
NO Spanish No Ingles just freaking drawings


The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
maxyedor said:
that stiching trick is badass I tried it on a soda bottle that I cut up, once you get the hang of what your doing its very simple in fact.
after you finish your first feet you will be a expert,, just be careful becuase the wire can be harmful to your skin if you do it a lot, nothing a little tape (like when you play fresbee) can not cure.

please take some pictures so we can see the results.

Truely some great designs you got, but whats that allum. contraption I kept seeing on the right of your bikes handelbars, the one that has all kinds of little metal things on springs and elastic?
let see with ricky is always a story,,,,
about 7 years ago i meet a really "Pompus fellow" A.K.A. a guy with a fork leg up his Butt, with a really fancy and shinny GS (like mine) he was really proud of the bike "He was Building" yeah with a Platinum credit card as oppose to tools and cuts on his hands, anyway his last purchace was a motorize windscreen that he got from a company call Wudo in germany for about $2000 dollars, oviuslly the fellow was not happy, since people like him are never happy with anything (they just don't know what is possible and what is not since they never make anything on their own) well my brain when to work and i decide to "prove him wrong" so i made my own version of a variable windscreen, oviuslly made out of recycle bicycle parts to increase the effectand with out spending any money on it as a Prinsiple.

here are the "Actors"

A obsolete shimano 7 speed rapid fire shifter, but still in working condiccion mounted on the left side on the bars for easy reach.

I just modified the mounting bracket so i can turn it around 90 deggres, pretty easy actually.

this are the rest of the actors all bunch up togheter, on the reciving end, a shimano 600 derreileur body that was broken and i give new life as a "angle finder" transmiting the information from the derreileur a bend plate of stainless steel from a blackburn bike rack mounted on manitou fork elastomers, the "return to center" function is achive by a garden variaty spring i got from a "mosquito door"

this is a overall view so you get a better idea how is mounted, the indexing "Data" from the shifter is transmited by a comun bicycle wire and housing, the pivot for the windscreen is pretty crude (as ussual) but works well made of seatpost binders, so i can control the damping and friction.

actually i have a few ideas (i always do but becomes kind of course sometimes) how to make it even better ussing a paralelogram design for the screen mounts among other crazy ways but i never got around figuring the details.

here are the extremes so you guys see how it works (i have 5 other possitions in between) this show the windscreen all the way back, useful at about 80/90Mph if not faster

the windscreen all the way up for slower riding, The range of motion on the screen is about 20 deggres and that is all you need.

but my attemp for better airflow did not stop just at the moving windscreen.

when the warranty expire on the bike (after 3 years) I was free to do whatever i want with it, one of the first things i did was to take the "TV screen" BMW call headlight with a beautyful dual bulb light from a kawazaki ZX-7 the headlight was a pain in the bu^^ to install but i did it (I show you pictures of the mounts later) oviuslly i was looking for a "Hollistic" solution, were everything with work well at unison.

coming back to the airflow problems i carve a pair of "Naca ducts" this are venturi accelerators that force Air at high pressure into the back of the screen to equalize the high speed flow of air over the windscreen, Gekky stuff all the way that i kind of learn many years before when i was trying to improve my overall speed and drag coeficient on my landluge skateboard.

view of the
"Naca" from the side, this are mostlly found on the side of a vehicle but they also work well mount it forward.

here is a view of "Nacas" from the back, this concept require a "Bouncing wall" for the air to be compress even farder and also focus to go near as close as possible to the screen, i made the mat finish small screen out of a scrach up helmet shield, works exelent.

here is a better view of the helmet shield

lets stop for now, but be sure I have much more to show you.

Oh don't forget to post your own accomplisment whatever they are.


Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
patineto said:
Maybe that was me, i being in Bend 3-4 times (love that town) on My way to B.C. from california.

Loaded it looks like this and sometimes even more when I'm traveling with a girlfriend since is even less space for everything necesary for 3/4 weeks on the road.
Cool stuff! Do you have any problems with crooswinds ?


The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
MunkeeHucker said:
Cool stuff! Do you have any problems with crooswinds ?
Oh yeah.... but a even bigger issue is the "Fat girlfriend" sindrome since they make the center of mass even closser to the rear wheel...

can you say Wheellie.....

Actually i can ride the bike as fast with the bicycles on top as i can do with out them, this includes 60 MpH spliting lanes in the bay bridge, i just need to be careful with ford F-350 mirrors since they end up at the same height as the bicycle handlebars, no big deal.


Jun 10, 2002
Toshi said:
this is a very cool thread :thumb: :)
agreed. one of the better threads i've seen in a long while.

i was wondering how a fat girlfriend would make the bike, with rack, handle.


