
no hat?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I often wonder about the myriad muslim headpeices we see.

Some are turbons, some are little towels with a little band around them to keep in place, sometimes they wear bags on their heads if they're hostages, is it a rank thing like how the pope has the biggest hat, or what?

Secret Squirrel

There is no Justice!
Dec 21, 2004
Up sh*t creek, without a paddle
I got that from Ohio... Pretty funny though....

A buddy went last year as Hip-Hop Hamas:
1. Dynamite vest with blinged out lettering "DA BOMB" - check
2. Traditional headwrap sporting "PHAT-WAH" gold lettering - check
3. Gold AK47 - check
4. Taste - pending

The year before he was "Jesus for Bush" but I didn't see it so I can't recall the details. I believe it was equally offensive, and involved lots of bloody stigmata.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001

Q: I need to know what is the fatwa for passing gas from the front in women?
A: Pussy farts do not invalidate the Wudhu if they are silent. However, they are a sign of disrepect in the wife, and she should cut down on the falafel. If it continues, she should be beaten or given Pussy Beano or something.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
dudes, we missed it:
Organizers to host ' wear a hijab/turban to work/school' day

FREMONT — In response to the slaying of Alia Ansari, a group of local organizations is sponsoring "Wear a Hijab/Turban to Work/School Day" on Monday to show solidarity with Fremont's Asian and Middle Eastern community.
and then:
"This is more than just 'wear a hijab or turban' day," said Samina F. Sundas, founder of the Newark-based American Muslim Voice and Global Peace Partners. "It's about educating each other about our differences and recognizing that we should focus on what binds us together."
so in order to educate about differences ["celebrate diversity?"], they choose to look alike? idiot.

Old Man G Funk

Choir Boy
Nov 21, 2005
In a handbasket
so, you'll be going to church w/ me sunday morning?
What Ohio said.

In addition, your idea is different anyway. I already know what it is like to be a theist and go to church and all that. Most of these people probably don't know what it is like to be a religious minority. It's not the dressing the same that is the issue, it's dressing differently from how one normally dresses. That and learning about another's custom is what is promoting diversity.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
I went to church pretty often with my friends growing up. It was alright. Boring. The crackers taste like crap and they only give you one.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
The ones in my episcopalian high school had some sweet graphics.

I collected all 12. Was pretty funny once tehpreecherman realized I wasn't eating them.
took me a day, but i finally got it: one for each apostle.

did they have the original judas, or his replacement, justus?