
No fat lady. No singing.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Um... I'll try to stay impartial here, but how does someone hurting ONE hand keep them from answering the phone.
Shoot... even if BOTH hands weer severed off completly, all he would need is a stick and a speakerphone.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Brian HCM#1 said:
Actually the Disco swingarm was off and I had to dremel out the drop out so the wheel was aligned. The drop outs on the Army were a little tight and I had to file out them a hair. Its all good though :cool:
When talking about the path of your suspension, you are NOT supposed to have to say that it is an s curve that goes up and to the right. :evil: :sneaky: :devil:


Apr 22, 2003
No, Mike, Bad Monkey is not some guy named Kent Ferris. I should know, I am Kent Ferris. And no, I am not Jan's newest "fish on the end of the line." I think the face to face conversation that we had at N*, and Blue Coyote (where I paid for your beer and food) and at your house, should help you to understand that you are definitely wrong in this case. It is best to not voice your assumptions until you actually have facts to back them up. And you know for a fact that you are wrong when you state that I am Bad Monkey and that I am under Jan's magical spell.

I will not dispute the fact that you were on the chair with me when Jan called. But it would have been wise of you to confirm all the facts before you started making printed statements to the biking community. Your inability to check facts is what has you perceived as nothing more than a mouth. You and I talked about this at length and you know that I personally don't give a rat's ass what happens to any of you people when it comes to the business side of Karpiel. It is not my company, I hold no claims with, for, or against Jan, and I have nothing to do with any deals or promises that you or Jan or anybody associated with Karpiel have made in the past, the present, or might make in the future.

What I do know is that if you have a bike coming to you, it will be delivered eventually. Other than that, I would appreciate it if you would check with me directly before you decide to accuse me of being somebody I am not, and attributing statements to me that I did not make. That's where lawsuits get started my friend. Personally, I don't feel that lawyers deserve to make any more money of something that is worth nothing in the first place.

What I know is that I like my Armageddon, and I plan to keep riding it as long as there are parts available for it.

So, since I don't usually get on here much anymore, I would appreciate it if you have an issue with me that you talk to me directly any Friday or Saturday at N*. You know I'll be there. :-)

As for everybody else who doesn't know what the **** the are talking about or who don't have the facts, seriously, just shut the f--k up. Stop spreading rumours and innuendo about Jan and Karpiel Designs. Read the website, those are the facts as Karpiel has posted, believe them or don't, but stop spreading vicious lies around about somebody you've probably never even met. And, if you really have met Jan, and you really don't like him, don't tell us, go tell Jan, because honestly I don't give a **** what you think of him or his bikes. That's between you and Jan.

Now, I'm gonna go through my bike on the car and go for a ride on my awesome armageddon.

Thanks for listening,

Kent Ferris aka adroit_human (not Bad Monkey)

BTW, did anyone bother to mention that Bad Monkey's facts were actually correct? Hmmmm...


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
the saga continues...

i'm going to go ride my awesome... ...wait, I don't have a bike anymore.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
adroit_human said:
That's where lawsuits get started my friend.

If one more person idiotically tosses around the word "lawsuit" on this message board, I think I'm gonna sh!t myself. It's hilarious.

Thanks for the laugh, but you may want to actually think next time so you don't appear as foolish... :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Your face.
I thought everything in the US was settled by lawsuits?

"my coffee's too hot" LAWSUIT
"That guy farted on the bus." LAWSUIT
"The sun's too hot, gave me a sunburn." LAWSUIT.


Mar 27, 2004
adroit_human said:
No, Mike, Bad Monkey is not some guy named Kent Ferris. I should know, I am Kent Ferris. And no, I am not Jan's newest "fish on the end of the line." I think the face to face conversation that we had at N*, and Blue Coyote (where I paid for your beer and food) and at your house, should help you to understand that you are definitely wrong in this case. It is best to not voice your assumptions until you actually have facts to back them up. And you know for a fact that you are wrong when you state that I am Bad Monkey and that I am under Jan's magical spell.

I will not dispute the fact that you were on the chair with me when Jan called. But it would have been wise of you to confirm all the facts before you started making printed statements to the biking community. Your inability to check facts is what has you perceived as nothing more than a mouth. You and I talked about this at length and you know that I personally don't give a rat's ass what happens to any of you people when it comes to the business side of Karpiel. It is not my company, I hold no claims with, for, or against Jan, and I have nothing to do with any deals or promises that you or Jan or anybody associated with Karpiel have made in the past, the present, or might make in the future.

What I do know is that if you have a bike coming to you, it will be delivered eventually. Other than that, I would appreciate it if you would check with me directly before you decide to accuse me of being somebody I am not, and attributing statements to me that I did not make. That's where lawsuits get started my friend. Personally, I don't feel that lawyers deserve to make any more money of something that is worth nothing in the first place.

What I know is that I like my Armageddon, and I plan to keep riding it as long as there are parts available for it.

So, since I don't usually get on here much anymore, I would appreciate it if you have an issue with me that you talk to me directly any Friday or Saturday at N*. You know I'll be there. :-)

As for everybody else who doesn't know what the **** the are talking about or who don't have the facts, seriously, just shut the f--k up. Stop spreading rumours and innuendo about Jan and Karpiel Designs. Read the website, those are the facts as Karpiel has posted, believe them or don't, but stop spreading vicious lies around about somebody you've probably never even met. And, if you really have met Jan, and you really don't like him, don't tell us, go tell Jan, because honestly I don't give a **** what you think of him or his bikes. That's between you and Jan.

