
Nonlethal "Lasers"


In heaven there is no beer
Jun 18, 2004
that's why we drink it here
Not really sure where to post this, but it definitely has a few political implications.


If all goes as planned...their muscles paralyzed by an electrical charge created by the beam, even as their heart and lungs function normally.
"Later on, as certain agencies or law enforcement gets involved in this, and they see the need for lethality, I'm sure that can be developed later," Schlesinger said. "It could induce cardiac arrest, for example. But that is not our patent, and not our intent."
Scary thought....long range assassinations which look like heart attacks.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
w00dy said:
Scary thought....long range assassinations which look like heart attacks.
I'd prefer that to us going in with troops or using bombs.

Think about it, Clinton refused to fire a missle at (possibly) Osama Bin Laden b/c there was some prince or other politically sensitive person in the area... but what if in the 90's we had this technology?!?! Dude croaks from a heart attack... no proof of US involvment, no recruiting material for Al Qaeda.

Removing the Taliban and Sadam (and family) would be done like a video game... with the possibility of NO troops dying!!!

I say we get these guys more money!!!

I thought this was funny:
"Although it seems like it would be more desirable to disable rather than to kill them, the problem is there are all sorts of treaties in place that limit how you can disable noncombatants," said Loren Thompson of the Lexington Institute, a defense think tank. "It's kind of perverse, but sometimes the backlog of old laws can get in the way of being humane."


Oct 17, 2002
They tried this already but a bunch of college kids thwarted their plans and turned one guy's house into a giant popcorn machine.


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Think of all the heart attacks that will be blamed on Government assassinations!

It would be chaotic :D Conspiracy theories abound.....great granddad dies at 104 and it is somehow the governments fault....time to pay up.

imagine aiming the laser and hiting the wrong guy...:think: When people rush in to help the person being Lase'd :) will they get it too if they jump in front of the beam?

What ever happen to a good old water cannon? :D


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
At the same Air Force Research Laboratory in New Mexico, researchers working with Raytheon Co. have developed a weapon called the Active Denial System, which repels adversaries by heating the water molecules in their skin with microwave energy. The pain is so great that people flee immediately.

"It just feels like your skin is on fire," said Rich Garcia, a spokesman for the laboratory who, as a test subject, has felt the Active Denial System's heat. "When you get out of the path of the beam, or shut off the beam, everything goes back to normal. There's no residual pain."

A Humvee-mounted Active Denial weapon is expected to be given to all services by the end of this year for evaluation, with a decision about deployment expected by the end of 2005.

I need one of these like nobody's business. I'd mount it to my front bumper for use as an overtaking lane cattle prod.


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
RhinofromWA said:
Yep, no conspiracy theory possible there.....;)
More deniable than a crater with dead people laying around it... :evil:

llkoolkeg said:
I need one of these like nobody's business. I'd mount it to my front bumper for use as an overtaking lane cattle prod.
:stupid: Me too!!! Me too!!!


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Tenchiro said:
I had the hugest crush on the chick in that movie. :heart:
WTF are you geeks talking about? :D :p

Only thing I can think of is some movie I saw many moons ago from like the early eighties that had something to do with a high power lazer and they used a puch of mirrors to bounce it aroud campus to light the way to their party where they built a swimming pool in some huge auditorium and had sand and everything for a beach party......

Some guy that girls had crushes over and some dude that was to feminine for his own good......

WTF movie are you guys talking about?


Oct 17, 2002
Tenchiro said:
I had the hugest crush on the chick in that movie. :heart:
You're talking about...

me too :evil:

"I never sleep, I don't know why. I had a roommate, and I drove her nuts, I mean really nuts, they had to take her away in an ambulance and everything, but she's ok now, but she had to transfer to an easier school, but I don't know if that had anything to be my fault, but listen, if you ever need to talk, or help studying just let me know, cause I'm just a couple doors down from you guys and I never sleep ok?"