
No fat lady. No singing.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
Brian HCM#1 said:
Sorry its not good for you, but then again you're from Canada :thumb: ;)
well, with the amount of cash put on a frame, something like that i'd normally just send back for warranty, even if i'm handy. But then again, with Karpiels turn-over rate, i wouldnt want to wait another year.... :p


Turbo Monkey
Apr 2, 2004
copied from the website

Jan Karpiel, Karpiel Designs Ltd.

Thanks to all the concerned calls from riders and friends of Karpiel Designs Ltd! For all who do not know, Jan Karpiel had his finger severed in a mechanical accident early in June. While his hand is being surgically reconstructed, the offices of Karpiel Design Ltd. (caught in the process of moving locations) will be temporarily closed in order to allow him the required recovery time. All current bike orders will be completed and shipped. No new orders will be taken for another 120 days. The owners of equipment currently being repaired/modified will be contacted directly.

We appreciate all the support shown to Jan during this period (and are amused at rumors that he is dead, deported, arrested, bled to death in a ditch, etc...). Thanks again to all who called, wrote and offered support. Look for updates to this site and company news to follow in September of 2004.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
So it's normal for the Washoe County Sheriff to be involved when you are simply "moving" to a different location?


Feb 26, 2003
South Bay Area, CA
Hmm.. I don't get how he machined my stuff and sent it to me then :confused: If he's been out since June.. Brian, I got my stuff during that time didn't I?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Santiago du Chili
DLo said:
Hmm.. I don't get how he machined my stuff and sent it to me then :confused: If he's been out since June.. Brian, I got my stuff during that time didn't I?
this should thin it back.

karpiel doesnt machine in-house,


Jul 23, 2004
Bad Monkey's back. Who am I? I'm not Polish. Never been outside the US. Don't even have a passport. I'm not Kent. I'm not one of Jan's girlfriends -- the loud blonde or the married redhead. I don't have to be. You don't have to be that close to Jan to know what's going on. The guy is not secretive or "shady". If I want to know the facts: I ASK. The web page is up.

JM: You can stock shelves and Monday-Morning-Quarterback all you want. Until you've actually created something and run it in difficult times (and made a name for yourself while you're at it), you're not the real thing, baby.

Town: This is why I'm writing here, man. Listen to you! Geez, people are sick of this psychotic obsession you've got going for another man! I'm sick of listening to it. Everyone I know is sick of listening to it. Instead of hoping you get sued, why don't you just get a therapist, tell him that you've just discovered that you're a 30-something-never-been and that you cry yourself to sleep every night with a picture of Jan Karpiel under your pillow. Give the rest of us a break.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
BadMonkey said:
JM: You can stock shelves and Monday-Morning-Quarterback all you want. Until you've actually created something and run it in difficult times (and made a name for yourself while you're at it), you're not the real thing, baby.
Guess what? I actually have created my own business. I needed money, so I started a business. Ran it for about 3 years before I joined the army. How else was I going to afford mountain bikes?



aka chromegoddess
Mar 16, 2003
BadMonkey said:
Bad Monkey's back. Who am I? I'm not Polish. Never been outside the US. Don't even have a passport. I'm not Kent. I'm not one of Jan's girlfriends -- the loud blonde or the married redhead. I don't have to be. You don't have to be that close to Jan to know what's going on. The guy is not secretive or "shady". If I want to know the facts: I ASK. The web page is up.

JM: You can stock shelves and Monday-Morning-Quarterback all you want. Until you've actually created something and run it in difficult times (and made a name for yourself while you're at it), you're not the real thing, baby.

Oh now that's rich. Mystery mook fiercely defends Jan from accusations of being shady and secretive yet exposes his personal affairs that include a married woman who is not Mrs. K. Great stuff.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
This thread is priceless. We need somewhere to store the funny! Especially fgrom idiots like this guy who likes to be an E-gangster tough guy. I won't tell you who I am, but i am right and i am a tough guy who likes to personally attack other members of the community.

Way to go asshat, why don't you go crawl back into your whole? Go hide behind some ****ty half assed bikes or something k?


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
BadMonkey said:
2. Business students should consider their own experience before giving business advice on how to survive a retail recession that took out an impressive percentage of America's small businesses, right along with the large ones (KMart, UAL). Do your homework and have some years in the fray under your belt before you open your mouth.
Having some decent customer service and a turnaround time that isn't total horse sh1t may help too!

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Transcend said:
This thread is priceless. We need somewhere to store the funny! Especially fgrom idiots like this guy who likes to be an E-gangster tough guy. I won't tell you who I am, but i am right and i am a tough guy who likes to personally attack other members of the community.

Way to go asshat, why don't you go crawl back into your whole? Go hide behind some ****ty half assed bikes or something k?
So what did Jan do to screw you over? Sounds like he F'ed you out of a bike. I mean I hope you have a personal problem with him if you're willing to bash him.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Brian HCM#1 said:
So what did Jan do to screw you over? Sounds like he F'ed you out of a bike. I mean I hope you have a personal problem with him if you're willing to bash him.
Not bashing him at all. I have friends who HAVE been screwed by his customer service, or lack thereof. When they get their act together things will be just fine.

Until then, having his internet tough guys harass guys like DHtahoe (and registering a new account to do it here) sort of negates any respect i ever did have for him. ya, this sort of behaviour from his cohorts REALLY wants to make me buy a bike from him.

It is nothing personal at all, just a lack of proper courtesy and respect. Maybe not on his part, but on those of people associated with his company. Let's be honest here, calling someone out and making personal attacks on a message board is a little uh..fruity?


Mar 27, 2002
Them thar Foothills
Brian HCM#1 said:
Thats enough with the bashing here guys, I'll start deleting all posts not with this topic.
Seeing there's not really any useful information being posted on this thread, why not just lock it, instead of deleting it.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Low_b said:
Seeing there's not really any useful information being posted on this thread, why not just lock it, instead of deleting it.
Because this is the most exposure Karpiel has had since Bender crashed on all his superhucks when he was riding that horse.
At least people are talking about them.
I would have thought a thread about Karpiel shutting down would have been kinda like, oh yeah, Onza quit making clipless pedals. Too bad.
Who knows, these threads might make somebody want to buy them.
Kind of like how some women stay with men who slap them around.
Whips and chains are so in right now! ;)