
North Korea warns U.S. of 'catastrophe'


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Is the North Korean government really that stupid to even think about attacking us with Nuclear weapons? They have to know that they would be annihilated. If not by nukes then conventional means.

North Korea Says Only U.S. Can Settle Nuclear Row
Tue Dec 24, 3:23 AM ET

SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea (news - web sites) said Tuesday it is only the United States that can solve the dispute of its nuclear weapons, warning Washington that internationalizing the issue would bring "uncontrollable catastrophe."

"There is no need for the third party to meddle in the nuclear issue on the peninsula. The issue should be settled between the DPRK (North Korea) and the U.S., the parties responsible for it," said the North's ruling-party newspaper, the Rodong Sinmun.

"If the U.S. persistently tries to internationalize the pending issue between the DPRK and the U.S. in a bid to flee from its responsibility, it will push the situation to an uncontrollable catastrophe," it said.

Earlier, South Korean President Kim Dae-jung (news - web sites) sharply criticized Pyongyang for turning a deaf ear while the "entire world is opposed to North Korea having nuclear weapons."

North Korea, denounced by President Bush (news - web sites) as a member of an "axis of evil" with Iraq and Iran, has set alarm bells ringing by removing U.N. monitoring equipment at a nuclear reactor capable of yielding weapons-grade plutonium.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Me-Hello God?


Me-Okay I guess your there, uhh, well it looks like the morons won. I'll be up to meet you soon. I'm sorry I did bad things, but Jesus gets me off eh?


Me-I'm sorry I pretty much did everthing except kill another human.


Me-Well thanks for the forgivness and all the apple pie, mountain bikes, Kim, the girls, and meatloaf.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
the problem with N. Korea is that they could survive a nuclear attack much better than we could. i spent 6 months in a "mach war" with them while i was over seas. they have hundreds and hundreds of miles of UGF's (Under Ground Fortresses) that they can survive in for over a year (over 1 million military). that was the point of our "mach war", to try and infiltrate their UGF's; because it can only be done through conventional ground warfare, not airstrikes. so they could bomb us and we'd retaliate but they'd still have more people survive......if there's anything left to survive on.


Jul 21, 2002
gee... as if NK wants or needs to use a nuke. this new situation means that they've brought themselves to the board, yet i don't think that they'll use a nuke. they wanna join the nuke club, but because they have communist roots, their motives are not congruent to the US of A's way of thinking.

even if they use nukes against the US, they don't have the gusto or talent to rule the world. leave that to CHINA....


Dec 10, 2002
N. Korea can't reach the U.S.; because of lack of a delivery system (a decent ICBM)

the fear is they could easily shell Seoul which is only 35 miles from the 38th parallel.

They probably do have 1-2 nukes and thus couldn't be invaded or neutralized w/o GRAVE consequences.

Our biggest problem isn't that N. Korea is a bunch of belligrent, crazy freaks. That's been true since the late 1940's; our problem is the idiot in the White House; who dodged Vietnam by getting a political appointment to the Texas Air National Guard through his Daddy, then went AWOL w/o being reported; and nowadays, has no idea what war really is; and stands a good chance of just being an idiot with the crazy N. Koreans, who just might incinerate S. Korea and themselves. Possibly no good way out, and especially hard for our Moron in Chief; with the insane Rumsfeld at DOD; we could lose 50-200 million global people any old time.


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by Wasatch_Walt
N. Korea can't reach the U.S.; because of lack of a delivery system (a decent ICBM)

the fear is they could easily shell Seoul which is only 35 miles from the 38th parallel.

They probably do have 1-2 nukes and thus couldn't be invaded or neutralized w/o GRAVE consequences.

Our biggest problem isn't that N. Korea is a bunch of belligrent, crazy freaks. That's been true since the late 1940's; our problem is the idiot in the White House; who dodged Vietnam by getting a political appointment to the Texas Air National Guard through his Daddy, then went AWOL w/o being reported; and nowadays, has no idea what war really is; and stands a good chance of just being an idiot with the crazy N. Koreans, who just might incinerate S. Korea and themselves. Possibly no good way out, and especially hard for our Moron in Chief; with the insane Rumsfeld at DOD; we could lose 50-200 million global people any old time.
I tend to believe that Bush and Rumsfeld are both intelligent folks.
I don't believe they have the general population’s best interests in mind when making decisions, though.

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by manimal
they have hundreds and hundreds of miles of UGF's (Under Ground Fortresses) that they can survive in for over a year
A year?? What is the half-life of nuclear radiation? So you survive for one year underground, then come out. You then begin to slowly die of radiation poisoning. Personally, I'd rather go in the initial blast than to slowly melt away.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
Originally posted by manimal
the problem with N. Korea is that they could survive a nuclear attack much better than we could. i spent 6 months in a "mach war" with them while i was over seas. they have hundreds and hundreds of miles of UGF's (Under Ground Fortresses) that they can survive in for over a year (over 1 million military). that was the point of our "mach war", to try and infiltrate their UGF's; because it can only be done through conventional ground warfare, not airstrikes. so they could bomb us and we'd retaliate but they'd still have more people survive......if there's anything left to survive on.
They would have to come out sometime... It isn't like we couldn't lay siege and wait.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by Sideways
I tend to believe that Bush and Rumsfeld are both intelligent folks.
I don't believe they have the general population’s best interests in mind when making decisions, though.

