Is it a NORBA rule that experts and above are required to hold an annual license? In our area our local series has been cut to 3 races, and 2 of them conflict with other races that are closer and more challenging (ones i already plan on attending). In the local series updates they say that the annual pass is required for experts and above. I wonder if that was their rule, or NORBA's. I'd rather just pay the 5 dollar a day fee if im only making one of these races. At this time i cant commit to the Nat in idaho. In the past it hits me at a busy time, and its very costly. But even then 2 races out of a 60 dollar license is not very friendly.
To date the competing Oregon races are no longer NORBA, but if they go NORBA this year, then I'll have no problem getting the annual.
To date the competing Oregon races are no longer NORBA, but if they go NORBA this year, then I'll have no problem getting the annual.