
North Korean missile launch on 4th of July


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
In order to antagonize the US further, NK has just launched 2 missiles. The US has been waiting for a Taepodong 3 stage missile test (ICBM). This is NOT that, it was simply 2 smaller missiles (so far).

Kim Jong Il must just LOVE to piss off the US by doing these "tests" on the 4th of July. "Rook at me mr bush. I stirr here!"

Comments on how mental this guy is are appreciated - bonus points for being "so ronery".

edit: The Taepodong is on it's launch pad and the fuel trucks have pulled back according to spy satts. The shuttle can remain fueled for 3 days before it needs to refuel due to the gasses venting..any idea on how long a smaller icbm could sit on a pad, fueled?

edit2: Taepodong has been launched. It is potentially capable of reaching us soil, but so far reports are that it broke up midair. Japan expected about to make a presidential address shortly, and UN is calling an emergency Sec. Council meeting tonight.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Sky rockets in flight...afternoon delight!


Sure not going to be a rest-of-life delight for those North Korean rocket scientists...Kim Jong-il might be a little ornery after this test...


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
They have fired 6 missiles now. Apparently first 2, then tp2, then a no dong (hurrrr) and then some scuds. he is just lobbing firecrackers into the damn ocen anow lik ehe is playing battleship with the us subs.

A3 - phoooosh - miss
k17 - phooosh - miss
c9 - phoooosh - missle falls apart

KJ goes mental and just starts hitting every red button he can.


Apr 27, 2005
Auckland New Zealand
"Rook at me mr bush. I stirr here!"

LOL :rofl:

I just loved kim in World Police....his finest moment. who would have thought he had the voice of an angel? im still waiting for his duet with celine dion....


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
He wants something, probably food or some sort of other aid. His country has zero infistructure, his people are starving and dieing because he has spend all his money in the military, now all he can try and threaten us with his army in order to get some food and medicane and stuff like that.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
narlus said:
like he gives a sh!t about his people.
He cares about his people so much that he's going to pick a fight with a major nuclear power. :rolleyes:

I wonder if he'll let those same people share his bomb shelter if he starts a war?


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
binary visions said:
He cares about his people so much that he's going to pick a fight with a major nuclear power. :rolleyes:

I wonder if he'll let those same people share his bomb shelter if he starts a war?
i heard his country described as a prison more than a country.
with an astounding starvation rate.

while the whole world is laughing their @$$es off at the little fool.
he actually does pose a threat to our servicemen along the north/south d.m.z.
and south korea is afraid of the collapse of his government.
which would lead to a massive influx of refugees.

the only real problem from all of this, is that as of now china has yet to denounce his temper tantrum.
for a nation that is making big leaps into the global(our)economy. they'd be wise to separate themselves from this chump.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Transcend said:
...but so far reports are that it broke up midair...
Interesting. Any word on US involvement in it "breaking up?" I know we had Aegis cruisers armed with missile defense systems (the ones that have actually worked consistantly) on alert, presumably in the Sea of Japan. Korea was told we would shoot down any test flights.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
BikeGeek said:
Interesting. Any word on US involvement in it "breaking up?" I know we had Aegis cruisers armed with missile defense systems (the ones that have actually worked consistantly) on alert, presumably in the Sea of Japan. Korea was told we would shoot down any test flights.
We had nothing to do with it. They just pumped it too many times.



Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
BikeGeek said:
Interesting. Any word on US involvement in it "breaking up?" I know we had Aegis cruisers armed with missile defense systems (the ones that have actually worked consistantly) on alert, presumably in the Sea of Japan. Korea was told we would shoot down any test flights.
I think the U.S. was stayin away from using our missle defence system, it is not 100% reliable and we would not want to look bad by missing.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
stevew said:
From these...

Holy crap, I have that EXACT rocket hanging in my bathroom. 3 stage model rockets are fun ****!

Also, from what I understand, the US was prepared to shoot down Mr Kim's Dong2, but they didn't need to as it was a piece of crap that fell apart on its own.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
For the record. The US has a little over 2.5 million servicemen and women, NK has about 5.5 million. OF course, the us training and equipment is a massive force multiplier, especially when you consider the fact that the NK forces are conscripted and don't want to be there.

NK has 2 major cities. You are selected to be allowed to live in it...most of the population is not, and is forced to live outside the cities in rural areas. Only officials etc are allowed to live in the cities. I highly doubt this is a ploy for food, as China supplies much of what they need, when Jong Il allows it to come in. He routinely bans food shipments from entering the country.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
Transcend said:
Hirarious is now the word of the day. Feer free to sprinkre it around the rounge.

You guys are completely missing the point of this whole debacle!

Yes - l's are r's, but r's are also l's. Got it? Jeez.

Transcend: Edited said:
Hiralious is now the word of the day. Feer flee to splinkre it alound the rounge.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
i also hear the north korea is a major counterfitter of our $50 and $100 bills.
they launder them in macao and then use the proceeds to feed the slush fund that bribes and keeps happy the chosen ones who get to live in the two aforementioned cities.

seems we found out about the banks in macao, siezed the fake cash and p.o.'ed the n.koreans to the point that they split from the six country talks.
and then they demanded the $$$ back before they would return to the bargaining table.

what a bunch of kooks.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
dhbuilder said:
i also hear the north korea is a major counterfitter of our $50 and $100 bills.
they launder them in macao and then use the proceeds to feed the slush fund that bribes and keeps happy the chosen ones who get to live in the two aforementioned cities.

seems we found out about the banks in macao, siezed the fake cash and p.o.'ed the n.koreans to the point that they split from the six country talks.
and then they demanded the $$$ back before they would return to the bargaining table.

what a bunch of kooks.
They also supply most of the speed to the Japanese market, as well as having a heavy presence in the organised crime world.