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
That wire work is just amazing too. I never have the patience to do things like this. I'm glad to see that there are people out there who are still creative.


The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
kinghami3 said:
That wire work is just amazing too. I never have the patience to do things like this. I'm glad to see that there are people out there who are still creative.
i don't want to get Political, critical or anything like that, but i trully believe the future of a country is base on the avility of his population to be educated, street smart, book smart, adaptive and even revolucionary and inovative, sadlly it the libraries keep clossing and the enfasis in education and values keep getting lost in paper work only dark future is awaiting.

I think industry and manufacturing are a very important part of the core of a nation, in the case of my small motorcycle company(aftermarket improvements) I try to support the locals from the retail shop that sell me zipties to the CNC shops that makes my parts, sadlly in this area of california a machine shop goes to waste everyday and with them the incredible know how and experience of many years of hard work (I meet some incredible guys & gals along this years) maybe is the way the "Dot Com" economy work and they got used to charging $500 per hour and when the bubble explote they end up seating on million of loans they were unable to pay or maybe is this Price point driven market that leave long term quality on the side and only focus in how cheap the stuff can be made, no mather what are the life span or consequenses in the long term, my self i have a dificult time buying crap but no problem at all paying for quality,,,No, no is not like i'm a snob or anything like that, but i really believe quality outlass anything (specially quality of design) for example with my products i tell the diferent workers about my Moddo,,
"I want this pieces to be touch and apreciated by a Blind person" .. their ussual response is
"But Ricardo blind peoplel don't ride motorcycles"

anaway stop the little rant..

I was a industrial design proffesor for a few years when i live in Colombia because i really believe getting people to be creative thinkers is one of the best things that can happend to a society, this days I do a little of it, I work (pro bono offcourse a.k.a. just for smiles and honest hand shakes) with some poor kids teaching them how to fix bicycles and make cool things out of nothing,, sadlly all this teaching did not help with my extreme dislexia and my in-avility to comunicate with words.

Rant off I promise


The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
now for a little "Disco light" action...

i actually I call this project the Moses light, since everytime i use it a path open up in front of the bike.

for a little background..... motorcycle with fairings, car, trucks have a very ovius problem with their lights sistems since they are mounted to the frame and not into the steering column, on smaller bikes you can mount the headlight to the fork legs but if the lights and instruments are heavy they make the steering response a little sloppy and heavy (imagine and basket full of bread athache to your bicycle handlebars) since all the load is at the front of the forks, plus is also the issue about the windshield and the airflow changing when the bars move generation unwanted cavitation and turbulence, needless to say i was looking for something in between that let me have a light that aims were i'm turning and i can also control so other people do not suffer from the bring shine,,, actually when I use it as a "Moses light"(on porpuse) i aim at the mirrors of the cell phone distracted drivers or whatever they are doing, so they start to pay attencion when they are driving, and become aware of my presense (on a bike you need to be "Visible" or you will dye) needless to say work like a charm and is a lot less instrusive that some super mega power lights that disperse light everywere and a million times better than a loud pipe specially if you take into consideration the Doddler effect and how the noise is at the "Wake" of the vehicle and not in front of it, another thing to consider is that motorcycles have a limited amount of electrical power so is very important to focus the small amount of energy when you need them the most..

again this is a very primitive aproach to the problem, all hand build out of spare bicycle parts and pieces of Delrin plastic (my favority prototype material)

here is how it looks
going to the right


going left

now in more detail,,,
"Are you taking to ME...."

exelent when you are looking for adresses, actually this lense was already a spotlight but i modified the focal point to make the beam even narrower, just remenber the light is moving with you so it can be really narrow Beam (with a lot of reach) and still provide exelent visivility.

this is how it works, i have a "rotator" turret made at the end of a light bar that can move freelly side to side (rotate) mounted on skateboard bearing.

the little rotator tower is move by this two wires, depending on the direction you pull the wire the light will move the opposite way, it works pretty much the same way a steering works on a old sail boat.

i have two adjustable (bicycle parts) cable stop for the housings so i can micro adjust them if require, you can also notice the V-brake accordions to protect the wire from corrosion.

next to the steering column i have another guide that let the wires go into the upper triple clamp were i have another "Pulley" (Black piece on the left hand side) so far the sistem works in a one to one bases, but i'm sure other rathios will also work and provide diferent outcomes, i try some Nautilus cams and other crazy stuff like flooweres(like on a roller cam brake) but they did not bring much benefit)

as ussual I made the little box out of delrin mostlly ussing my 4.5" grinder and use some used Brass wheels from a old suntour rollercam brake to decrease the friction.