That's funny!


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by Tenchiro
They would have to come out sometime... It isn't like we couldn't lay siege and wait.
Right on,

North Korea has a decent army, probably the third biggest in the world, but they are extremely lacking in the Navy Area, that is, compared to the US and Britain.

They have no real subs, and none capable of a nuclear launch, unlike the US. They have no chance to do anything really bad against the US, its our South Korean allies who we are worried about.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Originally posted by Tenchiro
They would have to come out sometime... It isn't like we couldn't lay siege and wait.
this is true, however, the point i was making is that in an all out nuculear exchange, they would have better chances of survival than the average american joe.

the good thing is that S. Korea has ROK Marines....I had the opportunity to train with those guys and they earned my respect! they are truly hardcore!


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by manimal
this is true, however, the point i was making is that in an all out nuculear exchange, they would have better chances of survival than the average american joe.

the good thing is that S. Korea has ROK Marines....I had the opportunity to train with those guys and they earned my respect! they are truly hardcore!

Those ROK Marines are awesome.

Hey, ever heard of UFL?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Originally posted by BurlySurly

Those ROK Marines are awesome.

Hey, ever heard of UFL?
i've never seen a group of guys run 5 miles at such a fast pace, my unit would've had guys dropping out like flies if we had to run with them.

UFL? not sure .......Ultimate Fighting League???? i'm guessing, can you tell?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by manimal
i've never seen a group of guys run 5 miles at such a fast pace, my unit would've had guys dropping out like flies if we had to run with them.

UFL? not sure .......Ultimate Fighting League???? i'm guessing, can you tell?
It's a big exercise where US and SK commands get together for a week in Seoul to fight a mock war. I might be going there this summer to cover the event for MC Times and our local paper. Im a combat correspondent in Hawaii BTW.

Anyway...i figured that was why you might have gone there, for UFL. Did you just deploy from Oki, for some training or what?


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Originally posted by BurlySurly
It's a big exercise where US and SK commands get together for a week in Seoul to fight a mock war. I might be going there this summer to cover the event for MC Times and our local paper. Im a combat correspondent in Hawaii BTW.

Anyway...i figured that was why you might have gone there, for UFL. Did you just deploy from Oki, for some training or what?
sweet, some guy in my platoon in boot camp got the last CC job that i had wanted! have you had any stories posted in the MC times or on usmc.mil? i've probably read them.

i was lucky enough to get to train with them (ROK) when i was in Oki. the grunt 1st Sgt came over to some of us air winger's and asked our CO if he could take a few of us on a training DET to Korea. i volunteered and had a blast! intel in a helo squadron isn't that exciting so i jumped on the chance to train with the grunts for a couple of weeks. i honestly can't remember the name of the exercise though....we had so many stupid fake war names that i can't even begin to think of them all.

Semper Scrotus
(Always on the ball)



Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Dude, I've had tons of Articles in Leatherneck, MC Times and Im all over USMC.mil.

Just look for Cpl. Jason E. Miller

Or, type that into google and you can see alot of articles ive done.


Jun 4, 2002
bellingham WA
That's cool you're getting stories published.... do you have to qualify somehow with writing experience or what?

This whole N. Korea thing... I heard Bush backed out of an agreement from '92 or '94 to supply oil to N. Korea to prevent the need to start up their nuclear power plant.... not sure why he backed out though, I haven't done any research. Anyone know?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by patconnole
That's cool you're getting stories published.... do you have to qualify somehow with writing experience or what?
Yeah....but its not that hard. You just have to take a few english tests before you enlist to see if you qualify to get into the school or not. Believe it or not, the military journalism school, in Ft. Meade Md, is pretty hard to get through for alot of people. Once your done with all that though, you just get assigned to a base newspaper pretty much, and its up to you from there where you want to progress.
What is cool about my job is that i get to be in the military, and see all the neat training and equipment, but never have to suffer like alot of the guys. I just go out, find my information, snap some photos and take off.
The job has taken me around the world and allowed me to participate in alot of things i never would have seen. I've been from Mardi Gras to Thailand to Tonga and now Hawaii, even Vegas. Definitely a learning experience, although the main thing ive learned is that i dont want to be a full time journalist. Ive only got a few months left though.
If anyone's interested, ive got some neat photos and stories i could Pm or post up here.


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Burly post some links to 'em. I'm too lazy to search. Cool beans, How much control over your content do you have. I wish I would have know what you do sooner. I am in program in school that deals a lot with propeganda and managed communication. I'm really intersted what it's like writing for the military.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Originally posted by BurlySurly
Dude, I've had tons of Articles in Leatherneck, MC Times and Im all over USMC.mil.

