
Norba nats camping


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
SebringMGB said:
im gonna be camping this one, where are the sites? how close to the race, prices, how do I book etc....
I wasn't successfull in the past....sh!tty tim etrying to find a campsite that wasn't 20miles away and but they are normally on the lake.

There is supposed to be tent camping in the dirt parkinglot first come first serve....but I wouldn't hold my breath that anything there will be open. I wish the fair grounds at the base of the hill were open for camping.


Feb 6, 2004
i hope this inst gonna be a big pain in the ass..... im goin up thursday night, and i cant afford to stay in a hotal for even 1 night. i dont car where i put the tent up, just so long as its not on the side of the freeway, and its not TOO far from the race. im asuming if you pick a site, that as soon as you get in the car and go, itll be gone?