the second necesary control is the asimut adjuster so the light can be move up and down, i control this function with a small lever
here show on when the light aims low (almost to the ground in front of the bike if I want too,,,exelent for repairs on other bikes)

same lever but this time the light is aiming to the sky,,again i can control how much of a angle is require.

this is a overall view of the sistem "naked"

the light going down, the pivot for it is just another simple seat crankbolt with some locktyde, works just fine.

light up and away showing how much flexibility the sistem provide

Oviuslly is a miilion other more efficient ways to make something like this servos, hydrolics, electronics but the one i made works well enogh for what I need so i never when farder,, actually I did but is part of a patent I can not show you..

actually is shame i only have this foto, i made this for my KTm 640 adventure, six little dicroic bulbs, mount 3 each on a circle the two circles move at unison,,,Man that project was Fun fuN fun,,,
the way I see it, why make something simple if you can make it Super Dupper complicated,, at least is fun that way and for sure a great mental exercive not to mension a test for your paccience..


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
when we start to build the thunderdome you'll be a very valuable person to know, patineto :D this is as dirty as my hands get when messing around with trying to build/improve things (put a nice cable on my headphones, which ultimately still sounded worse than my senns):



The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
Toshi said:
when we start to build the thunderdome you'll be a very valuable person to know, patineto
Oh Man geodesic structures give me a Woody, I love that stuff, triangles and what ever shape evolve from them are one of my favorite thing in the whole wide world.

actually i work a litle on the TEN Meter version of this Dome (this is a five meter version), that end up being bigger that the one on the madmax movil the "Thunderdome" (sorry no picutes of that one.

A have access to this one thanks to my dear friends at Mountain hardware.

actually I meet Irina divinna at the very show

:D this is as dirty as my hands get when messing around with trying to build/improve things (put a nice cable on my headphones, which ultimately still sounded worse than my senns):

Dude why to you think i don't do anything that have to do with Electronics or even electricity, because I suck at it,, I just don't get it,, well I understand a little but always gives me headacke not to mension a few sparks here and there..


The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
johnbryanpeters said:
I like the thread. You have so many controls on your bikes it must be like flying a passenger jet!

Your creativity is unlimited.


Yeah I guess i'm a "Control freak"

actually i'm modifing my left grip so i can run two gripshifters one to control the assimute of the main light the other to control the auxiliary light..

if you want to see a "Display" take a look at one of my other bikes, this are parts that I make "propertlly" and sell to my costumers.

can you believe i took this Pictures with a D-30SLr,,, man at least i know one thing i suck at... taking Fotos..

anyway on the right of the bars is a mount for my garmin GPS, very important if you are riding in the desert or going somewere in a hurry, the small yellow box is for the Xm radio for the really long trips or to carry papers around town, the Big yellow box is the case for a Automatic roll chart that i still need to finish, (the space is so small is dificult to figure out the space for all the gears and motors and also keep them waterproof..)

plus you have all the stock parts of the bike to pay attencion too.

this is the way the boxes are possition (they can be move by hand "on the go") when you are seating ussing your eyes as reference point.

maybe this is a better way to show you how it works with out the yellow box

Fully folded when is not in use.

perfect eye site when you are seating

optimal when you are standing

"all out ... I don't freaking care how fast i'm going, i just want to see the MAP"...possition

actually i have one of this CraZy projects that so far i don't know how to solve,,, just the kind i like complicated head turning, neuron burning challenges...

check this out, I want to make a mount, that will let me carry (well the costumer) a single "Touch" (or ussing hand controls) screen with all the data require to operate the bike plus a bunch of Gadget crap too...(what people want) from engine manegment, gps, MP3 and Mp4, etc , even Camara mirrors,, actually that part is easy the technology is allready available, exept for the fact I have no idea how to use it,, well does not really matter since that is the first thing you learn in Industrial design school how to integrate the know how of others people into you products.

the complicated part is I want to create a sistem, that will make the screen move with the eyes of a person, so it adjust for glare and riding posture for constant monitoring no matter that circustances... yeah old helicopters use a somehow similar sistem to this to iam the machine guns, (i work in some of them) in fact I made a Four wire sistem like that to control my video camara out of the back a motorcycle a few years back,but I end up looking at all the pretty girls, just like when you carry your headlight on the helemt and everybody get to know what you are looking at.. well that is another story.

man.... you see the problem with a head like mine is that it jumps from topic to topic all the time, that is somehow how i arrive to this type of strange conclusion but also make it almost impossible to follow , even for me that i'm writing.

anyway I have much more fun to come if you guys want to see..


