 2, 2004
I think Karpiel bikes are pretty cool.
Wouldn't it be sweet if they got bought out by a larger frame manufacturer who was able to maintain quality as well as demand, not to mention customer service, while keeping Jan for product development.:D

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
McGRP01 said:
"5. Jan Karpiel did have his finger severed in an accident. ---that is why he is not answering his phone."

Where are his other 7 fingers!?!? Not to mention the 2 thumbs!!!!!! :rolleyes:
I talked to Jan about a week after his accident (a few days before the shop got closed) The accident did not happen in his shop, I believe it was a road bike event, which he was working there (Thats the cliff note version, I know a little more how it happend but won't disclose it). From what he told me, they were going to used donor skin/tissue from other fingers etc, to fix the damaged one. So its not that he waiting for one finger to heal, its several. So on that aspect cut him some slack, its a very tramatic accident that could very well end his riding career. And for those who know him, he's a pretty damn good rider.


Nov 25, 2001
Tigerstaden, Norway
I don't know Mr Karpiel, but I have a feeling that he could take better care of his customers. He might be a good rider and a cool guy too, at least for the people whe knows him. Anyway, why does so many people say so many bad things about his way of doing his biz?
I can say, I would never deposit one fu.... $ at a company with this kind of reputation.


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Whats kinda funny is he has never stiffed anyone with a frame purchase (from what I know), he may take forever and a day, but I've never heard anyone say, Jan stole my $ and not delivering my frame. I know for warranty/repiars it can take even longer than forever, but he still delivers.


Nov 25, 2001
Tigerstaden, Norway
When you spend 2-2500 $ on a frame, it's good to know that the company backs you up fast if something goes wrong.

I got a small crack in the IS mount on the seatstay on my RFX. I am the second owner and the frame was 2 yars old. I e-mailed Turner with a pic, and they sent me a new seatstay (bushings, zurk and der hanger incl) ringt away without one question. UPS 4 day service from California to Norway.

This kind og CS makes me want to buy more Turners.


Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Espen said:
When you spend 2-2500 $ on a frame, it's good to know that the company backs you up fast if something goes wrong.

I got a small crack in the IS mount on the seatstay on my RFX. I am the second owner and the frame was 2 yars old. I e-mailed Turner with a pic, and they sent me a new seatstay (bushings, zurk and der hanger incl) ringt away without one question. UPS 4 day service from California to Norway.

This kind og CS makes me want to buy more Turners.

I understand what you are saying and I do agree 100% It's nice to have that great customer service. There are very few companys like that today and its nice. Its tough for me, I love karpiels so I bought my last one fully knowing what can happen. I'm hoping I'll never have a problem with my frame and if I do Jan will cover me in a timely fashion. Only time will tell, right now he has always taken care of me, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
this is the funniest thread in a while.

"You guys should thumb wrestle. The winner gets to take on Jan's good hand" is but one of the great lines. good entertainment.


Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
Brian HCM#1 said:
I know for warranty/repiars it can take even longer than forever, but he still delivers.
a good friend of mine has been waiting for 02 disco upper and lower links since late 02, and jan stopped answering the phone when he called to ask where his links he fully payed for already. a very long story follows this, but the end result ended up with me getting my disco.

I personally never had a big problem dealing with him, but my friend still needs his linkages badmonkey, so mail them out damnit!, its been 2 years


Sep 30, 2003
Dundee, Scotland
dispite the lateness of my bike, jan couldnt have been a nicer person to talk to. i personally didnt have a bad experience, i did get a few 'diversions' at first but after a while i got the truth out of him, and he was really nice guy to speak to. shame he wasnt a bit quicker, if i had to make the whole 'which bike' choice again i would still go for a karpiel.

but anyway to get back on track.
if he is still in the game then thats great.
oh and hope his fingers heal soon and everything turns out well.