Now, I'm gonna go through my bike on the car and go for a ride on my awesome armageddon.

Thanks for listening,

Kent Ferris aka adroit_human (not Bad Monkey)

BTW, did anyone bother to mention that Bad Monkey's facts were actually correct? Hmmmm...
This is getting out of hand!!


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
This was out of hand about 9 pages ago. If the mod is reading this, please lock this thread or delete it or do something to end it!


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
don't lock it - the longer this continues, the more people will hear about this thread => more karpiel affiliates sign up => make long first posts that mention lawsuits => more page views => more chances that you'll click on the banner ad => more money to run RM :D

so in the end, this => more money for RM :D well, @ least a few pennies (of off the hosting bill)

i think lots of people are getting a good chuckle out of this - sadly @ the expense of a decreasing # of others (not to name any names or anything)


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
This is interesting about karpiels. I was just out at northstar when me and DBR rolled through back home. Seemed like tons of people were in love with his bike and the fact they had a trail named after them. Definetly would never ride one though.


Mar 19, 2002
San Diego
Tully said:
This was out of hand about 9 pages ago. If the mod is reading this, please lock this thread or delete it or do something to end it!

Just stop yourself from clicking on the pretty "Nofat lady. No singing." link. All gone!

Dingus McGee

Lets end it with the REAL 'flying saucer'...1952 Alfa Romeo 'Disco Volante', Jan was an old car resto guy back in the day. I don't know how that venture ended.


Mar 27, 2004
These guys might show up at your doorstep if these false accusations dont stop. :eek: This scares me more than any wimpy lawsuits.


May 18, 2003
Portland, OR
BadMonkey is none other than Jimmy Hoffa.

I know because I met him on July 30th, 1975 just after his departure from the Machus Red Fox Restaurant in a then-unnamed suburb outside of Detroit. Hoffa was about to go into hiding, but suggested that he would come out in 2004 as a staunch defender of small business. Unions would, he though, be a thing of the past. His organization techniques, he said, would start small and utilize a new, unifying technology that would allow him to integrate into a community and garner support without exposing himself to his former enemies.

As you all, the whiney doubting folk you are, seem to want proof, I offer it here. Hoffa drove an Alfa Romeo Disco Volante. When he surfaced in early 2004, he found himself lost without a current driver’s license and the car he loved. Easy answer to both problems?: Get a slick bike with the same name as the car, and lose the need for a drivers license. You all seem to have seen him at some point, as he is the curb-huck master. With age and incontinence affecting his ability to throw down, he has been relegated to dropping small, concrete curbs and hammering handicapped ramps. But I digress.

Despite his long disconnect, Hoffa has maintained a strong connection to his allies within the mafia (but has managed to stay away from those that would like to see him buried under a corporate-owned baseball stadium foundation.) Jan Karpiel has been taking early payment and deposits on his bikes to attain free, untraced and untaxed cash for Mafioso endeavors. He maintains the business-customer disconnect to ensure that only those individuals completely dedicated to the idea of getting a Karpiel will send cash. Therefore, he avoids the likelihood of having customers that might take legal action and actually blow the cover off of his business front. The cash Karpiel supplies to the Mafia is then reinvested in short-term flux stocks, but sometimes this doesn't work out, and a lag time is endured before cash can come back for bike materials. Some of you have been lucky, some not so much. To those of you that have had to wait, just know that with your pain and suffering comes much more of a financial burden on the Karpiel - Mafia end.

So, some of you might find this thread funny... some might even make the occasional foray to RM to laugh at the whimsical comments made by "those in the know." But please, understand that in this case you deal with a professional. Jan may seem like a poor businessman, but he is really just following directions from the high-ups. I think just a few weeks ago he tried to disconnect himself from the problem by closing down his shop and running. The result… a “mechanical accident.” But, solutions like this are rare. Times have changed, and BadMonkey (I mean, Hoffa) will probably not show up at your door with thugs. Instead, he will be coming with lawyers to sue your a$$ (just read his comments, he told you so, and he sounded serious…) for trying to screw up their front (for defamation, I mean, for defamation). My guess is that any more derogatory comments aimed at BadMonkey may result in the arrival of an underpaid wannabe laywer on your doorstep asking for you by name and crying out, "You got served, muthatrucka."

Was the above text boring enough, unentertaining enough, and drawn out enough to belong in this thread?


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
binary visions said:
Meh, I probably shouldn't have posted the link. There's a thread in the Bad Sellers forum, where Bad Monkey apparently sent someone here a seatpost that wasn't the size he claimed it was, and now won't return emails or give the guy his money back.

I simply posted saying that it was ironic that Bad Monkey so vehemently defended Jan's lousy business practices that were so similar to his own actions. I'll go remove the link so this thread doesn't surface again...



Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
It's been awhile since "monday" and still no Karpiel website. :think: He must have meant to say "a week from Monday" that makes more sense :D


Feb 4, 2002
Flying Low Living Fast
I'm working on getting him deported for non payment of past wages, tax fraud, mail fraud. If you are going to pull this kind of crap you better have a green card. Still owes me about 1500 and Karl Rogne about 8k. Not to mention the silly amount he owes Ventana. A few people will make sure he NEVER sells another bike EVER.