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
.:Jeenyus:. said:
You are brilliant.
agreed, and I agree with the point made about this country needing more tech. education, at my old highschool they shut down ceramics, metalshop, advancved woodshop, CAD modeling, and autoshop. I've heard this year will be the last for graphic design, the rest of woodshop, photography, and they're killing off half of the painting/drawing classes. How will kids learn to fix/ create anything?


The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
maxyedor said:
agreed, and I agree with the point made about this country needing more tech. education, at my old highschool they shut down ceramics, metalshop, advancved woodshop, CAD modeling, and autoshop. I've heard this year will be the last for graphic design, the rest of woodshop, photography, and they're killing off half of the painting/drawing classes. How will kids learn to fix/ create anything?
sadlly I feel your pain and i wish more people were aware of it and try to do something about it before is way to late (if not already)....

I do have a great advantage over most of you guys...
I grow up on a place and a time were not everything was done already for you, we did not have a QBP catalogue for everything in life or a way to just "order it", if you really want something you need to make it happend, mostlly on your own,,
take this for example when i was little I treasure the few skateboard magazines that people will bring me around to the point the pages will dissolve in my fingers from looking at them so much, but i work and work and I got to go 104 kilometers per hour on my hand made wood landluge aerodinamically tested on top of a truck at night and also model on a windtunnel made out of carboard tubes,, is call PAsSion, nothing more nothing less, but even then I still need to worry about every slide since that will mean one less mille to roll later in the life of the wheels, life is kind of wierd and crazy, today I can have a million Freaking Red Kriptonic wheels(cherry bombs, cloud 9's, whatever) but my body is just not there to take advantage of them,,, we say in spanish, "Dios le da comida al que no tiene dientes" or something like "God Gives food to the one that does Not have any teeth" oh well, I still have my brains .

Just remenber for many people in this world "Doing the laundry" equals walking half a mille to a river, not just pressing a few botton and keep eating the cereal, the funny part is i don't reallly know Who is the lucky one in this case, the one that have it all, or the one that needs to make it..


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
You sir, are cooler then mother****king McGyver. Goddamn.

Someone needs to hire this man, and give him a trillion dollar a year job making SIMPLE solutions for todays problems in poor areas. I bet a guy or 3 like patinento could end a WHOLE lot of suffering in the world.

My hat is off to you man.


The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
Transcend said:
You sir, are coller then mother****king McGyver. Goddamn.

Someone needs to hire this man, and give him a trillion dollar a year job making SIMPLE solutions for todays problems in poor areas. I bet a guy or 3 like patinento could end a WHOLE lot of suffering in the world.

My hat is off to you man.
Wow thanks dude....

coming from you is a big honor...
oviuslly no to disregard the opinion and kudos from others, but i read Transcend posting and for sure he can hold his own quite well.

actually I don't do to bad, I have my small design company and pretty much i do what ever i think is right, I basically got tyred of swiming agains the current trying to convince my superiors(at Industrial design studios) to let me try new concepts so i just "Cut their heads off" and when on my own, believe me it can get pretty cold with out the virtual protective walls of a big company, many times I see my self slow down from lack of capital and/or way to bussy to pay attencion to what is important, i also do "Freelance work" and somehow it keep me in check with the current reality and the "Oficial" way of doing things , if i was free to just run around on a machine shop I will never produce anything for sale, since I'm more of a pure reseach freak, that keeps improving and yes sometimes complicating simple soluttions trying to make them perform more than one function...

for example I came again into this site, looking into suspension linkages for inspiration for a concept that i'm being working for years to improve in one of my ergonomic solutions, but i end up suck into a "Buying frenssy" do to the technological advances achive in the last few years, now I have "one of each" (man I spend so much money here is not even funny) anyway I'm for sure not new to bicycles, specially mountain bikes, I'm being riding them since 83' in fact in the early 90' i made one of my best projects so far a "bicycle art" gallery, that was also a shop and in a way a comunity center for all the passionate people to hang around..

here are some pictures of the shop, sadlly the place is back into my old country specifically in bogota colombia but now i live 8000 milles away... plus the quality of the pictures is horrible since I just took digital fotos of some old prints,, sorry.

