
Noob from NY needs 1st bike help.


Jul 4, 2008
Rochester, NY
Alright so I had posted in the freeride forum...and I just didnt see this section so my apologies for that.

Anyways Im from Rochester, NY. I originally had the idea to get a mountain bike to get back in shape since I am looking to get into FMX...but decided if I get a bike might as well have some fun on it!

When I was younger me and my friends did free ride although we didnt even kno it was that we just screwed around on our mountain bikes. endoes wheelies bunny-hops small drops and jumps...nothing amazing but it was fun.

I guess my riding style is kinda freestyle motocross meets freeride? Im lookin to do some drops (nothing ground breaking Ide like to be able to hit maybe 10ft'ers) but mainly ride around and catch some gnarly air and hit some tricks (tailwhips, nac-nacs, seat grabbers, etc) but maybe try some 360's and back flips...I completely respect and admire the technical

Im not rich and would like to stick around the ball park of 5-600 dollars...which from what I've seen limits me to a hardtail.

I've been looking at the Diamond Back Response series...They seem to have a pretty diesel frame and have disk brakes all around? and are within my price range.

At Dicks (not a pro shop but have some decent prices) I also saw Ironhorse Mavericks which fell into my price range, but seem kinda weak? I know the other bikes by IH are great but Im not so sure about this lower end model?

I've considered building my own bike from the frame up...but Ide also like to get something I can ride immediatly.


Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
For that price range, I'm sure you can get a better bang for your buck if you buy a used bike. Check RM classifieds. I'm sure you'll find one to your liking.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
One problem with the disc brakes on $500 bikes is that they typically poor quality and do not stop well. I rather have V-brakes which will do an adequate job and be easier to maintain.

On the other hand, if you plan on upgrading the bike in the near future, the hubs from most cheap v-brakes bikes will not be disc compatible, so you will need to replace the entire wheel in order to mount rotors. The wheels on disc brake bikes are rotor ready, obviously.


Yoshinoya Destroyer
Jan 20, 2007
Hills of Paradise
here's a couple from your neck of the woods. Decent bikes with potential for upgrades. Don't know what size you ride though, so at the very least this should give you an idea of what's out there. Good luck.



btw... from the riding style you described, you'd break that maverick 4.5 in about a month or two... mavericks are definatley an entry level bike. The frame should hold up to abuse, but the components on it will probably die a horrible death if you push it too hard.
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Jul 4, 2008
Rochester, NY
Hmm if I do buy new does anyone have any suggestions on what to take a gander at?

$5-600ish is more of a ball park I guess. I just want to get the most bang for my buck somthing solid that I wont have to build from the frame up at the get go.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
I would highly recommend checking out Trailblazers Bike & Sport. Victor (T-Blazer on this forum) is a great guy and carries Kona, Cannondale & Yeti bikes (among others I am sure). They are new and a little higher in price than your current rance ($5-600) but you will get excellent service and a nice reliable bike. There's a link to his site in my signature, but definitely give him a call or better yet, drop into the shop (it's in Victor, NY) and try a couple of different bikes out.


Jul 4, 2008
Rochester, NY
Thats prob 1 of 2 shops I havent managed to stop by yet. My brother inlaw said it was a good shop tho with great service when he has been there...really odd to that I forgot to stop in there since its all of 10-15 minutes from my house haha.

Edit: And yes I will be climbing as well. I will prob end up riding the bike all over the place looking for random drops and things I can catch air off of.
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