Root 66 Norcross Scurry MTB Race on August 28th in Ashford, CT
Please support our race!!!! This is an awesome venue for the whole family. Food and drink available for purchase, indoor pavilions, real bathrooms, bike wash, well marked, awesome spectator viewing, and tons of course marshals.
NORCROSS SCURRY MTB RACE promoted by the Ashford Boy Scout Camp and supported by Nerac Earth Cycling
Location: JN Webster Scout Reservation in Ashford, CT
To Register:
Course: The course is a 5.5 mile loop with a fair amount of climbing, twisting single track and challenging rock wall crossings.
Classes: USA Cycling Cat 3, Cat 2, Single Speed Open(race with Cat 2), Cat 1, Cat 1 Single Speed, Pro/Cat 1 Open, First Timers and Kids (under 12 RACE FREE)
Entry Fee: $30 for all USA Cycling licensed racers, $35 for non-licensed racers.
8:00 Registration Opens for Cat 3/First Timer Racers Course Inspection Opens
9:00 AM Cat 3 Race/First Timers to follow Cat 3, Registration Opens for Pro/Cat 1 Racers and Cat 2
11:30 PM Pro/Cat 1 Open Race Cat 1/Cat 1 Singlespeed
2:00 PM Cat 2/ Singlespeed open Race
Awards: Medals and Merchandise -CASH FOR PRO FIELD Awards to be presented 15 minutes after official protest period ends
Directions: From Willimantic/Rte 6 Take Rte 195N approx. 2.5 miles to Rte 89. Turn Right onto Rte 89 approx. 8 miles to Rte 44. Turn Righ on Rte 44 approx. 1 mile camp entrance is on left. From I-395 Take I-385N to exit 93(rte 101). Travel west on Rte 101 approx. 5 miles to Rte 44. Straight onto Rte 44 aprrox. 11 miles to camp entrance on right, just after Ashford Dair Bar. From Rte I-84/Hartford Take I-84E to exit 69 (Rte 74). Take Rte 74E to Rte 44. Turn left on Rte 44 approx. 2 miles camp entrance on the left.
Please support our race!!!! This is an awesome venue for the whole family. Food and drink available for purchase, indoor pavilions, real bathrooms, bike wash, well marked, awesome spectator viewing, and tons of course marshals.
NORCROSS SCURRY MTB RACE promoted by the Ashford Boy Scout Camp and supported by Nerac Earth Cycling
Location: JN Webster Scout Reservation in Ashford, CT
To Register:
Course: The course is a 5.5 mile loop with a fair amount of climbing, twisting single track and challenging rock wall crossings.
Classes: USA Cycling Cat 3, Cat 2, Single Speed Open(race with Cat 2), Cat 1, Cat 1 Single Speed, Pro/Cat 1 Open, First Timers and Kids (under 12 RACE FREE)
Entry Fee: $30 for all USA Cycling licensed racers, $35 for non-licensed racers.
8:00 Registration Opens for Cat 3/First Timer Racers Course Inspection Opens
9:00 AM Cat 3 Race/First Timers to follow Cat 3, Registration Opens for Pro/Cat 1 Racers and Cat 2
11:30 PM Pro/Cat 1 Open Race Cat 1/Cat 1 Singlespeed
2:00 PM Cat 2/ Singlespeed open Race
Awards: Medals and Merchandise -CASH FOR PRO FIELD Awards to be presented 15 minutes after official protest period ends
Directions: From Willimantic/Rte 6 Take Rte 195N approx. 2.5 miles to Rte 89. Turn Right onto Rte 89 approx. 8 miles to Rte 44. Turn Righ on Rte 44 approx. 1 mile camp entrance is on left. From I-395 Take I-385N to exit 93(rte 101). Travel west on Rte 101 approx. 5 miles to Rte 44. Straight onto Rte 44 aprrox. 11 miles to camp entrance on right, just after Ashford Dair Bar. From Rte I-84/Hartford Take I-84E to exit 69 (Rte 74). Take Rte 74E to Rte 44. Turn left on Rte 44 approx. 2 miles camp entrance on the left.