
No f'ing wonder.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.

Alcoholic drinks mixed with artificial sweeteners get you drunker, new research finds.

It took a group of Australian researchers, lots of orange-flavored vodka and a few tipsy volunteers to reach this scientific conclusion.

They found that artificial sweeteners found in such popular mixers as Diet Coke and sugar-free Red Bull lead to a high rate of alcohol absorption, resulting in a greater blood alcohol peak and concentration than from drinks made with sugar-based mixers.
In all seriousness I've always thought this to be true. That I seem to get drunker off myers and diet coke, then I do jack and gingers.

THOUGH I'm major pissed that these goddamn researchers didn't have the common courtsey to ask for me to be involved. Austraila sucks.


I've now got a reason to drink on Friday afternoon.