I don't really have your typical fotos of a shop, but many little details that made for a very HOlistic experience.

hand made Concrete counter, with little sprokets and everything acting as "stars"

View from the entrance of the shop, we try to keep it simple and "let the bikes do the Taking"

Bike frame Jig that end up becoming a piece of art after making only 5 frames (I suck at frame building just to impacient and somehow sloppy)

detail of one of the wall mounted rack, thanks to mister jules verne for the inspiration

in my particular opinion, I view bicycles as the ultimate compendium of usefull Art and the goal of the shop was to provide a medium were they can be show at their full splendor, part of the concept were this "Bicycle trees" were we can set four diferent bikes and display them in all their glory,,, yes this days that sistem may not work do to all the awesome frame configurations, but that only will be a challenge and i love challenges, anyway the mounts can be move up and down by hand (no tools) to regulate the size of the forest

at the top you can see my little "office" i even got to make, have and use a "Fireman pole" to get down from it really fast

the shop full of bikes, the crane you see at the fore front, help to bring boxes and bikes to a small second floor "warehouse"

we also have a Full shop, full of campi tools and even a "Warm washing station" for every bike we tune up, so they can be clean to perfection before the tune ups were done (ussually total overhauls with Campi grease and everything)

I really need to scans this fotos. so others can enjoy the work, here are overall view like i have on my portafolio

I can spend hours taking about the reasons why everything was made in a certain way, sadlly i'm a little to brainny, happilly i kind of know how to get stuff done too.

I really hope you guys enjoy the magical Mistery tour...
remenber is all about the uncompromise passion for what you love that make some peoples worlds go around .



The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
well i have some time to explain some of my projects so here you go with the segway first..

many moons ago the day mister Dean release the segway I made this little renderings, i quess i was trying to make fun of it but also marvel at the incredible amount of technology and possibilities for the future of the already rich and famous.

I call this the "Berkeley special" a absolutlly autonomous self contain transport sistem, with rain water pick up at the top and the dispossible unit for the "Biodigestor" intake place under the sedentary drivers seat, notice the "use as you go Road map" and the impecable stainless steel construction, on this squematic is kind of dificult to see, but the biodigestor reactor provide heat for your feet in the form of "hang ten" fussy blue slipers...
hey this way you don't even need to walk to get your slippers...

The DPT series special....
at least were I live i see the people from the Department of Parking and Traffic, performing their "Social dutty" on the little and soffocating Cushmann trykes, so i decide to make them a "Roman horseless charriot" so they can perform their duttyes in style.
oviuslly comes equipe with a Dual sets of wheels to spread the load of the extremlly fit and active metermates, also a middle step is being added so the 12' inch step is cut in half for easy acess, also notice the super wide ''cabboze'' entrance to acomodate all sizes of drivers, other amenityes, self writing ticket machine to deminish carpotunnel sindrom, a really nice roof with the integrated lights, few coffe cup holders among magazine storage and will come custom painted acording to each department regulation

somehow after i saw the segway for the first time, i was really surprise of the level of "arrogancy" of the machine, but even more surprise that they did not go all the way...
so i made my own version ''The portable orgasmatron" in honor to the great director Woody allen, this is a Opni directional vehicle, directlly control by brain waves, the control modul will be implanted in the cerebral cortex at the same time the latest lipossuction, nose job or trepanation is perform to save time and money

this is actually my Favorite...
the "Nike transporation module" oviuslly run on electric energy, so the person don't need to walk on the treatmill to propulse the vehicle on the way to the gym for exercise, that will be crime don't you think...?
comes with all the ameniest to make the short trip to the gym as productive as possible like internet capable touch screen to have direct acess to the stock market and all this other very important things oviuslly a TV will come standard as well frontal and rear view camaras so the user don't need to bend his neck (ovislly the use of mirrors is "So last century") but the DVD adaptor will be a "Extra Option" this model show is the MP-3 compatible version, but the MP-4 will come in a few months from now, just remenber they will be totally incompatible with the current model so sadlly you can not upgrade, after all who knows what color is going to be "the New black" in the future plus the marketing departments studies shows that the target audience will not be "Cut death " on last years model anyway..

other options...Juice maker(show), laptop/running shoes combo bag with maching color logos(also shown), endless dispenser of Towels and headbands..
oh i you can not live with out your "super moccka triple latte" a hidden compartment is available for secure transportation and concealment of you "bad vices" so nobody else becomes aware of your dark secrets

Ps: design Changes are subject to be random at times, depending on the availability of cheap labor forces all over the world, specially on the nike machine..

muddy beast

Turbo Monkey
Nov 26, 2005
oh man you are amazing. Being 15 years old I know a genious when I see one and boy do you know how to make your brain work.

That "Nike machine" is it going in to production? I would be proud to put a ridemonkey sticker on that thing.


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
Not sure, but I saw him at Sea Otter two years ago with that motorcycle of his. I had a frame made by Draco and he really liked it. Had know idea that he was on RM. Really cool **** he has on here.

I agree with Transcend.