Just look for Cpl. Jason E. Miller

Or, type that into google and you can see alot of articles ive done.

that name sounds familiar, did you ever do the navy/mc times tv show?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by ummbikes
Burly post some links to 'em. I'm too lazy to search. Cool beans, How much control over your content do you have. I wish I would have know what you do sooner. I am in program in school that deals a lot with propeganda and managed communication. I'm really intersted what it's like writing for the military.
I pretty much write about whatever i want, although i do get assigned stories too. As im sure you know, i couldnt just go and write an article about something bad that the president, government, or military has done. Propaganda news writing makes up about half of my job.
I mean, if we accidently spill 5,000 gallons of fuel into the ocean, i have to try to find away to make that sound good. Or like, if there's some kind of program on our base that sucks, I pretty much have to glorify its strong points and make it sound appealing. Thats what gets challenging.
Other than that stuff though, I pretty much write alot of feature articles. Ive even done some about Mt. Biking here in Hawaii, and a ton of other things. Its pretty fun sometimes.


Sep 24, 2002
Tacoma, Wa
UFL = Ultra Focused Lense. Theatre wide simulation conducted
at Camp Casey. I was the NKPA SOF cell a few years back.
Pretty boring untill the war breaks out.


Jun 4, 2002
bellingham WA
Originally posted by Bikecrasher
UFL = Ultra Focused Lense. Theatre wide simulation conducted
at Camp Casey. I was the NKPA SOF cell a few years back.
Pretty boring untill the war breaks out.

Camp Casey? Camp Casey of Whidbey Island??!!! Did you guys train with kites and frisbees?:D :D ;)


Dec 10, 2002
that typo in the title of "
Thai Recon recieves training from U.S. Marine Recon" is TOO FUNNY

Military Intelligence is an Oxymoron


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Originally posted by Wasatch_Walt
that typo in the title of "
Thai Recon recieves training from U.S. Marine Recon" is TOO FUNNY

Military Intelligence is an Oxymoron
Two things,

Since Im not an editor, I dont come up with headlines, so its not my typo. Secondly, as if its even worth explaining to someone who's obviously got no clue about the situation, you may notice this website was from a two week exercise in Thailand. That means that we were uploading stories from laptops at internet cafes after typing them in the jungle. The editors and web people were working in an abandoned hangar. Proofreaders are far and few between in U'tapao.
I could look the new york times right now and find at least 5 mistakes on every page. Guaranteed.
To make such a bold comment about military inteligence from such a minute detail as the "i before e" rule is pretty retarded in my opinion. Maybe you found what i wrote as "too funny" and thats fine, because I could really give a rats ass what you think. You're not part of my readership and your "im so smart" attitude leaves me wondering why, if that were the case, you'd use such a lame catchline as "military intelligence is an oxymoron."

Odds are you're an idiot, but you'll try some lame and uninsightful attempt at a witty response that will only leave me scoffing at your ignorence once more.

Thank you.

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
Originally posted by Wasatch_Walt

Our biggest problem isn't that N. Korea is a bunch of belligrent, crazy freaks. That's been true since the late 1940's; our problem is the idiot in the White House; who dodged Vietnam by getting a political appointment to the Texas Air National Guard through his Daddy, then went AWOL w/o being reported; and nowadays, has no idea what war really is; and stands a good chance of just being an idiot with the crazy N. Koreans, who just might incinerate S. Korea and themselves. Possibly no good way out, and especially hard for our Moron in Chief; with the insane Rumsfeld at DOD; we could lose 50-200 million global people any old time.
It doesn't help that he labeled them as a part of the Axis of Evile despite great signs that they were making steps at a true peace accord with South Korea. Sydney Olympic games...both North and South came out under one flag. North releaseing family members seperated since the Korean war. Etc. They were doing well without us and Bush goes in to stir **** up.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by Wasatch_Walt
that typo in the title of "
Thai Recon recieves training from U.S. Marine Recon" is TOO FUNNY

Military Intelligence is an Oxymoron

In your reply I noticed the following:
Your sentence structure was incomplete.
You failed to correctly punctuate your sentences.
Your use of capital letters was incorrect.

Boy, you really showed him smart guy.

If you are going to be pedantic you might consider having a leg to stand on.


In dog years I'm dead
Aug 23, 2001
Salinas, CA
How ironic that North Korea, a country with legitimate mass destruction/nuclear weaponry comes along right at the moment that Bush/Rumsfeld et al. are trying to justify the case of invading Iraq based on their harboring weapons of mass destruction (a case not at all clearly made). What a sham this exposes the Iraq adventure to be. The North Koreans are telling us they got em and we use every proxie ally we can muster to steer them to sanity (obviously the right choice). Why are we not doing the same with Iraq? The one move I'd like to see this Bush team make? Shake Ariel Sharon by the throat and tell him to back the fuq off the Palestinians. See what happens to our cache in the Arab world after that move. The pan-arab world would be a different place for us Americans I have no doubt.