We just had a quick discussion about this sort of thing at work. Someone asked about the religious demographic of Seattle. They rattled off some figures and said Christians were like 85% of the overall population. I asked what types of christians they meant, mention Catholic vs Protestant and meant to break it down further. But as soon as I said that, this lady piped up and said "oh they aren't real Christians anyways".
Makes me wonder what type of Christian doesn't consider Catholics and Protestants (which I though was an all inclusive term for a non-catholic christian) fellow believers.
I used to go to church with many people who considered Catholics not to be Christians. We would even send missionaries to Ecuador to "convert" Catholics to Baptist............. Personally I find that offensive to regard someone who is Catholic as not being Christian.
We just had a quick discussion about this sort of thing at work. Someone asked about the religious demographic of Seattle. They rattled off some figures and said Christians were like 85% of the overall population. I asked what types of christians they meant, mention Catholic vs Protestant and meant to break it down further. But as soon as I said that, this lady piped up and said "oh they aren't real Christians anyways".
Makes me wonder what type of Christian doesn't consider Catholics and Protestants (which I though was an all inclusive term for a non-catholic christian) fellow believers.
Well, there's South Seattle Christians...they're the one's with all the guns. Then there's West Seattle Christians, they're the one's with WAY to high a caffine intake. Can't forget about the North Seattle Christians, those are the younger, more active generation that still think they can change the world "for the better"....whatever the f*ck that means to them....And, apparently, there's the Seattle Clueless Christian contingent running around spouting off about things they have don't understand one bit...
You know, you all keep saying how Christians are pushing our beliefs down your throat and all that, but it seems to me that it's all of YOU that keep bringing it up. Never have I seen Andyman start a thread encouraging you all to accept Jesus into your heart. But there is no end to the threads discussing and bashing religion and religious people.
Seems to me that no one is forcing christianity down your throats but yourselves.
Outside of the this forum I get hit up by people knocking on my door,
-neighbors telling me I'm going to hell,
-coworkers doing the same
- getting protheletized on group rides
-people forcing what can be taught in schools (evolution, sex ed, etc)
-Not to mention people trying to sway government policies, some church groups are getting millions to teach abstinence while teachers have to purchase school supplies with their own money.
First the idea that one can hold a set of beliefs and act contrary to those beliefs and yet still remain identfied with said beliefs is a very Western/Greek dualisitic way of thinking.......something the authors of the Scriptures would not have affirmed. From the Christian stand point a life of faith should be "whole" not compartmentalized into what I intellectually assent to and how I live as separate compartments.
The Scriptures even indicate that if one's faith does not prompt action in line with that faith then that faith is "dead".
Wouldn't we characterize someone who intellectually affirms Jesus as Messiah and Lord but does not live a life that is in line with Jesus' teachings a hypocrite?
I mean lets say I'm pro womens rights, but yet I regularly put women down, sexually harass them, publically espouse that they are second class citizens.............am I really pro womens rights if I live this way?
And all the people that you would call "not true Christians" would probably say the same thing about you. Since the Bible is open to interpretation, everything you are talking about is subjective. Therefore, all you have to go on is beliefs, and if one believes in Jesus Christ, then that person is a Christian, regardless of actions. By your definition, I guess there are no Christians in prison? How about in strip clubs or casinos? In fact, I'd be willing to bet that your definition, if strictly enforced, would rule out everyone but you and maybe a couple other people, like maybe your family. Are you willing to say that you and your select group are the only true Christians?
I think I've drank enough scotch in my lifetime to be considered a True Scotsman.
Of course, by the same token, I've been in churches and an assumed member of the congregations...even though no one has ever seen me before...So in order to keep the flow of income coming in...(I'm a musician that gets hired to play church gigs at all the popular times) I let them believe whatever they want. I've found that you CAN fool everyone all the time. And in that respect, I don't think there will ever be an exact definition for who-is-true-whatever.
And, apparently, God-fearing Christian men don't question a 6'7" 260 guy with piercings very deeply about what faith he is when they've never seen him before at thier church....kinda wierd...
Actually I am fairly generous in who I consider a Christian, relative to a typical Southern Baptist............for example I consider Catholics Christians, where as many fundamentalist Southern Baptists would not consider them Christians.
Old Man G Funk said:
Are you willing to say that you and your select group are the only true Christians?
Nah that's Aussie's
the Sepo's left of their own accord... the Aussies you threw out.
*edit* And why the hell did you have to pick Austraila for them..... couldn't you have picked somewhere a bit further away from us! They lower the tone of the whole (regional) neighbourhood. :mumble: :nonono:
*edit* And why the hell did you have to pick Austraila for them..... couldn't you have picked somewhere a bit further away from us! They lower the tone of the whole (regional) neighbourhood. :mumble: :nonono:
They might still be pro-women's rights, but I get the gist. I think in this example, however, if you try to apply actions to the definition, you will meet head on with the person's belief. An idea like "Love thy neighbor" will have completely different meanings to two different people. One person could say that they are loving their neighbor by killing a rapist before he can attack again, while another might say they are loving their neighbor by sparing the rapist. Is one of them not a "true Christian" because of his/her actions?
Actually I am fairly generous in who I consider a Christian, relative to a typical Southern Baptist............for example I consider Catholics Christians, where as many fundamentalist Southern Baptists would not consider them Christians.
Nah that's Aussie's
the Sepo's left of their own accord... the Aussies you threw out.
*edit* And why the hell did you have to pick Austraila for them..... couldn't you have picked somewhere a bit further away from us! They lower the tone of the whole (regional) neighbourhood. :mumble: :nonono:
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